
A Taste of Power and Love

It is going to be a four-hour ride back to Madam Odette's. Once Mary's mansion is out of sight Madam Odette lets out a deep breath relaxing her body. "Red, I don't even know where to start with you." I had a feeling that I was going to be in some type of trouble after tonight. I decided to take the initiative by grabbing a bundle of $5,000 from my bag and extending it to her. "Then allow me to start. Here is what you lent me to play Madam Odette. It was fun and I thank you."

"No, I know you intentionally lost that last hand. I saw your cards while they were cleaning up. What I don't get is the rest of the game. You can't lie, I've seen you try, but the entire time I couldn't tell what you were doing until the split moment before you made your decision. What was it that you were doing?"

"I don't think I understand entirely but I was thinking."


"Yes. I was doing math. Looking at the odds, the chance, the cards, risk evaluation, and money management. Then slowly building the winnings at a pace that would get the most money to the pot without scaring others off the hand. It was all numbers."

"Red." She leaned towards me in her seat, "I expect great things from you after what I saw you do tonight." Her paw pushed the money back to me, "All of that is yours, you worked hard for it. I have to give you credit. You made more tonight than what I make in a week."

I smile to take the compliment when I feel her warm breath on my ear, "I like it a lot."

I jerk my head to look at Madam Odette. She has that seductive smile on her face that I've seen a few times. It's weirdly intoxicating but never seems to end well for me. She slowly slinks her way over to me climbing onto my lap and straddling my hips. She begins rubbing the suit vest with her paws before she puts her face close to mine. I can smell her perfume mixing with the alcohol on her breath. It hit me right there, she's drunk. She doesn't know what she's doing. "M-Madam Odette!"

"Mm, call me Odette for now."

"Madam Odette, you mm!"

Before I can finish my sentence she forces her lips onto mine. With some fighting, she forces her tongue into my mouth. I try to fight back but the feeling is numbing my body's ability. I start to close my eyes to let this happen. Something sharp inside me snaps me back. I push slightly knocking Madam Odette off enough to where she starts to fall. She grabs me to hold on and I instinctively reach to catch her, falling to the floor with her.

I go to move but my knee is trapped. Madam Odette is holding onto it with the inside of her thighs. I end up falling forward only inches from her face. She closes her eyes and slowly lifts her face closer to mine. I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and with a small grunt throw myself to my right slamming my head against the inside of the vehicle.

I wake up laying under the overhang of the tool shed. The sun is beaming in my face. It appears to have been up for a while now. I lean my head back only to jerk forward in pain. There's a very large sore spot. I roll my head to the other side to avoid it. Thinking back, last night slowly comes to me. The game, the money, and the ride home with Madam Odette. I realize that I am leaning on the bag that carried my winnings. It strikes me that what happened was not a dream.

This revelation rushes me to a solid awake state for just a moment before my body begins to feel as though I didn't sleep at all. I try to muscle my legs to move. I quickly conclude that standing is not an option at this time. Forced to stay put I listen to the sounds around me. I hear people working. I hear the sounds from the nearby forest. All of this is serene until I hear my name, "Red!" It's an unusually deep voice to hear. Opening my eyes there's a very large, very angry-looking honey badger standing in front of me. "Madam Odette is requesting your presence."

With all my willpower I manage to pull myself up. The first thing I notice is that I'm in my normal clothes. I remember the nice clothes from yesterday. Where did they go? Whipping my head around to look for them was a bad idea. The spinning, oh, the spinning got to me. My legs gave out to where I landed on all fours. Before I could recover I feel it. I cough twice before I take a deep breath and my stomach throws up everything it has into the ground. I still feel miserable but somewhat better. I settle down enough to follow him inside.

He leads me up a flight of stairs from the back door to the garden. We proceed down a hallway to a double door. His fist slams on the door three times. There's a pause before an answer from the other side, "Who is it?"

"The Fox, Red for Madam Odette."

