
Chapter 99 : Reality is Hard

**Ellis POV

Once Olivia was sound asleep, I left the bedroom and went to my office. Despite wanting to take my time to relax with her and sleep with her in my arms, I had business to take care of.

Just as I turned my computer on and sat down, there was a soft knock on my office door.

I looked up.

Nancy was standing in the doorway, a shy smile on her face.

“Hey, you,” she said, walking in with a subtle sway in her hips.

“Nancy, are you settling in?” I asked, nodding to a nearby chair and inviting her to sit.

She blushed as she sat down. It was that sweet adorableness that had once drawn me to her.

“It has been a long time since we’ve been able to sit and talk openly,” she remarked.

“When you’re up for it, I’d be curious to hear what happened to you and what you’ve been doing the past several years,” I admitted.

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