
CHAPTER {176-178}


"How does this even work?" Brittany asked in complete awe as she marveled at the Sigil of the Lost on her arm. She didn't even think twice before allowing him to brand her with the Sigil of the Lost, she trusted him that much. Harry told her everything the Sigil could do and to be honest, she was beyond impressed.

"It is kind of hard to explain in words, so I will show you my notes the next time you visit me" Harry answered with a smile. He was glad that Brittany was still the same. She was never good with people, that was why she didn't have many friends, to begin with, but was never bothered by the fact as she spent almost all of her time with books.

"I will hold you on to that" Brittany agreed tersely as she nodded her head.

"Then I have this mirror for you" Harry said before handing over a two-way mirror to her. With the notes in his possession, it only took him a couple of hours to crack the code. He Enchanted a couple of mirrors and connected them to the pre-existing network as he didn't need to create another network for the time being.

"What am I going to do with this? I don't believe I am that vain…" Brittany asked with a confused look on her face.

"It is not a normal mirror, my dear" Harry chuckled softly. "This is a two-way mirror. While holding this mirror, call my name" Harry said while he pulled out his own two-way mirror from his robes. Brittany gave him a septic look before saying his name and she was completely taken aback when the surface of the mirror rippled and Harry's face appeared on her mirror.

Harry turned his mirror toward Brittany to show her face in his mirror. "With this, we will be able to talk with each other face to face without any sort of delay" Harry explained with a grin as he already knew how Brittany was going to react to the mirror, and he wasn't disappointed when she took a deep breath before shooting off questions at him.

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Calm down, girl… He can't answer all of that" Jacklyn decided to interrupt Brittany before she could go off on a tangent. Brittany blushed brightly in embarrassment when she finally realized that she was ranting off like a nerd. "You have a pair of iron lungs on you" Jacklyn whistled, looking impressed and her comment made Brittany blush even more.

"Well, here you go" Harry said before passing her a small notebook containing everything about two-way mirrors. "You can always help me with the production of two-way mirrors as I will need them pretty soon" Harry added. He knew that Brittany felt bad for not being able to help him by being there with him, but now, she could help him without getting involved in the upcoming War directly.

Meanwhile, Brittany was already scouring through the notebook, but all of a sudden, she frowned and turned toward Harry. "Why are there blanks?" Brittany asked with a frown while she showed off the notebook to Harry.

"I have left those places blank for future improvements. Right now, the two-way mirror might seem extremely useful, but it has a lot of unused potential" Harry explained and Brittany nodded her head in understanding before she once again started to skim through the notebook.

To be honest, Harry was impressed with the two-way mirror, but what impressed him, even more, was the untapped potential of the two-way mirror. He could have modified the mirror or added a lot more functionality to the mirror, but right now, all of that would have been redundant. Though there was something he had to improve before handing over the mirror to Brittany. He had to improve the range of the mirror so that she could talk with him from here without any connectivity issues.

"What about my parents?" Brittany all of a sudden stopped skimming through the notebook and asked Harry in a low tone.

"I am not planning to tell them anything about me, but I will be secretly upgrading the Wards at your house before returning to Britain" Harry answered and Brittany pulled him into a hug with a big smile on her face.

"Oh! Oh! Group hug!!" Jacklyn exclaimed from the side and pulled the two of them into her arms.

"Thank you, Harry" Brittany mumbled in a low tone.

"What are friends for?" Harry asked with a grin as the three of them continued to share a group hug…

~~Nott Manor~~

Voldemort strutted down the hall like he owned the place… Both of his meetings were fruitful so he was in a somewhat pleasant mood, but then all of a sudden his mood soured when Nott Sr. interrupted him with a letter in his hand.

"My Lord, this came for you when you were away" Nott Sr. revealed as he extended the letter toward Voldemort.

Voldemort read the sender's name and flared his nostrils. Yes, his pleasant mood was definitely soured. He snatched the letter from Nott Sr.'s hand before dismissing the man with a wave of his hand. Voldemort resumed making his way toward his throne room and started to wonder what the traitor wanted from him. If the man was planning to beg then that was not going to work.

Voldemort entered his throne room and locked the room from inside before opening the letter while making his way toward his throne. Voldemort was so attuned to Magic that he would have noticed any Curse or Traps in the letter, so he wasn't worried about that. Voldemort raised his non-existent eyebrows as he started to read the letter and he was so surprised by the contents of the letter that he even stopped walking.

