
A New Team Pt. 1

You sighed as you laid your head on your desk. School just really liked to drag on, didn't it? Ever since the meeting with the Sirens two days ago, you've had to deal with the military trying to take you and your friends down. Yeah. Life was great.

Tim: You need a boost?

You looked up and saw that Tim was holding out a can of coffee. You smiled and took it.

Y/N: Thanks.

Tim sat on the desk next to yours and started to chat with you. It was a nice day out and you wished you could go out and do something but, alas, you had to go to school.

Intercom: Mr. L/n please report to the office. Mr. L/N please report to the office.

You and Tim looked at each other confused but you just shrugged and got up as you grabbed your bag.

Y/N: Guess I'll be back.

Tim: See ya.

You waved and headed out of the classroom. It was lunch break meaning everyone could roam freely and do whatever they wanted so you weren't walking down an empty hallway. Not surprisingly enough, you never found a bully in the place. You figured it was because of the Bat Brats going here and you were almost certain that one of them would've done something.

You were lucky enough to not be thrown into the "Wayne Kids" group with Tim, Stephanie, Cassandra, Damien, and whoever else had gone here when they were in high-school. You, Debra, and Terry were just the "new kids" who everyone immediately fell in love with. Debra had gotten at least 50 invites to go on dates during the 4 days you've been here. Terry even had his fair share of fans.

It had pretty much become common knowledge that you and Stephanie were dating since you picked her up even before you went to school here. Though, you have heard some hushed voices talking about you and Cassandra. Some even claim to have seen you outside of school with another girl who had dark hair and a commanding attitude.

You finally reached the office and sighed. You couldn't recall doing anything that would warrant a visit with the headmaster. Well, besides the bread roll incident. You weren't really responsible for that one though. You knocked on the door.

Headmaster: Come in.

You did so and saw someone you had never seen before. A rough looking man with a white streak in his red hair.

Headmaster: Hello Mr. L/N. Mr. Todd here has requested for you to leave early today.

Jason: Yep. We need to go visit our grandma. She had some trouble so we need to go see her in the hospital.

Grandma? Mr. Todd? Wait, was this that Jason guy Bruce told you about? The original Red Hood?

Headmaster: I approved of the early release. I do hope everything is all right.

Jason: Me to Mr. Cash. Me to.

Jason headed out the door and you followed.

Y/N: So, our grandma?

Jason: We have a lot of catching up to do but I lied and said that we're brothers. Bruce took me in when I was living on the streets while you went to a nice family. Down the road, we learned about each other and bam! We're close like a real family now.

Y/N: You've been away for a while, What brings you back to Gotham?

Jason: Bruce called me in. The Underage Superhuman crap is a bunch of bullshit. He wanted me to act as your guys' mentor. Kinda like a dorm mom. Just cause the Justice League can't back you guys up, doesn't mean us independent heroes can't. I'm already an outlaw, what's a few more crimes?

Y/N: And why did you need to pull me out of school?

Jason: Like I said, a lot of catching up to do. We're going to get lunch then I'm gonna introduce you to some friends who can help you with your cause.

Y/N: My cause?

Jason: Yep. More independent heroes along with some more young ones. Might as well come up with a team name.-------You latched onto Jason as he sped through traffic. You were at least able to change out of your school uniform and into your street wear before Jason told you to get on his bike. Lunch was, interesting.

Jason: So, you and Stephanie huh? Weird. I always thought you would get with Cassandra if things didn't work out between you and Helena.

Y/N: Why does everyone say that? I see her as a valued friend and teammate.

Jason: Right. Sure you do.

You just rolled your eyes as Jason entered the park. He drove around some more before he parked the bike and the two of you hopped off. He lead the way to a large clearing and you took note that no one else was really around.

Y/N: What is this place? A secret meeting spot?

Jason: Something like that.

He kept walking forward and suddenly, he vanished. You were confused begore you did the same thing. Suddenly, there was a tower in the middle of the space.

Y/N: Uh, what?

Jason: Welcome to the Tower of Fate. A lot of young heroes who had nowhere else to go hid here with the tower's owner.

Y/N: And who would that be?

???: That would be me.

You looked up and saw a figure fly down towards you.

Jason just smiled as he turned back to you.

Jason: Y/N, meet Dr. Fate.

Dr. Fate: It is a pleasure to meet the nomad Batman.

Y/N: Uh, likewise?

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