
The Plant Hugger's power (2)

"Sure..." Erik said. Immediately he started channeling mana through his body. He felt it coursing through his neural links and slowly spread inside his body.

Soon after, a heat wave flooded over him; the area around them became humid once Erik released his mana into the atmosphere.

Immediately, the surroundings were affected by his power. The flowers started blooming and growing in size; many branches started coming out of them, multiplying their number several folds.

The branches started blooming soon after birthing flowers of many colors and shapes. The petals' hues became much more vivid and as if they were saturated with life.

Soon after, the scent of flowers started filling the air around Erik and Amber. A few insects also appeared to enjoy this sudden change, for they began buzzing around while flitting about from one flower to another.

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