
Chapter 118: Shield vs Arrow

So I have been thinking about a suit for Percy and I read all your suggestions, so here's my first idea for Percy's suit. Please tell me if you like it or not because it's still an idea.

So this was my first idea for the suit;

It's a Captain America style( Winter Soldier, not the Avengers) skin tight suit with black as base color. A set of black Armor boots and dark leather fingerless gloves.

A sword sheath on his back (like deadpool) since he has no pockets for Riptide and also Shield of winter on his back. (Like Captain America).

Maybe a black cape with a hoodie (still not sure about it) but no mask. (because he's not from this universe there's no point in protecting his identity. Or maybe just a domino mask.

So that's my first idea for a suit, tell me if it "suits" Percy...HAHAAHAHAAH


(Percy POV)

"Orion?" I wondered, "The Giant?"

Hazel paled, "Oh, no. A giant? Alcyoneus?"

"He's not that tall." Katie argued, though she had summoned a sword made out of birch wood with wicked thorns.

"Wait, he's a giant?" Zoë asked, "A giant giant?"

"Giant Giant," I confirmed, "We need a god to kill him."

A howl came from behind the tent and heard a hunter screaming.

"Where's Artemis?" Katie asked, which was followed by Hazel asking. "Who is Artemis?"

'I'll do you one better,' Lyssa suddenly said, 'Why is Artemis?'

I shook my head and tried to focus on the situation, "Artemis. She can help us kill him. You can only kill a giant with a demigod and a god working together."

"Artemis is at Olympus," Zoë said gritting her teeth, "Council meeting and war preparations."

I quickly ran over all the possible gods I could help, Apollo, Aphrodite and Athena were all in the same council meeting. (also they all had a name starting with an A)Same for Demeter. Hestia had to be present at the council otherwise they would start a fight.

I was not sure if I could ask Hel for help since she was a Norse Goddess.

'Lyssa?' I asked, 'Could-'

'Nope,' Lyssa chuckled, 'I'm gonna stay here and watch you figure it out.'

I silently cursed the goddess of madness and took out Riptide and handed it to Hazel.

"Wow," Hazel said, "That's a sword."

"Indeed," I said and turned to Katie. "Katie, you help Hazel and make sure she doesn't die...again."

"I don't know how to-" Hazel tried to protest but I interrupted her. "Just try, that's the best way to learn it. Katie will help."

Zoë tapped on my shoulder and I turned around, "What are you doing?" She asked, sounding tired.

I smiled, "I have a plan."

"You know how to kill him?" Zoë asked hopefully.

"I can't kill him but I can fight him and make him run away." I said.

"How?" Katie asked.

I pointed at the forest, "Zoë, tell your hunters to go into the forest. Orion won't have a clear shot on you."

"But Lycaon, the camp." Zoë protested.

"There's no point in defending the camp." I snapped, "Go in the forest and try to take down Lycaon. That way we cut of Orion's support. If you manage to make Lycaon flee the other wolves will follow."

"You're going to fight Orion on your own?" Katie asked concerned, I simply grimaced.

"Yes, you help Hazel."

Katie nodded and took Hazel's hand, "Follow me," Katie said, "In the forest we'll be saver."

I turned back to Zoë and saw a hawk had landed on her arm.

She gave it a few commands and the hawk flew away to the other hunters. Zoë turned to me, "Good luck." she said.

Zoë turned around and charged towards a group of hunters trying to fight of a pack of wolves.

I stepped away from the tent and yelled, "Hey Legolas!"

Orion turned around to face me, he aimed his bow at me. "Die demigod."

He released the string and an arrow, probably aimed at my head, shot towards me.

I let out a scream and a soundwave erupted from my throat and crashed into Orion. The arrow fell useless to the ground while Orion was pushed at least 15 feet away. I gave him no time to recover, I charged at him, without a weapon and lunged at his throat. Midair I activated my battle-avatar and the holographic figure of Chaos surrounded me, which made me even bigger than Orion.

I tried to punch him in the face with my holographic fist but Orion was fast and had already rolled to my side and stabbed me in the leg with the blade attached to the end of his bow.

I immediately deactivated my combat avatar (to make myself a smaller target) and turned tried to kick Orion with my good leg.

My feet connected with his chest, (which was a miracle) and he stumbled backwards, the blade was pulled out of my leg and I fell to the ground while trying to ignore the pain.

I saw that the flesh in my leg was already starting to repair itself, which for the record, didn't meant it didn't hurt as Hel. (See what I did there?)

