
The Peak

You grabbed the thug's arm and swung him around before he slammed into the wall. You threw a batarang at the next thug as you slid past another. You wrapped your arms around his waist and bent backwards to preform a German Suplex. You stood back up and heard another man running toward you. You just stood there as he was shot with an arrow.

Y/N: Thanks Arrowette!

Mia jumped out of her place and pouted.

Mia: You didn't even leave any for me! Stop giving me scraps!

You laughed as you ruffled her hair under her hood.

Y/N: Not gonna happen.

The door swung open and more thugs swarmed in. You turned to the younger girl.

Y/N: Well, there you go.

Mia: Finally! Stay out of the way of my arrows.

You smirked.

Y/N: Then you better keep up.

You rushed to the first man while Mia shot an arrow. You grabbed the man and snapped his leg before you delivered a powerful elbow to another man's face. Mia shot an electric arrow at one of the men and then pulled out an arrow with a boxing glove for a tip. You bent backwards to avoid it as it hit another man.

You grabbed one of their wrists and spun around before throwing him at the group.

Thug: They're just some kids!

You immediately placed a hand over his mouth. You used it to lift him up before you slammed him down on a crate which broke upon impact.

Y/N: Unsupervised, violent kids.

You stood up turned around just in time to see Mia knock out the last man. You both smiled and high fived each other before the police sirens echoed through the building.

Mia: And there goes our fun.

You grabbed her and shot out a grapple line. You both emerged on the roof of the warehouse in the night. You both smirked as you activated your boots and picked her up. You blasted off as the cops stormed the warehouse full of drugs and unconscious thugs.

Mia: That tip really worked out for us.

Y/N: Barbara sent it to us. Pretty good night it I say so myself.

You both finally reached the building where you set her down.

Y/N: You're lucky you're light enough for me to do that.

Mia: I guess I am.

You just rolled your eyes as you bkth entered the living room. You activated your watch and your clothes changed to your normal street wear while Mia pulled off her hood and folded her bow.

Jason: About time you two came back. You almost missed trivia.

You and Mia looked over to the table where everyone was sitting looking either bored or uninterested. Garfield and Megan looked like the only ones who were actually excited.

Y/N: Pass. I'm going to go train. I want to try out some new moves I came up with.

Mia: And I, ah....valid reason?

Zatanna: Did you just say "valid reason"?

Mia: Yes.

Artemis: Get over her twerp.

Mia sighed and shuffled over to the table.

Tim: You sure you don't want to join?

Y/N: Yeah. Besides, I would get my ass kicked in this.

Stephanie: You're pretty smart in a lot of things.

Y/N: Yeah, but I'd rather not get rusty. Later.

You waved as you walked over to the elevator. You headed down to the training room as you switched to your workout clothes. A pair of black gym shorts and a F/C tank top. You entered the traing room and found that someone was already here. Cassandra was beating up the punching bag as you started to wrap your hands.

Right. You haven't really talked since what happened. You just stood there for a bit and watched her. The way she moved was so smooth. So calculated. She must have been going at it for a while now as evidence of the sweat on her body. She finally noticed you and stopped to look at you. The only sound in the training room was just the punching bag swinging.

Y/N: Hey killer.

Cassandra: Hello.

The two of you stood there for a moment. You knew that she wasn't a person of many words. Having a normal conversation was hard enough for her. You looked over to the mat and got an idea.

Y/N: Spar with me?

Cassandra looked at the mat before nodding. You both headed over to the mat where you both bowed to each other. You both took up fighting stances before you took a deep breath. You attacked first. You threw a punch which she blocked before she returned the attack. You dodged the blow and delivered one to her side. Cassie recovered quickly before she kicked your leg.

You jumped back to get some distance. You had an advantage against her. You were taller and had more length than she did. She was faster though. You tried to kick but she ducked under it. She immediately grabbed you ankle and punched your thigh which caused you to wince. You flipped back before punching her shoulder.

You fell right into her trap though. She grabbed your wrist and turned her body before she tossed you over her shoulder. You slammed down on the mat before she threw a punch which stopped right before she could hit your face. Cassandra smirked at her victory but you threw up your legs and trapped her waist, which you used to throw her to the mat. You both laid there side by side before you both started to laugh.

