

  Targu Province - Kerrigan's POV

  Kerrigan stormed her way through the temple complex. “What the hell does that blasphemer want with Celia anyway? If she doesn’t choose him, he will never be able to do anything more than wear the medallion.”

  A deep growling male voice retorted ‘He is a coward who seeks power. He falsely thinks possession grants the wielder power and might. He does not understand the true meaning of the power Celia grants to those she has blessed.”

  “And what of you, are you of a mind to agree with him when it comes to removing whoever is in possession of the pendant and returning it to the temple?” Kerrigan demanded.

  A long pause greeted her thoughts, ‘I am of a mind to retrieve Celia and return her to the temple to find a worthy Deinmaar Kendov to guard her. Zadok is not a true Dovari, but his ambition may be used in this instance.”

  “What if Celia has chosen?”

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