
Chapter 16

I'm woken up by someone shaking me.

"Wha-" I start to say.

"Shh," the person next to me says.

As I wake up completely, I notice that I'm still on the horse and that we've stopped.

"We've caught up to them," Zander whispers next to me. "But there are a lot more than we expected."

I hop off the horse and silently walk over to where the prince is crouching. Sure enough. Through the trees I can see a bunch of men next to the ugly man that I saw at the camp. We're too far away to hear what they're saying.

"What are we going to do?" I whisper to the prince.

"I don't know yet," he whispers back.

We continue to watch them and it appears that they're setting up camp. I try to think about what we can do. I'm still weak so I'm not sure how well I'll be able to fight, and I don't have a sword anymore. Then an idea comes into my mind.

"I have an idea!" I announce.

Everyone gathers around and I explain the plan. When I'm finished, no one likes the idea, but in the end they agree to it.

As night falls, we put our plan into action. Juliana rubs some mud all over herself and takes off most of her layers of clothing. We manage to make her look beautiful yet disgusting at the same time. Then she pretends to limp into her camp. There she sweet talks the men into giving her a place to sleep for the night.

I find it disgusting at how the men eagerly ask her to stay with them in their own tent. On the other hand, I'm glad that the plan is working. Many of the men are distracted by her.

Now Ashton, Zander and I sneak around to the ugly man's tent. Everything seems to be going in slow motion. There are only two men guarding his tent. This is the part where we have to wait. Finally, we hear Juliana say, "Can you take me to your master?"

A man responds, "Sorry lady, the boss is sleeping. Now why don't you come with me and I'll help you clean up."

My stomach churns at that last comment but at least we now know that he's asleep. Now it's my turn to do something. We all climb as high as possible into the trees. Then I take the extra bow and arrows that the prince brought and aim at one of the guards. I release and the arrow flies straight through is heart. Immediately, the men around him are alert. They begin yelling orders to each other and chaos breaks out. Eventually, the ugly man comes out of his tent and also begins yelling. This allows the perfect opportunity for me to drop down and crouch behind a bush. With no one near me, I sneak into the tent. Immediately, I begin rummaging through bags of items.

Then my my heart drops and I freeze, someone is coming back to the tent. I give up searching and cut a hole through the back of the tent. There's more yelling as I sprint away into the forest. I hear footsteps chasing me. Unfortunately, I'm not quick enough. Someone grabs me and I punch him, his grip loosens but immediately another man grabs me. Finally, I know that there's nothing I can do so I stop struggling.

They carry me back to camp whet the ugly man is waiting. For a second, he looks surprised to see me then he laughs. "I didn't expect to see you here! Did you try to be brave and save the queen? Well, that didn't work out so well for you, did it? Where's your little prince friend?"

I say nothing and just stare at the ground. Suddenly, he slaps me and the side of my face begins to sting.

"I asked you a question, you stupid mutt. Now answer me. Where is your friend?"

I still don't answer and he presses a knife to my throat. I gasp when the tip of it digs into my skin. I feel a drop of blood trickle down my neck.

"You get one more chance. Where is your friend?"

I answer, "He's back at the castle. I left him there because I thought he might like me if I save his mother."

"You lie! I have my men at the castle. They know that you left with the prince to come and save that precious queen of yours. Well I guess I can't kill you. You may prove useful."

When I think he's finally done, he quickly cuts a deep gash in my leg. I cry out in pain.

"Someone come and help her. This is so that you can't run away."

With that, he also cuts my fighting arm. Tears trickle down my face and I try not to black out from the pain.

"And that's so you can't fight me. Sweet dreams my dear."

Someone behind me picks me up and carries me to a man who is sitting in a tent. As they carry me there, I'm thankful to find that Juliana managed to escape during the commotion.

Once I'm inside, the man immediately begins to treat my wounds. There are many times where I cry out or begin to see spots. When it's finally over, I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Why are you hear?" The man whispers to me.

"I was trying to save someone that's very dear to me," I answer.

"I can help you escape."


"I hate this Otis. I joined thinking this wouldn't be so bad, but then I realized that this isn't the life that I want. He won't let me leave though."

"So why help me?"

"I believe in what you are trying to do."

"When you have to come back here, I'll make sure to get you out. I'm Everett by the way."

"Thank you."

He helps me up and half drags me out of the tent. There I bump right into Otis.

"Well done. You managed to get someone to help you already. I must say, I am impressed. Unfortunately, you won't be escaping anytime soon. Josef, go ahead."

One man steps forward and grabs Everett and I scream as he proceeds to stab Everett multiple times.

"That's enough Josef," Otis says with a laugh.

I ignore the pain of my wounds as I begin to flail my arms and legs, kicking anyone and anything around me. The man holding me lets go and I try to run but Otis was smart. I can hardly stand on my own. I hear someone approach me from behind. They hit me with something hard and the world around me turns black.

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