
Chapter 148

Ramiel took an hourglass and flips it around as it indicates that he will be resting for 3 hours to entertain his mother's older brother and his family, and he immediately inquires the reason why are they at the forsaken forest, Ramiel even took the liberty of to gather some wooded chairs they could use to sit on as king Araqiel Semalion share the specific details why might they have ended here after a few minutes certain questions were answered,

Ramiel had a small inclination that the reason they were here was that the transfer gate that he installed at Acane and the energy he was using might be the reason the dimensional transfer energy randomly opened at a location with similar residual frequency because the area they came from was actually the site of this cities transfer gate, and he thinks they just didn't notice it earlier,

and it was possible that the energy from their own gate had somehow triggered the opening of this one. It made sense; after all, the residual frequency in this location was similar to that of their own gate. But why hadn't they noticed it before? Perhaps it was because they had never been looking for it. Regardless, they knew they needed to be careful. The energy he had been using could have unintended consequences, and they didn't want to accidentally trigger another transfer gate and end up somewhere even more dangerous than where they were now.

but three of the sixteen knights were still doubtful of Ramiels proclamation about his background and even rudely ask if he was really Queen Allatou Estrith's son who was rumoured to be sick and unwell, this remark made Ramiel feel uneasy considering their king had already accepted his announcement, but because the hourglass only has a few minutes left he politely gave the king of Corvania a brief explanation about the situation he was in and the reason why he was in the forest,

The king of Corvania listened attentively to Rmiel's explanation, his expression growing increasingly grave as he spoke. It was clear that the man was in a difficult situation, and the king could not help but feel a sense of unease at the thought of what might happen if he tried to intervene. Despite his reservations, because right now he was more interested in the fact that Ramiel has the same spiritual energy length as his sister, even his wife, Quenn Faraine Demiurgos also saw this as she was gifted with the power of energy awareness and manipulation

The Wraith unit leader was observing them when Ramiel politely asked if his team could lend their time in helping the kind of Corvania citizen to enter this place as guess until he sets them free, The Wraith leader Farfold Virtheon ordered his fellow Wraith to show them where they were and assured Ramiel that they would return with the citizen of Corvania safe and well,

Ramiel nodded, relieved that the Wraith leader seemed to be cooperative. He followed the group of wraiths through winding tunnels and dimly lit corridors until they reached a large chamber. The room was filled with strange machinery and glowing crystals, and Ramiel couldn't help but marvel at the technology on display. Suddenly, one of the wraiths stepped forward and pressed a button on a nearby console.

A section of the wall slid open, revealing a small passageway leading toward the area where the frightened-looking citizen of Corvania and six of the king's guard knights were left to their vices. After a few minutes, Ramiel breathed a sigh of relief as he saw that all of them were unharmed. The wraiths quickly escorted all of them back to the waiting lobby hall,

where food and vital necessities were placed by the rest of the wraiths, as Ramiel asked the king of Corvania to rest and give him enough time to fulfil his promise toward the curse he must break, it was a peculiar and otherwordly situation they were in, never in a million years would they ever encounter the same thing in their lifetime,

King Araqiel Semalion Demiurgos weighed the pros and cons in his mind, considering the potential outcomes of both intervening and staying out of Ramiels mission, Ultimately, he decided to trust his gut instinct and just trust his nephew,

He smiled and went out to face his final task, which was to fight the commanding Death Knight, He greeted his enemy, apologized for the unexpected outcome, and requested that the return scroll be applied toward them also, the Commander Death Knight dragged his battle axe in the middle of of the Arena and greeted Ramiel like he was an old friend. He agreed to his request and just asked him to finally end his suffering and free his soul, This was his sixth day, and hearing the details from the king of Corvania

Ramiel was pacing, his battle already in restless motion, The 12-foot-tall Death Knight commander had already agreed there would be no rituals, no salutes, or gestures before they started--battle began when one of them chose to attack, which allowed for the unpredictability of combat. It could begin now, or after five minutes of feints, They didn't need to make a battle of conversation now--not when they were fighting.

The two combatants stood across from each other, tense and ready for the fight to begin. There would be no formalities or polite exchanges before the violence erupted. One of them would make the first move, and then it would be a free-for-all. They circled each other warily, neither willing to make the first move just yet. After a few minutes of feints and false starts, one of them finally lunged forward with a fierce attack. The other was quick to counter, and soon they were locked in a deadly dance of punches and kicks. Sweat poured down Ramiels face,

as they fought with all their might, each determined to emerge victorious. They didn't need words now--their bodies spoke for them as they battled on relentlessly. The fight could end at any moment, but neither was willing to give up until they had given it their all.

The Death Knight commander stepped forward, his battle axe swinging in a mock offence, setting an experimental probe into motion. Ramiel launched straight into the attack. Left, right he would jump and twist in mid-air and use the chain to throw the battle mace like a harpoon with deadly force, and he would jump back, close in for the attack again, and then reverse once more. Simply avoiding the Death Knight commander's parry, he would slip in on his other side for a feint, and as he dodged the attack and responded, the Death Knight commander took his downswing on his angled mace, sending it skidding away. Amidst wild shouting from the onlookers, they both backed off, breathless and scowling grimly at each other.