According to the letter, Harry Potter was much stronger than anyone believed him to be and he also somehow managed to remove the Dark Mark. Voldemort pondered the contents of the letter and he had to admit, he never considered the prospect of another Parselmouth and if the boy was truly a Prselmouth then he could remove the Dark Mark.

That wasn't all, apparently, Gellert Grindelwald and his followers who recently escaped from Nurmengard were also working for the boy… How was that even possible? He was able to learn quite a few shocking things from the letter, and all of them were quite unbelievable, but Voldemort couldn't bring himself to dismiss the contents of the letter. He started to wonder if it was the Prophecy acting up.

Lucius might have exaggerated quite a few things, but a part of him believed the man. Voldemort had underestimated the boy and his Mudblood mother once and he had paid the price for that. He won't be repeating the mistake again… He looked away from the letter and started to scowl. There were so many questions, but he had no answers and that vexed him quite a bit.

'It is most important that I acquire the Prophecy as soon as I can' Voldemort decided, but once again, he found himself in a conundrum as he realized that he didn't know much about the Department of Mysteries and the only one who could provide him such information was rotting in Azkaban. He realized that he might need to change his plans, but before that, he needed to confirm how much of the contents of the letter were true before modifying his plans.

He stared at the letter and burned it with his Magic before making up his mind to meet the boy. The Malfoys used to host Yule Balls every year and he started to wonder if they are going to host one this year too…

~~Malfoy Manor~~

Gellert, Narcissa, and Sirius finally finished telling Tonks that Harry wasn't working for Gellert, nor was he forcing Harry to work for him, instead, it was kind of the opposite. Though none of them went into too much detail as they didn't know how much Harry wanted to be revealed about himself to someone who wasn't a part of the Lost Garden. Then there was always a chance that Harry might simply Obliviate her before sending her off.

Meanwhile, Tonks.exe has stopped working and she simply stared at the trio with a dumb look on her face. Tonks wasn't as dumb as people liked to think, but by no means, she was the sharpest tool in the shed. So, it was kind of obvious that her brain stopped working after learning something her brain simply couldn't comprehend. After almost a minute, her brain was finally working again, but for a moment she wondered if everything was a dream.

Though her hopes were immediately crushed when she found herself sharing snacks with Gellert Fucking Grindelwald. The man was extremely charismatic and she had seen no signs of him being the monster she had been told, but she wasn't planning to drop her guard anytime soon… Sirius was there, but she wasn't sure if he could protect her in case Grindelwald decided to kill her. The man was still feared around the whole world for a reason.

"What are you going to do to me?" Tonks asked worriedly as the Wand slipped into her hand. She wasn't sure if the others noticed her actions or not, but they didn't seem to show any reaction. They had revealed quite a bit of information to her, so she started to wonder if she was going to make it out of this place or if they were going to Obliviate her into a drooling mess.

"Well, that is up to him to decide" Gellert answered dismissively while staring at something behind her.

Tonks shivered as she realized that someone was standing behind her. She slowly turned around, only to find Harry standing there with an amused look on his face… "Hello, Tonks. It looks like you have missed me…" Harry greeted her with a grin and poor Tonks.exe couldn't handle the shock and simply passed out…



"Ah… Tonks, you are finally up" Harry said in a relieved tone and Tonks shot up and owlishly blinked at Harry. She tried to remember where she was and memories started to flash in front of her eyes. She finally remembered what happened to her and how she passed out.

"What are you going to do to me?" Tonks asked fearfully as she tried to scoot away from Harry in fear. The story Gellert, Narcissa, and Sirius told was somewhat fantastical and if she was being honest, she didn't believe them, at least not completely, but there was probably some truth in their words. After all, she knew for certain that Harry had killed the Dursleys.

Tonks looked around, trying to assess her current situation. It was something Moody had taught her and while she would admit, she wasn't as subtle as him, she wasn't completely hopeless. Tonks realized that she was probably on the 1st floor and from how spartan the room truly was, the room was probably unused, including the bed.