"Send him in."

The badger steps aside motioning me to open the door. The handle is light with no resistance to it. The door opens to reveal a massive bedroom. There's a bed so large that it can't be classified with a typical size. The room itself looks bare with the empty space. There's a huddled collection of furniture on a corner by another double door but everywhere else is just bare walls with maybe a painting scattered in places. Walking in this room, every footstep echoes, including the bare feet of Madam Odette. She has a royal purple robe on today. As she walks she sways her hips side to side. It's hypnotizing, and entrancing. I'm trying not to stare but I can't.

"Red, I wanted to thank you for last night." Thank me for what? I don't remember much of last night. "You were a real gentleman about it and I'm glad we got to talk about it."

"Um, Madam Odette?"

"It's been a long time since I've been able to talk to someone like that so I'm very grateful. You did make some good points but still, it's one of those things where I try but I can't help myself."

"I don't know how to say this…"

She turns away from me but keeps talking, "I just wanted you to know that…"

I finally blurt out, "I don't remember it!"

I have my head down, my eyes clenched, and I hope that she doesn't kill me. I open one eye to see her looking over her shoulder at me. I look up trying to avoid eye contact but can't. She looks like I just kicked her kit. "You… Don't remember?"

"I remember up to the point where I threw myself against the car. I have a bump on my head from it. Everything beyond that is nothing. I blacked out from the hit." She began to tear up, "Madam Odette, I'm sorry. I'm glad that it meant that much to you but… I tried to be polite and stop myself from doing something that we would regret. You were drinking and I can't take advantage of a lady like that."

She's stopped. She no longer looks like she's about to cry. She turns to face me with what I guess is a relieved smile, "You may not remember last night but you still act as you do. You told me the same thing and expressed your concern for me. You made sure I sobered up before I went to bed. You brought me water, you took care of me, and I never once asked you to do anything. Too bad you don't remember the more personal part of the conversation. But I guess, for now, that will do." I sign in relief. As I take a quick look around to calm myself I see my suit neatly hanging off to the side of her room. "So that's where that went."

"Yes, I am going to be holding onto it and will bring it to you when you need to wear it. Again, you will only wear it when I instruct you to."

"Yes, Madam Odette."

"Also, you may not remember last night but I do. I promised you that you could use a real bath to clean yourself. I just finish drawing the water, so please, help yourself. After you are done, today is yours."

A hot bath? Yesterday when I was getting my hair done the warm water and the scrub felt wonderful. So a full bath is just a gift beyond that. Madam Odette points to a door on the far side of the room. I go to where she points to get hit by a wall of warm air. Walking in there is a steam cloud throughout the whole room. It looks like the bathroom is almost as big as the bedroom. There's a tile wall about 2 feet high that has steps leading up to it. There are only two but as I look I can see that there's a slight dip on the other side that slopes to deeper water. This is almost the size of a pool! Before I can jump in though I know I need to clean off. I find a basket by the door and quickly strip. There are shower heads on the wall that I use to scrub the dirt off before I walk over and slowly sink into the hot water.

I slowly drop in to enjoy the sensation as much as I can. Slowly, slowly, until the water hits my neck. Even then I stick my nose under the water to cover my muzzle. "I can die happy now." I enjoy the echoing quiet. I hear water steadily dripping in a rhythmic pattern. I begin to doze off quickly. My body feels like it is about to reach enlightenment. I lock my neck and let my muscles relax slowly drifting off into my mind.

The silence is broken by the pattern of footsteps. I kind of wake up but at the same time, my eyes won't let me open them. The sound stops, it's quiet again, but now I hear a rustling. My curiosity intrigues me enough to open my eyes. In the fog I see someone standing across the way. "Hey Red." The voice is soft, very sensitive, and very alluring. "One thing about last night." It must be Madam Odette. I focus further and can see the outline of the robe. "There is something important that you did forget."

