
The-Boy-Who-Improved (II)

After returning to his apartment, Harry started to research the Ritual his mom told him about. From the knowledge his mom provided, he knew what the Ritual entailed and he could also recall his own memory of when he browsed the Advanced Rituals book…

So, it took Harry only somewhere around seven hours to finish his research… Seven hours might seem quite a lot, but there have been instances when people have spent not only days but months to finish their research… After all, even the smallest mistake could lead to terrible consequences.

Now that Harry was done with his research, he decided to write down the ingredients required for the Rituals…

1) The Ritual to enhance his Mind:- Sphinx Brain (Intact)/Sphinx Blood

Harry could have used either an Intact Sphinx Brain or Sphinx Blood for this Ritual, but he decided to use Sphinx Blood for this Ritual. While using an Intact Sphinx Brian would have given him better results, it was almost impossible for him to acquire an Intact Sphinx Brain.

First of all, Intact Sphinx Brains aren't sold anywhere except for Auction Houses, and even if Harry could participate in such an auction, he would need at least ten thousand Galleons to start bidding. Intact Sphinx Brains are extremely coveted objects and they are rarely sold even in auctions. Probably only one Intact Sphinx Brain shows up in a decade and Harry was already being generous with that.

Almost all of the time, Sphinx Brains are sold in separate parts as selling them in parts would make the sellers more gold. Sphinx Brains are used in various types of memory enhancing Rituals and Potions, but for the Ritual Harry was planning to use, Harry could only use Sphinx Blood or an Intact Sphinx Brain.

2) The Ritual to enhance his Physique:- Giant's Heart (Conquered)/Gaint's Blood

Once again, Harry found himself in a similar type of conundrum, but once again, his choice was quite obvious. He could either use a Conquered Giant's Heart, which meant that Harry needed to slay the giant on his own, without anyone's assistance or he could use Giant's Blood for the Ritual.

While using a Conquered Giant's Heart would have given him better results, it was simply impossible for him to slay a giant with his current skills… Slaying a giant would have been easier if he could have used the Killing Curse, but if he used the Killing Curse then it would also ruin the Magical properties of the giant's body, which as result would make it impossible for Harry to use the heart in the Ritual.

Then there was another problem too, if Harry ended up using Giant's Heart, then he would need to use Intact Sphinx Brain for the previous Ritual. As a part of a Set, Harry would need to use similarly powered ingredients for each Ritual. So, he couldn't use a Conquered Giant's Heart for the second Ritual if he wasn't using an Intact Sphinx Brain for the first Ritual.

3) The Ritual to enhance his Desire:- Virgin Veela (Sacrifice)/Veela Blood

Veelas are known as creatures of Passion and Passion could be compared with Desire… While Desire is associated with achieving happiness, Passion is associated with joy… So, somewhat similar. At least, that is what Harry wanted to believe, after all, Desire can be also associated with Lust and Veelas are quite well-known for their debauchery.

Harry didn't want to turn himself into a male Veela, but as a part of the Set, he needed to perform this Ritual unless he wanted to suffer 'terrible consequences'.

For this Ritual, Harry could either Sacrifice a Virgin Veela, which was kind of impossible since Virgin Veelas never leave their enclaves and Harry couldn't use anything but a complete Veela for the Ritual, or he could Veela Blood, which was much easier to acquire that a Virgin Veela and then there was always the matter of the power of the ingredients.

So, Harry could only use Veela Blood for the third Ritual…

4) The Ritual to enhance his Magical Senses:- Virgin Female (Sacrifice)/Kneazle (Sacrifice)/Kneazle Blood

There were three paths Harry could take for this Ritual, Sacrificing a Virgin Female was not an option as it would mess up the power balance between the other ingredients he was planning to use and it was also a line Harry wasn't willing to cross for power. Using Kneazle Blood will be the safest bet for him, but he could also get away with Sacrificing a Kneazle.

So, Harry decided to Sacrifice a Kneazle for the Ritual, instead of using Kneazle Blood as Sacrificing a Kneazle was bound to give him better results…

5) The Ritual to enhance his Magical Control:- Cerberus Heart (Conquered)/Cerberus Blood.