Harry didn't answer and he simply stood up from his seat. He closed the book in his hand with a snap and Tonks had to admit, Harry was looking pretty damn hot seated in that chair, with that book in his hands… 'The fuck Tonks!! Pull your head out of the gutter! He is barely fourteen and there are other important things to deal with other than checking out the hot bod' Tonks internally chastised herself.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asked softly as he continued to approach the bed.

Tonks felt her back touch the bed stand and realized that she was cornered. So, she subtly reached out for her Wand and she was internally relieved to find the Wand where it was supposed to be. Tonks started to wonder why they didn't bother to disarm her… There was a chance that they forgot to disarm her, which was pretty unlikely or they probably don't consider her to be a threat even with her Wand in her possession.

"Where am I?" Tonks asked instead of answering his question.

"At the Malfoy Manor. You are in a guest room" Harry answered with an understanding look on his face, but still Tonks didn't feel relieved. How could she? After all, at this moment, she was behind enemy lines… "I decided to surprise you, but then all of a sudden you passed out, I wasn't expecting that" Harry revealed and Tonks flushed slightly at that.

She didn't mean to pass out, it simply happened… "I was so worried for you and I didn't know what to do, so I had to inform your parents" Harry revealed, and Tonks immediately shot up from the bed and pointed her Wand at Harry with a furious look on her face. How dare he try to use her parents? Tonks thought while seething in anger.

"What have you done to them?!" Tonks snarled, looking completely enraged as she walked up to Harry and placed the tip of her Wand at his throat in a threatening manner, but Harry didn't seem to be bothered by her actions in the slightest, but Tonks was no longer paying attention to his subtle actions as there were other things on her mind right now.

"Relax Tonks, they are completely unharmed" Harry answered calmly, but Tonks didn't seem to be placated by his words.

"Then why did you bring them here? Are you going to use them to keep me in line?" Tonks asked furiously.

"I have no plans of using them to keep you in line… I simply brought them here because I was really worried about you. No matter which side you are on, at the end of the day, you are still my family" Harry said compassionately and Tonks seemed to lose some of her composure at his passionate words. "I can understand why you don't trust me, but believe me, I don't have any ulterior motives" Harry added.

Technically he was telling her the truth as he didn't have any ulterior motives, but he did have some plans for them...

Theodore wasn't the best lawyer in the Wizarding Community, by any means, but his knowledge when it came to both the Muggle Law and the Wizarding Law, was simply unmatched. After all, he was one of the few who decided to familiarize themselves with the Muggle side of the Law while working in the Wizarding Community.

Then Andromeda Tonks, younger sister of the infamous Bellatrix Lestrange née Black and older sister of Narcissa Malfoy née Black. To be honest, there wasn't anything impressive about the woman at first sight, but that was exactly the image she wanted to portray. Thanks to Narcissa, Harry knew that Andromeda was pretty good with a Wand, not Bellatrix-level good, but she was good enough to hold her own.

That was most probably why the Blacks never tried to get her or her husband killed during the War. That was what Narcissa believed and Harry seemed to agree with her on that. Then the woman was a pretty decent Potion brewer. She didn't have any Masters or anything, but she brewed Potions for St. Mungos and some third-party apothecaries.

Being good at Potions was kind of a basic requirement for that. He did have quite a few people who could brew Potions within Lost Garden, but having one more wouldn't hurt him… Then there was the fact that they were related to Sirius, so by extension, they were Family too and if Theodore and Andromeda decided to join the Lost Garden, then Tonks would follow.

"You are lying" Tonks hissed suspiciously, but she somewhat lowered her Wand.

"Why would I lie to you?" Harry asked with a confused look on his face. "How about this? We go down and meet your parents, and after that, you are free to leave. No strings attached" Harry offered, surprising her to the core. She was so surprised that she completely lowered her Wand arm without even realizing it.

"You are fucking kidding me" Tonks breathed out while giving Harry a suspicious look.

"No kidding! Come follow me" After saying that, Harry turned around on his feet and left the room. Tonks stared at his retreating back with a dumb look on her face before finally deciding to follow him. She simply couldn't fathom what Harry was really planning. Did he really bring her parents here just because he was worried?

The two of them finally arrived at the drawing room and Tonks immediately rushed over to her parents. She looked them over and realized that neither of them had been harmed. Though the two of them looked kind of uncomfortable, well, nobody could blame them for that. After all, they were sitting near the infamous Gellert Grindelwald. The family of three started to converse with each other.