Orion saw it too and he gasped, "What are you?"

"Percy Jackson, dork" I grimaced and spread my finger, reaching out towards my loyal weapon.

A wolf suddenly appeared out of nowhere and charged at me, his mouth open and ready to tear away my flesh.

He never got the chance though. The shield of winter had pulled itself free from the ground and flew straight towards my hand, sadly for the wolf his head was in the way. The shield decapitated the wolf along the way as it flew into my hand. I flinched as I saw the lifeless (and headless) body of the wolf fell to the ground. I flinched and turned back to Orion, "That never happened."

I saw the other wolves around me eyeing me suspiciously, though they kept their distance.

A silver arrow pinned itself into Orion's back and he let out a scream of pain, he turned around and glanced at the forest. A rain of arrows fell down on Orion, though they didn't seem to inflict damage.

Orion turned towards the remaining wolves, "Go get them!" he roared and gestured at the hunters who were hiding in in the trees and provoking him.

I saw that there were still fights going on in the forest but the hunters were slowly gaining advantage over the wolves. Lycaon was engaged in a battle with Katie who continuously kept sending vines his way. But Lycaon's wolf strength caused him to break free within a second.

Orion took my moment of distraction and decided to act, he lunged at me and slashed his bow at me.

Out of pure luck my shield blocked the attack but Orion's strength still caused me to be thrown across the camp.

I crashed into a large silver tent and for a second I couldn't see a thing, but I knew Orion would quickly follow.

I reached out towards the closest plant I could find, a grassblade, and used it to teleport myself away.

A second later I appeared sitting on a tree branch next to Zoë.

Zoë yelped when I suddenly appeared and I almost fell out of the tree.

"How's it going?" I asked Zoë, underneath us Orion was slashing his bow wildly through the silk of the tent, probably still thinking I was inside. Stupid archer.

"Lycaon fled and his pack followed all the remaining wolves are from the hunt or dead." she said with a satisfied smile on her face.

"How many hunters are there available?" I asked.

"9," Zoë grimaced, "the others are injured. We lost three hunters."

"Sorry," I said but Zoë shook her head. "Focus on Orion."

I nodded, "Okay, I'll face Orion. Then make your hunters surround him."

Before Zoë could answer I jumped out of the tree and summoned Frostsilver.

"Hey Katniss Everdeen!" I yelled at Orion, he turned around and directly shot an arrow at me, I blocked it with the shield of winter.

'Hey,' I thought, 'Why is there a rope attached to the arrow? It's almost like a GrapplingHo-'

Orion pulled the string and I flew towards.

When I got close enough I tried to twist my body to get a clear shot but he was faster and punched me straight into my face.

I dropped to the ground and groaned in pain, he pulled the arrow free and brought it down on my face.

I raised my hands and summoned a blast of fire which would've molten away his face if it wasn't for the fact he wore a mask.

But his clothes were flammable, he yelled as his cloak caught fire. He stepped away from me and tried to extinguish the fire.

I got to my feet and poured water from the air and made it swirl around me, after ten seconds Orion was done with extinguishing the flames he turned to me. But I wasn't alone anymore.

The hunters had come from the woods and surrounded him, their bows drawn and aimed at Orion.

They advanced on the manticore with determined expressions.

I saw Hazel and Katie standing a few yards away, Hazel looked pretty good. She only had a minor cut on her arm.

Orion raised his hands, as if to surrender and groaned.

One of the girls stepped forward, she beefy and big and I recognized her immediately. Phoebe.

"Orion!" She growled with an arrow aimed at his head, "Back from the dead."

Orion chuckled, "long time no see, Phoebe."

I frowned, then the dots connected and I realized Phoebe must have been in the hunt when the Orion accident happened.

"How?" Zoë asked sternly, "How did you came back?"

Orion chuckled, "I fell from the heaven."

I raised an eyebrow but before I could say something Chaos suddenly took control and yelled, "Get back!"

A few hunters immediately followed my command but not all of them.

Another second later lightning struck Orion and a bright explosion followed.

Chaos shielded my eyes and I felt her leaving my body back to me.

After two seconds Orion was nowhere to be seen, he had vanished.

Somewhere I hoped it was Zeus who had struck him but I knew this was not the case, I cursed and turned towards the hunters who starred horrified at the blast radius.

I sighed and summoned a piece of Ambrosia, I guess I had a lot of healing to do tonight.


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