
40.What's Past Is Prologue (Part 1)

[Bruh forty chapters? Damn..I met my goal, first off obviously this chapter will be based off of the Flash S5x8; and yeah hopefully you guys like it]

A portal opens up in the breach room down in the basement of STAR Labs as Red Death, Emily and Kate followed by XS come running out as the speedsters come to a halt, Red Death deactivates his cowl as he quickly grabs a trashcan and holds it out of Emily as she proceeds to throw up inside of the trash can

Kate rubs Emily's back to comfort her as they wait for a couple more seconds as Erick pulls the bucket away from Emily as he pulls out a napkin from his pocket and hands it to his niece

Emily:How did you know that I was going to throw up?

Erick puts the trashcan aside as they follow Nora towards the Cortex

"Because it happened to me when I first time traveled..and it happened to Kate when she first traveled to another universe"

Kate playfully pushes Erick as he just smirks at her, Emily looks between the both of them and smiles a bit as they all walk into the Cortex where all of Team Flash instantly turn around and make eye contact with Erick

The room had gone completely slient..the team that single-handedly got their asses handed to them and somewhat managed to convince of his innocence mainly because of Kara, all nervously stepped back as Barry took the lead being the leader of this team

[Ha! Yeah right!! Tell that to Iris!]

Barry made his way over to Erick as the hybrid was met by the fastest man alive in the past holding out his hand to the son of his archnemesis as Erick looked down at the hand and calmly shook it

Barry:Thank you for being here..we appreciate your help against Cicada

Erick just respectively nods his head as he moves his hand away from Barry as the speedster glances over to Kate and Emily who walk alongside Erick; out of the corner Erick's eye he sees Iris taking quick glances at him but he ignores it and looks at Cisco

"How's the shoulder hm?"

He says reminding him about how he lodged a spear into the meta-humans shoulder though he couldn't remember which one, Cisco nervously laughs at Erick

Cisco:It's still hurts when I think about it but it's progress..

Erick puts his hand on Cisco's shoulder as he pulls him a bit closer as he gestures for Emily to come over to him

"Alright im going to get to the point, this is Emily..she is someone who I really care about and I need you to do something for me"

Emily holds her hand out as a breach opens and it quickly closes as everyone's eyes except Erick and Kate's widen seeing her powers

"You have experience with this..so im asking you to help her understand what she can do"

Cisco takes a good look at Emily as he sees the striking resembles between her and Erick as he nods his head as Erick pats him on the shoulder a bit too hard as Cisco winces in pain; Erick pulls up a chair for Emily as she sits down in it

Emily:Are you going to come back?

Erick grabs her hands and carefully squeezes them

"I made you a promise and I intend to keep it..I promise I'll be back just as quickly, meanwhile curly hair over here is going to help you with your powers.."

Cisco goes to say something but Erick quickly glares at him making the technician shut up as Erick pulls Kate aside wanting to speak to her privately

"Clearly someone here still doesn't like me so can you look out for Emily while im gone?"

Kate follows Erick's gaze as it lands on Iris as Kate replies back to him

Kate:Isn't that the woman who tried to slap you?

"Keyword being t you know what happened when she failed"

Kate snickers remembering what happened when Erick told her as she sarcastically answers back

Kate:Right..a reporter versus the daughter of a God, what could possibly go wrong with that?

Erick sliently laughs along with her as Kate holds Erick's hand as her face softens up

Kate:Just promise me you'll come back in one whole piece, I don't want to end up like Mon-El

"Hey at least I'll have both of my arms, don't worry I can't die remember..future me said so"

She hugs Erick tightly as everyone in the room face the hugging duo as Erick sends a rather disturbing glare as Team Flash all quickly moves their sights somewhere else


Down inside of the Pipeline, Barry, Erick and Nora stand next to each other as Erick cracks his knuckle readying himself for what they are about to do as Barry looks at his daughter

Barry:Okay look follow my lead, don't go off book..if anything goes wrong do exactly as Erick and I say

Nora:Do things usually go wrong?

Erick sighs as he rubs his hands together

"I'm pretty sure you just jinxed it, Nora..congrats"

He pats her on her back as Erick is the first to run into the Pipeline followed Barry and Nora as the trails of mixed lightning entangle with one another as a portal to the speedforce opens as all three speedsters run through it

Erick looks around the entire speedforce as he sees Barry Allen's life all manifest around him, every fight and victory he has ever had..all of the villains he had fought and defeated since the moment he got his powers

And then Erick spots it, the defeat of the supposed 'Speed God' Savitar; they all run into that point in time as they come out of the speedforce and into a forest out in the middle of nowhere

Nora:Are you sure we're in the right place?

Erick feels the ground shake as the rumbles of lightning grow closer as the past Savitar jumps over them not even noticing them as the God of Speed jumps up into the air as he shoots down some lightning as the past Flash lands right in front of the three speedsters

As the past Flash runs to pursue Savitar, Erick senses something is off but follows Barry and Nora as they find themselves hiding behind a large tree as they watch Savitar gets pushed out of his metal armor and dropped to the ground as past Flash stands inside of Savitar's armor

Past Flash:

But Savitar just smiles as he turns back and looks right at his past self


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