After Tonks passed out, Harry ordered Gellert to bring the elder Tonkses to Malfoy Manor, so that he could prepare the play. Gellert returned only after a few minutes with the elder Tonkses in two. The two of them were obviously afraid, but they somewhat calmed down after Harry had a chat with them. He told them about Voldemort and since they were family, he offered them protection.

"Why are you doing this?" Tonks asked after she finished checking on her parents.

"Doing what?" Harry asked innocently and Tonks scowled at him before waving around her hands in the air.

"All of this! You freed him and his followers from prison! You rejuvenated them! You are forcing them to work for you! You are forcing the Malfoys to work for you! Why are you doing all of these?!" Tonks asked in a frustrated tone and Andi placed her arm on her shoulder to calm her down.

"Don't you already know?" Harry asked in return. "To win a War" Harry answered simply. "This War is going to be unlike the last War. This War is going to be way more dangerous than the last one. This time there will be no bystanders. Everyone will be forced to join a side in the War. In the last War, there were the Death Eaters and everyone else, but this time, there are already four Factions" Harry started to explain.

"Voldemort and his Death Eaters. He is back, and I am certain that right now, he is consolidating his forces. That is probably why he is lying low" Harry explained and flicked his hand and moved the furniture to the side, surprising the Tonkses as they didn't expect him to cast Magic Wandlessly. Tonks finally realized why he looked so careless.

After that, with a wave of his hand, he Conjured a bunch of large black chess pieces on the floor. The piece at the back was the biggest and sported a small crown with a serpent on top. The rest of the black pieces adorned a silver bandana at the top and behind the largest piece, a black mist started to form with the mark of a King in the middle.

"Then we have Albus Dumbledore and his Order of the Phoenix. It might look like he is fighting for the good, but good is a relative term. Besides that, he seems to have his own agenda" Harry continued his explanation with an indifferent look on his face.

Then again he waved his hand and Conjured a bunch of large white chess pieces. The piece at the back was the biggest with a phoenix at the top. Then a white mist started to form behind the largest piece before the mark of a kind appeared within the mist.

"Then we have Amelia Bones and the Ministry" Harry said while he waved his hand and Conjured a bunch of large silver chess pieces with the largest piece sporting the insignia of the Director of DMLE on top. Tonks didn't miss that but refrained from saying anything for the time being. Then a silver mist started to take form behind the largest piece, and just like the other mists, the mark of a king also formed within the silver mist.

"Then there is me" Harry whispered in a lone tone and Conjured a lone large green chess piece with a lightning bolt at the top. "I was all alone, so I had to find my own allies" Harry said and with another wave of his hand other green chess pieces started to form around his piece. Then when the pieces finally stopped forming, a green mist appeared behind his piece before the mark of a king also appeared in the green mist.

"You aren't the King?" Sirius asked dumbly while pointing at the green mist.

"No, Kings are weak, but Queens… Queens are the most powerful pieces on the board" Harry explained with a grin. "Kings are the idea we represent" Harry added simply before pointing at the black pieces. "Voldemort is their most powerful piece and their King is the idea they represent. Kill everything that is not Pureblood! Blah! Blah! Blah!" Harry finished while rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"Albus Dumbledore is the Queen of the Light side and their King is the idea they represent. There will be no evil! Give everyone second, third, fourth chances and so on…" Harry finished with a groan before pointing at the silver pieces.

"Now, the Ministry" Harry sighed. "They are the most troublesome as they have the most to lose. That is Amelia Bones, their most influential figure for the time being. They lack raw power, but they have the resources and they can work within the existing system and that is also why they have the most to lose…" Harry finished with a frown on his face.

"The thing is, they simply want to maintain the status quo… If Voldemort or Dumbledore don't make a move then they won't do anything. That was exactly why nothing changed even after the last War. In the last War, a lot of issues came to light, which made it very hard to prosecute a Pureblood, but did they change anything in the last decade? No! Even the so-called Light Faction didn't try anything" Harry finished before focusing his gaze on Tonks.

"Tell me Tonks, what were your chances of becoming a Senior Auror before Sirius brought your mother back into the Black Family?" Harry asked and Tonks looked down at her feet.

"Nonexistent" Tonks mumbled in a low tone.