Y/N: Sorry. That was cheap.

Cassandra: That was good. Nice trick.

You both looked at each and sure enough, that awkward tension was gone. You moved your hand to touch hers which she held.

Y/N: I'm sorry for what happened the other day. I overstepped my boundaries.

Cassandra shook her head.

Cassandra: I let it happen. It is my fault as well.

You smiled as you gently squeezed her hand.

Y/N: Are we good now?

Cassandra nodded.

Cassandra: We are good.

The two of you just laid there for a bit and stared at the ceiling. Sometime after, you found yourself looking at the girl beside you. The way the sweat fell from her forehead, the way she breathed, the way she just smiled.

Y/N: Hey.

Cassandra turned her head to look at you.

Y/N: Thank you.

Cassandra: For what?

Y/N: For being the first one to accept me for who I've become. For looking at me as me and not the old Y/N.

Cassandra smiled.

Cassandra: Thank you to. You see me as a human. Not a weapon. You were the first one to see me as a close friend. You were the first one who actually got close to me.

Y/N: Of course. From one weirdo to another, you're pretty cool.

Cassandra laughed.

Cassandra: You are pretty cool as well.

You both laid there before you smiles slowly faded. You ended up finding yourself looking at her lips again. When you finally looked back to her eyes, you saw that she was looking at you lips as well. You moved yourself to get closer before your heads rested against each other.

Cassandra: Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah?

Cassandra: Can I do something?

You nodded. And with that, Cassandra leaned in closer and your lips brushed once again. This time, everyone was upstairs. No one was here to interrupt you. And this time, you kissed her.

You have no idea how long the two of you stayed like that but, when you separated, you were both glowing. You slowly opened your eyes and the two of you looked at each other. She wasn't going to make a move again, it was up to you. So you did.

You sat up a bit to better connect with her as you kissed her again. Her arms snaked around your neck as you held yourself up with one arm on the mat while the other rested on her cheek. As it got more heated, you found yourself hovering over her before your switched to resting on your forearm.

You could feel that feeling in your stomach again. You were slightly surpised when she suddenly nibbled on your lip. You smirked as you obeyed to her demands. Her hands started to explore your torso before she reached the bottom of your shirt. You parted long enough for her to pulled it off of you. You lowered back down and picked up where you left off.

You found your free hand exploring her body as well. It made it right back to her torso which was just as warmed as you remembered. And once again, she inhaled sharply as you reached her sports bra. You decided to get a bit risky and your hand moved up a bit further.

You heard her moan slightly as your hand reached her right breast. You wanted to be gentle with her. You knew she was strong and that it took a lot to hurt her but right now, you were touching her like she was the most fragile thing in the world. You rubbed your thumb against the fabric which caused some more adorable noises to come from such a beautiful woman.

Y/N: Can I....

Cassandra: Yes.

Your eyes trailed down to the grey bra before you slowly slid your thumb under the band. Slowly, ever so slowly, you lifted it up. It didn't take long before you were greeted with the view of her perfect breasts. The sport bras she wore didn't do her justice. You slowly lowered yourself down to kiss her mound gently.

Judging on her reactions, Cassandra was enjoying this as much as you were. You returned your attention to her breast as you kissed, bit, and sucked on the skin. It wasn't long before you made three dark marks on her skin. Your thumb began to toy with her nipple as you returned to her lips. Her hands rested on your chest before she began to pull at the drawstrings on your shorts. You pulled back a bit and looked at her.

Y/N: We, we should think about this. Before we do something we regret.

Cassandra shook her head.

Cassandra: We can think later. Right now, I want to be with you.

Y/N: This will change things.

Cassandra: Then let things change. We do not need a relationship. This can just be us.

You looked at her for a moment.

Y/N: I don't want to use you as a one night stand.

Cassandra: It won't be one. Just to relive the tension.

Y/N: Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you.

Cassandra smiled as she placed a hand on your cheek.

Cassandra: You can never hurt me. Let me be selfish. Please.

You hesitated before you nodded. You lowered yourself back down and kissed her again. If this is what she wants, then so be it. Like she said, you can think later.

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