
The Life of Y/N Pt. 2

You sat on the bench on the roof as the cool night air allowed you to relax a bit. Your mind was still racing from what happened in the training room. Man, you were a mess. A walking, talking mess. When was the last time you beat up a bad guy?

Debra: Y/N?

You looked up and found Debra stepping outside. You nodded and returned to your thoughts.

Debra: Did you want to be alone? I can go if you...

Y/N: It's a free space. It's why me and Terry put this thing here.

Debra looked at you for a moment before she walked over and sat on the other side of the bench. There was a big enough gap between the two of you that you couldn't really feel her. The two of you sat in silence for a moment before you looked over to her.

Y/N: You have something on your mind?

Debra: Hm?

Y/N: You came up here for a reason. Anything you want to talk about?

Debra looked at her lap for a moment.

Debra: About what I told me sister, about not going back, do you think I made the right call?

You raised a brow.

Y/N: Has this been bothering you for a while?

Debra nodded. You could understand why. On one hand, she wanted to do good and she felt like she belonged here. She didn't feel like she had anything to go back to. On the other hand, it was her sister. Her family and it was the world she knew.

Y/N: What do you think?

Debra: I don't know.

The two of you sat in silence for a moment.

Y/N: You know, if you want to go back with Terry when we find that Joker asshole, you can. I'm sure you can join him there. If you want to stay, I won't stop you. In the end this is your choice. I'm not going to tell you what's the right choice or the wrong one. That's for you to decide.

Debra: But what if I make a choice and realize I made the wrong one?

You shrugged.

Y/N: You live with it. You make the best of it. You learn. No matter what you choose, you won't be alone.

Debra looked at you for a moment.

Debra: And if I stay, and I keep being the Red Hood, would you be ok with that?

You nodded.

Y/N: I'm never going to tell you that I don't want you here. You're my friend. I'm going to care for you always.

Debra smiled a bit. You didn't even realize that you both had gotten closer to each other. Your arms were now brushing against each other and you could actually feel her body heat.

Debra: And if I go, and I be the Red Hood of 2050, you would be ok with that to?

You smiled a bit.

Y/N: You're trapping me with these questions, aren't you?

Debra smirked.

Y/N: I would miss you of course. In the end, I just want you to make the choice that would make you happy. It doesn't matter if it's here, or in 30 years.

You slowly turned your head to look at her and you realized how close you both were. You actually never really noticed the freckles she had or the faint scar on her cheek. Her eyes were really blue in the moonlight.

Debra: How much would you miss me?

Y/N: A lot. You're one of my closest friends. My confidant. Of course I would miss you a lot.

Debra: Then, maybe the choice that would make me happy, would be the same one where I won't hurt my friends.

The two of you sat there in silence for a moment while you continued to look at her. She slowly turned her head to look at you and you both stared at each other for a moment.

Y/N: Do whatever makes you happy.

Debra: Whatever?

You didn't respond. She took that as an answer and began to lean in. You didn't move until a sudden gust of wind made both of you shiver. Debra wrapped her arms around herself as she backed away.

Debra: It's chilly tonight.

She laughed awkwardly while you just smiled a bit. You stood up and rubbed the back of your neck.

Y/N: Yeah. I'm gonna head inside. Don't stay out too long or you'll get sick.

Debra nodded and you headed inside.-------You yawned as you tried to stay awake to finish the movie you were watching with Bart and Vigil. Some kind of kung foo movie you half cared about. You were laying on the couch while Bart and Vigil sat on the bean bags they had bought where they were eating snacks.

You soon found your eye lids growing heavy as closed them just to rest a bit.

Helena: What are you bozos still doing up?

The two boys looked to the older girl who had just gotten back from patrol.

Bart: Bruce Lee.

Helena: You guys should go to sleep. It's late.

Vigil looked at the clock and realized it was 1:15 AM.

Vigil: Guess we lost track. Come on Bart. We can finish this tomorrow.

Bart pouted.

Bart: Fine. But we're having a marathon.

The two boys got up and stopped the movie before they looked to your sleeping body.

Helena: I'll take care of him. You guys go ahead.

Bart: Ok.

He sped out of the room while Vigil rolled his eyes. He left the room as well before Helena turned back to you. She watched you for a bit before she sighed and walked around the couch. She slowly lifted you up as you began to stir.

Y/N: Hm?

Helena: Come on chief. Let's get you to bed.

Y/N: Hm.

You were half awake as Helena walked you down the hall to your room. She opened the door and set you on the bed. You immediately pulled the blankets over yourself and fell back asleep.

Helena: So irresponsible. You should take better care of yourself.

She looked at you for a moment before she thought back on when the two of you dated. Unlike some of the others, she was able to see the similarities of the former Y/N and you. If there was one thing that didn't chance, it was how you cared for others before yourself. That was something she admired.

She smiled gently before she leaned down and kissed your cheek.

Helena: Goodnight, dork.

She stood back up and headed out. As she closed the door, you rolled over.

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