The Death Knight Commander swiftly rush forward and punished Ramiel for the unnecessary gesture with a ferocious attack on his nearest exposed side. They faced each other with battle fury. They circled each other warily, eyes locked in a deadly stare. Each waited for the other to make the first move, to reveal a weakness that could be exploited. The tension was palpable as they danced around each other,

searching for an opening. Finally, one of them lunged forward with lightning speed, striking out with a fierce blow that was deftly parried by the other. The fight continued in this manner for what seemed like an eternity, neither gaining the upper hand until finally, one of them made a fatal mistake. With a swift move, his opponent seized the opportunity and delivered a crushing blow that sent him crashing to the ground. Ramiel immediately rolled sideways and stood up, lunging toward his enemy

the Death Knight Commander turned his defence sideways and attacked, pounding at his guards. went on the counter-offensive the moment he had an opening, then disengaged and backed off. He was shifting around the target, forwards and backwards and sideways, always in motion, his mace and the attache chain were weaving in a near-random pattern, and his shifting gaze scanned for openings As he continued to weave around his target,

the warrior's movements became more fluid and graceful. His mace and attache chain seemed to move as one, striking out with deadly accuracy whenever an opening presented itself. Despite his aggression, he remained aware of his surroundings, constantly shifting his gaze to assess any potential threats. As the battle wore on, it became clear that the warrior was not simply relying on brute force. His tactics were calculated and precise, with each move designed to maximize his advantage while minimizing risk.

He knew how to read his opponent's movements. He twisted and turned, anticipating the Death Knight Commander's every move. The fast-moving axe was a distraction, but Ramiel saw through it. He knew that it was just a deflection tactic, meant to throw him off balance. In a pitched battle, it would be nearly useless, but in this situation, it was an excellent way to mask intentions and pattern strikes. Ramiel had seen this before, and he knew how to counter it. With lightning-fast reflexes, he dodged the axe and countered with a swift strike of his own. The Death Knight Commander stumbled back, surprised by Ramiel's skill. But Ramiel didn't let up. He pressed his advantage and soon had the Death Knight Commander on the defensive. With each blow, he landed, multiple attacks and even magical strikes that came from unusual angles without uttering a word or gesturing his hand

These attacks were powerful, and all of Araqiel Semalion Demiurgos's men saw this and gained a sense of hope that they could reclaim their homeland.

The Death Knight commander was finally fighting with everything on the line. Powerful energy flowed toward his war axe, and the energy was turning the arena hot. The onlookers, even Neriah Liel Demiurgos, were amazed to witness for the first time what kind of power her cousin has. Their battle lasted long enough, and their final stand was about to begin. Ramiel also wanted to end this, and smiled toward his enemy and released all of his energy, signalling that this attack would be his all,

The ground started to shake again The arena was starting to crack, and more ruined old buildings suddenly crumbled as the force of their power was now colliding like a powerful storm of two opposing forces As the two opposing forces collided, the ground beneath them shook violently. The air crackled with energy as they continued to pour their all into the attack. The spectators watched in awe and fear as the arena began to explode around them. The energy was so strong that the abandoned city was breaking apart as a massive volcano erupted at the very heart of the land, burning and dismantling everything on its path, and the colliding energy was spreading as space and time were distorted

Dust and debris filled the air, making it difficult to see what was happening. It was clear that this battle was unlike any other they had witnessed before. The combatants were evenly matched, each determined to come out on top. But as time passed, it became apparent that one of them was beginning to falter. Their movements slowed, and their attacks grew weaker. Finally, with a final burst of energy, the force was so strong that it obliterated half of the arena and carved fear into those who witnessed this. With all their available power, all sixteen knights, including the king and queen of Corvania, had to exhaust all their mana to cast a five-layer barrier. Nobody could survive this powerful attack from two powerful warriors sadly Creatures that were unlucky crossed the path of the blast's output burn and consumed everything in a 2-kilometre radius instantly burning anything into ash,

A ten-foot-deep crater remained where half of the arena once stood, even the waiting lobby where they were staying was leaning sideways without the protective barrier, and the outer wall should have collapsed over their heads until they all saw that there was another stronger barrier cast to protect them. Even after they all ran out of mana, the barrier remained, and as Ramiel remained at the centre of the crater, the souls that were cursed finally broke free as they reverted. back to their real form as they all thank Ramiel, including the Ten Wraiths. Ramiel, gave their tearful thanks as they could finally move on. As the commander's spirit stood in front of Ramiel and gave him his reward,

"You are truly similar to our master, and I am happy to finally be able to see him in you."

"The restriction cast on this area is now nullified."

"You can now fully use all of your abilities and powers."

"Goodbye and thank you!"

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