
Rest (1)

Hours had passed as they forged their path through the dense forest, the convoy wrestling with minor skirmishes against the Thaids.

The burden of their journey etched itself into their bones, a constant reminder of the trials they had endured and those yet to come.

At the forefront of their ranks stood Erik, the figurehead of their motley crew. His gaze roved over his guild members, each faces a canvas painted with the weary lines of exhaustion.

His eyes held an understanding of their shared hardship, a silent acknowledgment of the toll their journey had taken on them.

The sky had darkened, and even the advanced lighting systems and AI navigation on their vehicles couldn't fully compensate for the challenges of nighttime travel in such unpredictable terrain. Erik opened a communication channel with Kael, who was managing the minor things for the convoy.

"Kael, we need to find a place to set up camp. What's the situation ahead?" Erik inquired.

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