
Chapter 100

"What do you mean you lost her?!" Georgia's voice echoed across Mayport, making Milwaukee look up briefly from her work. She quickly tuned the submarine out. The 4th fleet flagship had a bit of a temper sometimes, and a tendency to overreact. A shadow fell over Milwaukee, making her look up again. A silver trimaran stood in front of her, a piece of paper in her wires. "I need these." She said. Milwaukee took it, noting the prescriptions and Arleigh's signature. "Come with me." She ordered. The trimaran followed dutifully. Despite being a civilian, she clearly understood how to function with a military. They halted next to a locked door. "Wait here." Milwaukee ordered and using her keys, she opened it and went inside. It was a few minutes before she returned. In the meantime, Georgia was still swearing at someone over the phone.

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