
It was Me

“What else?” the prince asked.

What else?

“This is going to sound so strange, and I'm not sure how I'm supposed to tell you this. At first, it didn't feel like something abnormal. It just felt like a random dream but then that one dream started to become a series of dreams until I dreamt of him every single night. Sometimes I feel like I can sense him every time that I close my eyes,” I continued confessing to the prince.

Suddenly, the Prince looked extremely interested in what I was telling him. There were still so many details that I remember so vividly from those dreams. However, I couldn't bring myself to tell him in words.

“When you said that it felt like he was your lover. What do you mean by that?” the prince continued asking for more details.

I wonder just how much he wanted to know and for what purpose. I honestly couldn't see the use of telling him the details of my dreams.

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