"So, what idea does your King represent?" Andi asked. She could somewhat understand what Harry was trying to do and from the looks her husband was giving her, he could too, but the problem was, he wasn't lying. Whatever he was saying, he was spot-on about the others, so she wanted to know what he was fighting for.

"Freedom" Harry answered with a nod of his head. "That is what I represent. We won't be bound to the laws of others. We will make our own. I am not planning to take over the world or anything. Managing the world would be too hectic, I believe" Harry joked, earning a few chuckles. "You see, true freedom is nothing but a lie, a foolish dream, but not for me" Harry finished before releasing his Magic and his eyes started to glow eerily.

The Tonkses gasped at the display… "If you are truly powerful enough, then you are free to do whatever you want to do. You can believe whatever you want to believe and nobody would be there to say otherwise. You will be able to live as you wish to… So, are you with me on my path to freedom or will you stand against me?" Harry asked as he stared at the Tonkses…



~~Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire~~

Severus Snape stared at the looming mansion with a bit of trepidation inside his mind. Unlike his usual visits, tonight he decided to enter the house through the front door, instead of using the Floo as he was feeling a bit uneasy… He felt like he was walking right into a spider's net. He unconsciously patted his robes to ensure he was carrying the Portkey Albus gave him in case of an emergency.

They weren't expecting anything to happen in the first place, but they couldn't be sure about anything, especially with just how strong Harry- no, Hadrian Potter truly was. Then there was the fact that something was going on with the Malfoys… Lucius wasn't answering to the Dark Lord's summons and he was also keeping distance from the rest of the Death Eaters in the Ministry, which wasn't anything like Lucius.

Draco was also having a hard time at school… He had been keeping an eye on the boy as his Godfather, but Severus knew that he couldn't be everywhere, nor could he keep an eye on the boy all around the clock… While Draco wasn't being attacked physically, he was being verbally harassed by his year mates and his seniors. Before the return of the Dark Lord, Draco used to be the leader of the Slytherin House even though he was only a fourth year, but he lost his clout after Lucius was declared a traitor.

Severus had tried to inform both Lucius and Narcissa of this development, but both of them seemed to be oddly dismissive of the incidents… Lucius and Narcissa may not be a good couple, but they did have something in common. The love for their son… So, he expected either of them to show even a bit of concern, but neither of them did… Their casual indifference probably hurt Darco more than the verbal harassment from his peers.

Even though Draco was showing a strong front to everyone, Severus knew that it was far from the truth. Draco wasn't as strong as everyone believed him to be…

Severus finally arrived at the doorstep of the manor and took a deep breath before knocking on the door. Moments later, the door was opened and he was greeted by the new Malfoy house elf. "Please follow Alef, everyone else bes waiting for Master Snapey" The house elf invited him inside. While Severus didn't appreciate being called Snapey, there was very little he could do to change that since house elves were just like that.

The house elf led him to the dining hall and since he already knew his way inside the manor, he didn't exactly require a guide, but house elves were supposed to guide the guests. It was one of those weird Pureblood traditions…

"Severus! How have you been my friend?" Severus was joyfully greeted by Lucius, but even a fool could see that the man was basically putting up an act.

'Are they really under Potter's control?' Severus wondered inside his mind while he greeted Lucius back. Though before he could say anything else, Narcissa also arrived at the dining hall, looking as stoic as ever.

"Hello, Severus" Narcissa greeted him politely before she held out her hand.

'Typical Narcissa' Severus mused internally as he grabbed her hand and brushed his lips against the back of her hand. "Good evening, Narcissa. How have you been?" Severus asked, in an attempt to gauge the water. Even though he wasn't using Legilimency, he was experienced enough to tell if someone was lying to him or not.

"I had been better, but in some regards, I am better than ever" Narcissa answered softly with her patented polite smile on her face.

'That was not a lie' Severus decided internally, but he didn't miss the momentary scowl on Lucius' face, which was replaced by an equally brief look of fear on his face before his expression returned to normal. Severus couldn't help but wonder the reason behind such a reaction from the man. Was the Potter brat really responsible for the man's fears?

"Ah… Severus Snape, the youngest Potion Master in the World, but not the most pleasant man to be around" The newest arrival spoke in a grating voice.

'Speak of the devil' Severus growled inside his mind as he turned to head toward the newest arrival. His eyes were very similar to Lily's, but at the same time, his eyes were pretty different. 'His eyes are more vibrant than her eyes' Moments later, Severus decided, but he couldn't ignore the rest of the face. The boy looked so similar to his father that it wasn't even funny.

