
Glimpse Of The Past

The reality of life is both cruel and agonizing.

The phrase vanity upon vanity all is vanity, are words said after much observation on the cycle of life's operative terms.

Maturity is not a concept governed on age disparity but a sentence based on circumstantial conditions.

I matured when I lost my parents to an accident at the age of seven, three in the car and only one survivor.

Others might have called it a blessing to have survived, but I regarded it as a curse.

Of what point is it to gain the world but lose your soul in the process?...

Of what point is there for a nine year old to lose both his parents at once and being the only survivor?.

To a child, the parents are everything.

Dream aspiration, affection, attention, unconditional love.

Only a parent can give a child the above listed.

Watching said parents take their last breath before my eyes is the same as having the world crashing down on me.

At the moment in life, all things felt pointless and useless.

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