
Day With The Devil Part 2

Word Count: 940

Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar x reader

Warnings: Angst, light cussing

A/N: Feel free to drop me a request, and enjoy the story!

Summary: The secret is out and you're not entirely sure how you're going to handle it. Will he hate you? Would he take her from you? You know your fears are a bit irrational but you can't help but think them. And Lucifer, well he hasn't said a word, and you really wish this wasn't the one time he chose not to speak.


You stood in your living room, nervously watching the devil, who sat on your couch. After you had found your daughter, in Lucifer's arms, no less, you had invited him back to your home. It was the last thing you wanted to do, given the fact that you were the one who left him. However, he had helped Lucille and your daughter clung to him, and absolutely refused to let go. You didn't have much of a choice but to invite him back to your house.

"Do... do you want anything? Coffee, tea... whiskey?"

He glanced at you out of the corner of his eye and you fell silent once more. You could practically see the gears turning in his head, the questions he wanted to ask. However, he remained completely silent and you shifted nervously.

"Lucy, honey, Lucifer and I need to talk, can you go play in your room?" You smiled at your daughter.

She looked up at you from her spot beside Lucifer on the couch and nodded.

"Ok mommy."

She slid off the couch and tugged on Lucifer's arm. He raised an eyebrow and bent his head down, and she kissed his cheek. She ran off to her room, and he sat up smiling a bit.

"She likes you."

Lucifer turned his attention to you and you looked away. You just couldn't meet his eyes.

"You left." He said.

You grimaced and bowed your head.

"It's more complicated than that." You muttered.

He laughed, but it was a dry laugh without any humor to it.

"Is it? I told you I loved you, I opened up to you and you left not a week later. Is there more to it than that?"

You didn't answer, you couldn't, not without telling him why, and you weren't ready to tell him. Not yet.

"If you won't answer me then the least you could do is look at me!" He yelled.

Immediately your eyes locked onto his and you felt your blood start to boil in anger.

"Don't you dare yell at me Lucifer Morningstar! You don't know the whole story! You don't get to punish me for anything!" You hissed.

He didn't back down and took a step towards you. His eyes flashing red.

"Then tell me! I'm sure it's a damn good reason then isn't it love?"

You backed up, running into the back of the couch.

"Come on darling! I'd love to hear just why you left!"

"Lucifer, stop, you don't understand-"

"Don't understand? How the bloody hell am I suppose to if you won't explain it to me?!"

You opened your mouth, but he kept going, giving you no time to get a word in.

"I don't see you or hear from you for nearly five years, you gave me no explanation as to why you left! Now that I find you, it seems you never really cared! Especially not since you seemed to move on!"

You narrowed your eyes, offended that he would accuse you of being that indifferent, and uncaring towards him.

"I mean you have a five-year old for dad's sake, you must not have been to heartbroken after leaving me if-"

He paused and you felt your heart sink as he seemed to piece things together. His expression went through various emotions, anger, confusion, regret, hurt. He slowly walked backwards, sitting back down on the couch. He held his head in his hands, staring at the floor.

"Is... is she mine?"

His voice was so quiet you could barely hear him. When you didn't answer right away he lifted his head to look at you.

"Is she mine?" He said louder.

You wanted to lie and say no, make up an excuse, but he'd know. He always knew when you were lying.


He stared at the ground once more and you bit your lip. The silence was deafening and you just couldn't take it.

"Lucifer, say something, please."

"Is she why you left?"

That wasn't what you were expecting. Maybe more anger and yelling, but certainly not that. You had no grand explanation for that question, so you shrugged.

"You hate kids, despise them I believe your exact words were, you've said you never wanted them."

Your voice was so small and it broke his heart. He stood up and grabbed your arms, you looked at him shocked.

"But this is your child, child."

You looked confused, you didn't understand.

"I thought you'd be angry, or ask me to get rid of her." You said quietly.

He looked at you surprised and frowned.

"Is that why you left? You thought I wouldn't want a child with you?"

You nodded slowly, and he laughed, this time you frowned. You failed to see what was so funny.

"Oh you humans certainly have a funny way of handling things don't you?"

Seeing your annoyed expression, his laughter died down, and he cleared his throat.

"Darling that is precisely why I would, because it's with you." Lucifer smiled.

You felt yourself start tearing up.

"You mean... you want to be in Lucy's life?"

He cupped your face in his hands.

"Of course I do, and yours...if you'll give me another chance that is?" Lucifer asked hopefully.

You didn't trust your voice so you nodded. He grinned widely.


He went to kiss you but a small voice made you two pull apart slightly.

"Mommy, are you ok?"

The two of you turned your attention to Lucy who was standing at the top of the stairs.

"Your timing is dreadful." Lucifer sighed.

You smiled, lightly hitting his chest and turned to your daughter.

"Come here baby, mommy has to tell you a few things."

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