
4.⛰Welcome to Happy Harbor⛰(Part 2)


Red Tornado:Sean I see you decided not to join the others why is that?

"I genuinely didn't feel like it, no offense but right now all I care about is eating, sleeping and training"

Red Tornado:How usual..Superman was like that before

"Huh..the more you know I guess?"

Red Tornado:Yes agreed I was going to inform the team of a new member joining you

"There's another one? What do you guys just have a billboard plastered on every sign saying 'Hey come join our super secret team of heroes that no one knows about' "

Red Tornado:Amusing but no she was chosen for a reason

"Yeah I don't get it your gonna have to run that through me"

Red Tornado:I cannot run I can fly

Sean rolls his eyes in disbelief

"It's a figure of speech..maybe you should ask someone in the league to help you expand your words"


"Im guessing that's the new teammate?"

Black Canary:Sean what are you doing here?

"Just exploring.."

Black Canary:And where's the rest of the team?

"They're out taking in the view of Happy Harbor, as for me im just being lazy"

Black Canary:Odd but okay well seeing how your the only person here. Sean meet Donna Troy aka Wonder Girl your new teammate

A girl in black armor with stars and long black with blue eyes steps forward as Sean smiles at her as she smiles back at him



(Yeah she'll be apart of the harem don't question it!)

She steps forward as she looks at Sean taking a glance at him as she extends her hand

Donna:Hi Donna Troy

"Sean Turner welcome to the team I guess"

They shake hands as Donna adds pressure to her's, Sean smirks at this amused

"That's quite the grip there..but you should know something"

Donna:And what is that?

"Im stronger"

He gently presses her hand as she quickly realizes her mistake giving Sean a satisfied look on his face as he let's go of the handshake

Donna:Your freakishly strong..

Black Canary:Sean is what you call someone special

Donna:How so?

Red Tornado:He has been infused with the DNA of Doomsday giving him all the abilities that includes super strength

"But don't worry I don't bite"

Donna:I can tell..you don't look like that kind of person to do that

"Thanks im trying to turn over a new leaf per say"

Black Canary:Looks like your getting along nicely why don't you give her a tour of cave and when the others arrive you can introduce them to her

"Yeah sure I don't see why not now onward let me show my favorite place in the cave..the kitchen"

Donna and Sean walk away from Red Tornado and Black Canary as Sean starts to give the tour of the entire

Black Canary:Sean seems to be fitting in nicely

Red Tornado:Agreed, Supergirl and Powergirl spend most of their time with him

Black Canary:They do?..Huh you don't think they're competing for him?

Red Tornado:From what ive seen it would appear so Ms Lance

Black Canary:Well then it looks like they'll have some new competition on their hands..hopefully Sean doesn't do anything to rash

Red Tornado:One can only hope so

-Happy Harbor-

Red Tornado:Red Tornado to Miss Martian. An emergency alert has been triggered at the Happy Harbor Power Plant. I suggest you investigate covertly. I'm sending coordinates.

All six are on high alert as the ship bings.

M'gann:Received. Adjusting course

Robin:*scoffs*Tornado's keeping us busy again..no wonder Sean decided to stay at the cave

M'gann replies optimistically

M'gann:Well, a simple fire led you to Superboy, Sean and Karen. We should find out what caused the alert.

As she takes the Bioship down and mere feet above the surface of the parking lot.

Superboy turns out the side window.

Superboy:I think I know the cause

Kara:Aw crap..

They say, right outside the Bioship is a tornado. Heading right for them. M'gann attempts to alter their course so not to be swept up but is unsuccessful and the Bioship glitches out of Camouflage Mode as they get fully entangled in the tornado.

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