
Going out

After Erik finished his lessons, he quickly met with the others at the cafeteria. Aaron was in a bad mood but was starting to get back to his usual self, as he could do nothing but accept his father's death. The group decided to cheer Aaron up by planning a fun activity for the weekend. They hoped it would help him take his mind off things and bring some positivity back into his life.

"Hey, Aaron, do you want to play something at my house?" Anderson asked. "I have some new video games I wanted to show you..."

"Yeah," said Aaron, looking up from his coffee. He hadn't eaten much since his dad had died, and maybe playing some video games could really help him think about something else. All that training was good for destressing himself after all the things he'd been through lately, but the physical stress wasn't helping him cope with everything emotionally.

"That's a great idea!" Amber said. She knew Aaron needed help now, and this was a good activity.

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