
Chapter 54 : Not the News I Wanted

**Olivia POV

I hurried down the Peterson driveway and away from the mansion. How could I forget about any of that? Temper or no, he had admitted to only pursuing me because I reminded him of someone else.

I shook my head as I stalked down the street and turned the corner. I needed space. I needed to clear my head. Listening to his words made me feel sick, physically sick.

I rubbed my stomach as I walked, breathing in deeply to calm the rising nausea. How could I have been so stupid? This whole time, I thought he really cared about me. If it hadn’t been for Carl, I might have gone on believing the lie.

If that wasn’t ironic, I didn’t know what was.

My stomach lurched and I pitched forward, falling to my hands and knees on the pavement. My whole body trembled as my stomach heaved and I lost my breakfast on the sidewalk.

Tears stung my eyes and I coughed. My throat burned. I crawled forward away from the mess until my arms and legs gave out. I felt clammy all over.

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