"Just as arrogant and entitled as James Potter. I shouldn't have expected anything different from his spawn" Severus sneered at the boy, but the boy didn't seem to be bothered by his words in the slightest. "The others might feel entitled to you for whatever reason, don't expect me to do the same" Severus added with a drawl in an attempt to get a rise out of the boy, but once again, the boy didn't seem to react to his words.

"Whatever you say, Death Eater" Harry answered back with a smile on his face and Severus wasn't able to hold back his shock at those words.

Severus immediately glanced toward Lucius and Narcissa, but neither of them looked like they were going to chastise the boy for his outrageous behavior. Though, Lucius was no longer sporting his fake smile and he could notice pity in Narcissa's eyes. Now, it was pretty obvious to him, both Lucius and Narcissa were under the boy's thumb. Severus realized that he needed to handle the situation very carefully.

Alas, his ego was screaming at him to get back at the boy for the previous insult and there was no way he was going to let James Potter's spawn insult him and then walk away unscathed…

"How dare you…" Severus snarled, but his mouth was forcefully snapped shut before he could continue, which shocked him to the core because the boy didn't have a Wand in his hand.

"I will call you whatever I want, 'Death Eater'" Harry emphasized the words slowly with an amused look on his face.

Severus snarled in anger at the boy and went for his Wand, but before he could even raise his Wand, he was disarmed. With wide eyes, he stared at his Wand, which sailed through the air and landed in the boy's waiting palm. 'This shouldn't be possible' Severus gasped internally in horror. Then a foreign pressure engulfed his body and he was brought down to his knees.

"From what I know, you Death Eaters have a good habit of kneeling. So, obviously, you should kneel in front of your betters" Harry bit out slowly while twirling the Wand in his hand.

Severus balefully glared at the boy, but he didn't lose himself in rage, at least not this time. He knew he was in a bad position and neither Lucius nor Narcissa were going to help him, that much was pretty obvious from their looks. Though Severus was glad that he wasn't immobilized, at least not completely. He could still move his hands and the boy probably never bothered to restrain him in his blinding arrogance, and that was going to be his undoing.

The boy was powerful, inhumanly so… That much Severus was able to deduce, even though it was really scathing to admit. The boy was not someone he could defeat and the way he was spamming Wandless Magic, maybe he was stronger than both Dumbledore and Voldemort. If the boy managed to take them by surprise then he would be able to easily defeat them and from the looks of it, he already had Dumbledore fooled as the man believed Hadrian to be weaker than him.

No, he couldn't allow that to happen… The boy might have Lily's eyes, but he was James Potter incarnate through and through. He couldn't let him win… At least, not on his watch. He needed to escape so that he could inform both Dumbledore and the Dark Lord about his true power. There were other questions in his mind, like 'How did the boy manage to become so strong?', but it wasn't the time for that.

He could ask those questions later… Right now, he needed to escape.

"What? Nothing to say, Death Eater?" Harry asked in a cheerful tone. "Ohh… Ohhh… Sorry, my bad. Allow me" Harry chuckled softly as he acted to remember that he had silenced the man. He snapped his fingers and Severus felt that he could move his jaw again.

Severus mumbled something under his breath, making Harry frown… "I am sorry… What was that?" Harry asked curiously as he leaned forward so that he could hear what the man was mumbling.

Severus moved in a fluid motion as he drew a dagger from his robe and went to stab Harry with it, but much to the surprise of everyone, he stopped the dagger with two fingers. Once again, Severus was surprised and he could only stare at the dagger with wide eyes, but he knew he couldn't dwindle anymore… He had wasted his opportunity to flee. He wanted to stab the boy to distract him, but his ploy obviously fell apart.

"That was a good attempt" Harry complimented with a grin.

"Phoenix ascending!" Severus snarled, but nothing happened. He blinked in confusion as he looked down at his hand. When he drew the dagger from within his robes, he also used his other hand to grab the Portkey given to him by Albus. The Portkey was supposed to take him through the Wards, but nothing happened.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk…" Harry clicked his tongue with a mocking look on his face. "Did you really think that I would let you escape?" Harry asked sharply, but now, both of them knew that it was a rhetorical question…


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