I begin to wake up. It hits me that Madam Odette is in the bath with me. Not in the water but still. She turns and sways her hips. I can see her getting closer into view. As she walks I see that she rolls her hips slightly until the robe falls to the floor. She walks up to the side of the tub with her knees together and sits on the side. She leans in close to me, whispering in my ear, "You earned it."

I go to speak but she grabs my chin moving my face to hers. Without any hesitation, her tongue forced its way into my mouth. She pulls back with a loud smack of our lips. I just lay there trying to process what happened. "You may have also let slip that you enjoyed the feeling of my lips against yours."

"May have?"

"Well, as I let my robe slip to get that out of you."

Of course, she played dirty. I smile and shake my head till I remember where I am and what's happening now. I launch myself backward dunking myself in the water as I do so. Madam Odette shoots me a wryly smile before standing up. She dips her foot in the water before stepping in herself. She sways her hips as she wades to me. "Oh but Red, yesterday you earned a treat. You beat me which doesn't happen often."

"Madam Odette, I don't understand what's happening!"

"Let me refresh your memory. I like power." She slowly sinks into the water to all fours crawling toward me, "And you showed that you are a very powerful man."

"By playing poker?"

"You owned the table. You worked it to your will. Even the loss to me, you controlled it. You. Were. Powerful." She began crawling over me like she did last night, "And as I said, I like that."

She leans in to kiss me again, this time her wet paw touches my stomach under the water. I'm not sure if I should fight or not. My mind starts to drift off in the fog. She releases me from her lip's grasp. "I have to tell you Red, I'm a little disappointed that I won't be your first."

"How do you… ?"

"You told me, but you don't remember. That's ok because even though I don't get your first, you do get mine."

She straddles my hips grinding herself against me, "My first kiss…" She lifts her hips off of me, "My first romance…" With her hand she steadies me straight up, "And this." With one slow push, she swallows me inside of her. The water sloshes against the sides as her hips go into the water. She almost falls into my face, "Red, you feel good." She grits her teeth wiggling her waist in a small circle, "Make me feel better."

With no hesitation, my right-hand slides down the side of her body to her hip. With a tight grip, I grab her ass pushing her down as I push up. She releases a yelp as I do so. With my left hand, I grab her head lifting her to face me. My mind has surrendered to this moment. The only thing in the world is Madam Odette and me in this specific moment. Before she can I press my lips against hers forcing my tongue into her mouth for once. With a glance I see her eyes roll back before she moans into my mouth.

It didn't take long for her to begin convulsing. She pulled her head back going quiet but I could feel her body shake. She tightened around me bringing me to climax with her. As I did she leaned back, "I can feel it!" As I finally calm down she leans back into me. I reach to her again which she puts her head into. I ruffle around her ear petting her as she breathes heavily.

I use what strength I have left to hold us both up. She dazes in and out for a while I keep my eyes and hands on her. After a while, she leans into me kissing me again, "Cherish this. There were a lot of people who would have killed for this moment." I do though. I enjoy the moment of her bare body against mine. We enjoy it until my muscles give out and I can no longer hold myself up. She has her weight on one of her hands so I can give out falling backward submerging myself in the water.

I feel her move but I lay against the bottom of the tub relaxing. I can hear her moving around slightly from the motions. She speaks, "Red?" I release a few air bubbles out and let her know I'm alive. I just feel really good. I just want to relax like this for a moment more before I need air. I lift my head above the water and Madam Odette is sitting sideways leaning on one arm. She smiles at me, but it's different. It's very sincere, "Well Red, the rest of the day is yours. Relax and enjoy it because tomorrow you have to get back to your training."

She goes to get out of the tub but something in me moves me to grab her. I have my right arm across her stomach with my hand on her hip and my left arm across her chest with my hand on her upper arm. She stops unable to move. I whisper to her, "Can the rest of the day be ours?" I hear a light laugh from her, "Yes, Red. For today, I'll be yours."

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