
Ghost of the Past

You flew over the building of Gotham while you listened to the chatter on the coms. Booster and Tim were arguing about what the best slasher film was while you could hear Steph talking to Cassandra. You imagined Cassandra was nodding or shaking her head. It has been a week since you beat Bruce and the streets of Gotham had calmed down a bit.

There was always some small petty crime to stop and word had finally gotten around that there was yet another Bat floating around Gotham. Batboy had caught on but Booster still called you Batman as well as Jason and Tim. You hated Batboy but you couldn't really do anything about it. You earned the Batman title damnit! Even Batman agreed but he still called you Batboy.

The only other name you would take was the one Azral had given you shortly after the fight.------You had just gotten done with taking a shower and was now heading to the kitchen for some food. As you walked along you ended up bumping into Azral who was not wearing his helmet.

Y/N: Sorry. Didn't see you there.

Azral gave you a smile.

Azral: No problem. Congratulations on the victory.

Y/N: Thanks. It wasn't easy.

Azral: It never is. I used to this it was impossible at one time. You did well demon.

You stopped walking and turned around.

Y/N: What'd you call me?

Azral bowed his head.

Azral: Apologies. I was simply calling you that since you reminded me of a old legend. One of a powerful demon who won his battles simply through sheer will power.

Y/N: Ha. So am I a Bat or a Demon?

Azral gave it a thought.

Azral: Why not both? Batdemon.-----------You ran the name through your name once more. You hated the Demon title you had been given since birth. Why not turn it into something empowering? Plus Batboy was lame as hell. Batdemon wasn't much better but it was an improvement.

You happened to look over to see something fly across the sky. You used the zoom setting on your helmet and saw a crown.

Y/N: The hell?

You decided to investigate and changed direction to fly toward the building. As you approached the location, you sent out a message to the others and landed on a nearby rooftop. You peeked over and saw a group of people you immediately recognized.

You knew they weren't the same ones as the ones you had faced before. They were the OG gang. You were almost impressed by their stupid costumes. Definitely fit better. Regardless you knew not to take them as a joke. Even if they looked like a joke.

Y/N: Looks like they're breaking in.

Booster: Cool. Let's go stop them.

You jumped at his voice and grabbed your chest in surpise.

Y/N: Jesus Booster! Where did you even come from?

Booster just shrugged.

Booster: My mom. I think.

You just looked at him. Technically he wasn't wrong.

Booster: So, what's the plan batman?

You turned back to the building and tried to think of a plan before you noticed another member you didn't see before. A 6th member.

You froze. Booster saw her to and immediately turned to you.

Booster: It might not be her Y/...

Y/N: It could be! Dee Dee were here. Maybe, maybe she is really her. Some how....

Booster: We both saw her! That isn't....

Suddenly a loud blast got your attention. Both of you returned to see the building now being attacked by the gang with Ten watching from above. There was no time for planning. Bother of you flew into battle and landed before the gang who looked amused.

King: Well, this is quite the treat! Batman himself has chose to grace us with his presence!

Queen: Oh! This is quite the surprise.

Jack: Hm. Correct me if I'm wrong but does he look a bit, smaller? Perhaps he isn't Batman but rather that new Batboy we've heard so much about.

Y/N: Oh, look at me. I'm all royal and crazy. Hohoho! Shut the hell up and just turn yourselves in before this gets ugly.

Everyone looked at you in surprise. Even Booster. You were definitely pissed before but now you're just annoyed.

King: I'll be! I've never been so offended!

Y/N: Hmandhakeo that's it.

You shot out a line which wrapped itself around Jack's legs tripping him. Everyone was so distracted by it that they didn't notice you walking towards them. You threw a right hook at King knocking him to the ground and pointed your wrist at Ace. The large man fell to the ground out cold after you shot him with a tranquilizer. That just left Queen and Ten. You looked up to see the large card hover board lower to you. You stepped back as it stopped in front of you. Standing there was Ten. Ten. The two fo you stared at each other.

You were frozen. You couldn't tell if it from fear, surprise, or anger. She even seemed shocked. Queen and this time's Ten were using the distraction to gather up King and Jack before Booster stopped them.

Booster: Not so fast. You're still going to jail.

You and Ten continued to stare at each other as she dismounted the platform. She walked towards you and gently placed a hand on your visor.

Ten: Y/N? Is that, you?

You couldn't speak. You lifted your own hand up and grabbed the fabric mask. She didn't protest so you took it off to reveal that familiar blonde hair and blue eyes. The faint freckles that littered her face were still as beautiful as the first time you ever saw her.

Y/N: Melanie?

You watched as a tear fell from her eye. You wiped it off with your thumb and left your hand on her cheek.

Melanie: How?

Her voice was just a whisper now. Suddenly you were forced forward by a sting in your back that sent you to the ground. You turned around to see Dee Dee standing there with their weapons.

Melanie: I'm sorry.

She pulled her mask back on and picked up a case King had dropped earlier. She made her way to the twins before looking back to you.

Melanie: I'm, so sorry.

The trio quickly vanished but you didn't even get up. You simply sat there before Spoiler and Orphan showed up and began to restrain the remaining Gang. Eventually Red Robin showed up to.

Red Robin: What happened? You look like you just saw a ghost.

You didn't answer. Booster looked at you and sighed.

Booster: One got away with a case. No clue what was in it.

Spoiler: One got away? Who?

Booster: Ten. Ten from the future. She had the help from Dee Dee. We were caught off guard.

You looked up at Booster who simply nodded his head with a small smile. You knew he understood. He was close to her to after all.

Red Robin: Well, at least we got these guys. Pretty good for now. Let's turn them in and return to the cave.

You nodded and stood up. You walked past everyone towards King. Orphan reached out to you but you unconsciously bushed it off. You didn't need comfort. You needed answers.

Red Robin: Why are all these people showing up now? Seems like all your villians are turning up.

God. You hope not.

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