
Something new in the white room

Shocked at what had happened Adam began to scream "what the fuck!?" looking at Richerd he said "sir! Do something! He just killed miro!" looking at Adam who was amid a freakout Richerd said "two things one, he was a spy for the eldrich. Two, cain, from what Alice told me when you ate something you would change randomly, Why not now?" still in shock Adam just went quiet and stood at the back of the room while contemplating what had happened and that miro was a spy.

Hearing Richerd's question cain began to speak "one of the tests that they did on me lets me freely control how I change at any time." while saying this cain changed his left arm to that of a tiger while his skin became golden before going back to normal "I didn't change because I didn't find anything of immediate use from him, by studying his body I may find something to use but as of now he is just biomass to power my body."

Hearing Cain's answer Richard had a thought "so you can change however you want to anything that you have eaten?" "yes." "we'll then, you just got a whole lot more interesting then." snapping out of his daze Adam began to speak.

"wait, when you ate that crow your hair color changed to its current color, I don't see how that aids you at the moment?" looking over to Adam cain said "it benefits me because I like the color. If I were to change everything about me to be as efficient as possible I would look like a hideous monster, just because I am an ever-hungry inhuman creature doesn't mean I can't look good."

At this statement, both Adam and Richerd were stunned, and as if scripted both said "fair enough." at the same time. Realizing that he was off track and satisfied from finding out how his granddaughter died Richerd started the topic he first came here for "cain, would you like to attend the academy?"

Tilting his head to the side in confusion cain said "academy?" understanding that he had lived in a lab all his life as a test subject Richerd began to explain what the academy was.

"there is at least one academy on each inhabited planet, the academy is both the name of the place and the group that owns said places. The Academy is a place that trains cultivators and mages to protect the empire from foreign invaders, mostly the eldrich, I am planning to send you to the academy so you can live the normal life that Alice wanted for you. If you agree you will be treated like a normal citizen of the empire, if not. You will be executed to maintain the safety of the people as we do not know if you are hostile to the empire or not."

Hearing all of this cain answers right away "I can only agree if I want to live so even if I wanted to I couldn't say no." hearing Cain's answer Richerd smiled "I take it that's a yes?" "yes. Now if we are done I was doing something." talking his cue to leave Richerd grabbed the still-dazed Adam and walked out.

Before Richerd left he said one last thing "before the Academy tests start you will be thought the basics of any citizen of the empire so that you can at least try to fit in. And no eating anyone else, I only let you eat miro because I planned to expose him soon so I could kill him a legal way."

Understanding that if he ate more people that were good he would get in trouble, cain agreed to not eat anyone else "ok." after confirming that cain would be good Richerd finally left. After a couple of seconds of going over what had just happened, cain decided to go back to studying the new genes that he found.

Sitting back down with his legs crossed cain began to slow his breathing and close his eyes while contracting his mind on going to the white space. Slowly Cain's mind began to drift away as his thought slowed down and finally stopped. Opening his eyes cain saw the usual floating light blue orbs that contained the bio-maps that he had stored. Some were bigger while others had a darker hue, the bigger ones were orbs that contains more information.

They were usually the ones that had more than one bio-map, these are where he stored his 'files' so he could find certain things faster. But he only used them for genes that were either obsolete as he had better ones or for genes that overlap or counter each other.

The darker orbs were the ones that had more valuable genes such as the MG and PMG or things that he was studying such as new bio-maps that he had sent fully researched.

However, there was something new, there was a colorless yet shimmering shard of something that had many other shimmering shards around it, but unlike the first shard, which was about the size of his palm, the other shards were much smaller, about the size of an ant to about the size of the tip of his finger.

Curious about what these were, as he had never seen something other than the orbs and the flesh mountain when he first entered the white room, cain walked over to the cluster and willed one of the smaller specs to come to him as he would with a normal orb. Surprisingly the spec didn't go toward him but instead continued to orbit the larger shard.

After some contemplation cain realized something. He hadn't gained the memory of that man that he ate, miro. Curious cain decided to test something. Walking over to the cluster cain decided to try to grab a different spec as he couldn't find the one he tried to get originally.

As he reached over to the spec another brushed against his finger. As soon as it touched his hand different memories than his began to flood his mind.

(??? Pov)

Hungry... Food... Eat... Smell food... Sneak... Hunt... catch... Eat... Home... Sleep... Wake up... Hunt again...

Passing through the bushes of a quiet forest was a slim silhouette of a wolf-like creature, unlike normal wolves, this wolf had a second tail and a small horn on its head as well as dark green fur to match the surrounding shrubbery. Walking forward it caught a new smell. Recognizing the familiar smell of blood the wolf began to creep at a slow pace to the sent.

If it was like normal the wolf would have realized that the smell of blood was different from anything it had smelt before, however, there had been little to no food in its territory recently so it was hungry and would even try to hunt a loin if it could. After a while, the wolf saw what looked like a tall hairless monkey with horns and a sharp tail.

Not caring about the slight differences from a normal monkey as this was a forest of beasts, and that it was standing above a bloody patch on the ground as it saw that its arm was hurt and mistook the blood as its own.

No danger... Me fast... Catch... Eat... No hungry...

Slowly sneaking up on its prey it began to get ready to strike. Just as it was about to pounce the monkey turned around and a flash passed by the wolf's eyes. The last thing it saw before it all went dark was the monkey pulling its tail out of the wolf's stomach.

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