This was a Ritual to enhance his control over his own Magical Power and while Harry would have loved to use a Conquered Cerberus Heart, he knew he couldn't. First of all, it would mess up the power balance and there was no way he could kill a Cerberus on his own without using a Killing Curse and the Killing Curse would destroy the Magical properties of the Cerberus Heart.

So, Harry could only use Cerberus Blood for the Ritual…

6) The Ritual to enhance his Magical Power:- Dragon Heart (Conquered)/Dragon Heartstring/Dragon Blood or Basilisk Heart (Conquered)/Basilisk Venom/Basilisk Blood

This Ritual will enhance the amount of Magic he could use in one go. Usually, a person could only use components from a Dragon for this Ritual, but due to a special condition, Harry could use Basilisk components instead. Harry was Parselmouth, just like his mom, but he never used this talent because he never needed it.

A Conquered Basilisk Heart was off the table as there is only one Basilisk Reserve in the world and the Basilisk Reserve is in Greece. There was no way Harry would be able to break into the Reserve and hunt a Basilisk without alerting anyone.

He could use the Basilisk Blood as it would fit with the rest of his ingredients, but he wanted to use the Basilisk Venom as it would give him better results and it would also make him immune to almost every venom out there in the world. Getting Basilisk Venom will be quite difficult, but Harry wasn't going to give up so easily.

7) The Ritual to enhance his Magical Reserves:- Thunderbird Heart (Conquered)/Thunderbird Wings/ Thunderbird Blood

A Conquered Thunderbird Heart was off the table for obvious reasons… Thunderbird Blood would have been the easiest to acquire, but he decided to go with Thunderbird Wings. Thunderbird Wings were going to be the hardest and most expensive ingredients he needed to acquire, but it would be worth it as Harry would also gain the ability to fly without any support if he used Thunderbird Wings for the Ritual.

Now that all of the ingredients were decided, he needed to decide when to perform the Rituals… According to the book, Harry could either perform a Ritual on his birthdays annually or he could perform a Ritual during the nights of a full moon. If he performed the Rituals annually on his birthdays then the gains will be better, but the time required to complete the whole Set of Seven Rituals wasn't worth it.

So, Harry decided to perform a Ritual during the nights of a full moon and he could always perform a Set of Three Rituals with performing each Ritual annually on his birthdays… Yes, that is exactly what he was going to do…

So, Harry once again decided to delve into research and after spending three more hours, he finally decided to use the Set of three Rituals he previously performed but with different ingredients… A Ritual for his Mind, A Ritual for his Body, and finally, A Ritual for his Magic…

1) The Ritual to enhance his Mind:- This time, Harry decided to use a part of a Sphinx Brain or a Centaur Brain for the Ritual.

2) The Ritual to enhance his Body:- This time, Harry decided to use a Dragon Heart or a part of a Dragon Heart for the Ritual.

3) The Ritual to enhance his Magic:- This time, Harry decided to use a Thunderbird Heart or a part of a Thunderbird Heart for the Rituals.

Even though Harry made up his mind about the ingredients, he decided that he wouldn't mind changing them if they weren't available…

Harry finally released a huge sigh and leaned back in his seat… |What do you think, mom?| Harry asked as he stared outside the window… The sun was already coming up and he was so engrossed in his research that he didn't even notice that he stayed up the whole night.

|I would have loved it if you have decided to choose the superior ingredients, but I agree with you… You made the right call. Some of the ingredients are simply impossible to acquire| Lily shook her head with a hint of disappointment in her voice. |Though I am glad that you decided to perform another Set of Three Rituals with superior ingredients| Lily added joyfully and Harry couldn't help but chuckle at her words.

|Thank you, I am aware that I need a lot of power if I need to survive| Harry said as he knew that his mom became extremely happy whenever he was pursuing power. She wouldn't have cared in the slightest even if he was Sacrificing Virgin Veelas or Virgin Females… Harry shook his head with a smile. Harry has long realized that his mom was not a nice person, but he loved her the way she was…

Harry would never change a single thing about her as he knew that even though his mom was somewhat evil, she loved him with her whole being…

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