
A new home (3)

Feeling that someone had entered his room, Cain ended his meditation and slowly left the white space. Opening their eyes he saw Adam, miro, and an elderly man who had a kind smile. however, cain could tell that this man was dangerous, through the instinct he had stolen from his prey he could tell that if he even tried to run, he would die. Opening his mouth the elderly man said "hello, I'm Richard. Nice to finally meet you, Cain." after the man said this Cain slowly stood up and said "hello, Richard. I am Cain."

"HAHAHA" hearing Cain's apathetic answer, Richerd laughed as if he heard the greatest joke on this planet. Wiping a tear from his eye he looked back at Cain and said "I'm surprised that you didn't try and run after seeing me." understanding the man's confusion Cain said, "even if I tried to run you could have killed me before the thought left my head."

Once again hearing Cain's almost lifeless voice Richerd gave a small smile "you are like what she said you would be." slowly losing his smile, he showed the face of someone who had lost all they had "so, how did she die?" confused with the man's sudden change in attitude and who he was talking about Cain asked, "who are you talking about?" slowly the man said with the same sad face "Alice, my granddaughter. How did she die?"

(Richard pov)

Walking into the room I saw the spitting image of my grandson, Cain, he even had the same name. Pausing for a second to look I noticed he was meditating. "let's say hello, shall we?" walking forward I began to release my pressure as a mage. After a short moment, the boy slowly opened his eyes and looked around the room before looking at me.

Realizing that he wasn't even blinking in fear of my aura I decided to ramp it up a notch. Infusing mana into my voice and constraining it on the boy I spoke "hello, I'm Richard. Nice to finally meet you, cain."

normally when someone was under the full force of my pressure they would faint or at least begin to tremble unless they had equal pressure or were stronger than me, both were impossible in the case of cain. However, he just stood up, like it was perfectly normal.

The only reason that Adam and miro were able to stand next to me was that I was shielding them or they would have collapsed long ago. After standing up he even spoke, and not just that, it was as if he weren't standing in from of someone who could kill him before he could even react. And this wasn't me being vain, if I wanted to he would have been dead before he could even open his eyes.

Looking at me he said, "hello Richard, I am cain." all of this going together was just too much for me to hold in, this whole time I'd been trying not to laugh but seeing that he wasn't even stuttering in the slightest put me over the edge and I began to laugh the hardest I had in years. "HAHAHAHA!" after laughing for a while I looked at Cain and asked "I'm surprised that you didn't try and run after seeing me." knowing what I meant he said, "even if I tried to run you could have killed me before the thought left my head." smiling slightly I realized that he did indeed fell the defect of my aura it's just that he didn't care.

After I short pause I asked the main question I had been wanting to ask "so, how did she die?" seemingly confused cain asked, "who are you talking about?" understanding that he didn't know I elaborated"Alice, my granddaughter. How did she die?"

(reader pov)

After hearing Alice's name from the old man Cain's eyes slowly opened in shock "h-how do you know that name? HOW DO YOU KNOW HER?!" angrily screaming at the old man Cain had no regard for his life as he began to charge at him. But before he could even notice he was named down onto the ground and sealed by what felt like bands of mana on his wrists and ankles as well as his tail.

"As I said, she was my granddaughter, I am her grandfather. She would often speak about a boy in her research facility and how she called cain after her brother. Every time we talked she would ask me to help you, to bring you out of that place so you could live a normal life like any kid your age, or at least the age that your body and mind were at." hearing this regulation cain began to calm down as he knew that even if he was hundreds of times stronger he would still have no chase of even hurting Alice's apparent grandfather.

Seeing that cain was calmed down Richard continued to speak "after finding out that the base she was staying at had been attacked I was devastated. As soon as I could I sent every search and rescue team that I could as I hoped that she would be safe. For reasons that I can't tell you right now I couldn't go myself. However, soon after I sent the teams they came back and told me that everyone was dead. They couldn't even find her body. However, when they told me that they managed to recover all of the logs and test data from the back I remembered about you.

After a while of searching, I realized that you weren't there. You were alive, after finding this out I sent Adam and Able to find you. And find you they did. So I ask you once again, please, how did she die?"

After saying this he released the restraints he put on Cain so he could stand back up. After a short pause, cain began to narrate about his time at the lab from when he first woke up to when he met all Alice all the way to when that attack happened after a short pause he began to narrate what had happened after the attack "after I killed the wolf I took one of its teeth and made my knife out of it the first memory of a worthy fight. After I killed the rest of the beasts around the base I could Alice's body and took her outside so I could Bury her as I had heard that humans would do that to honor the dead."

After he finished Richerd finally spoke up "I see, so that's what happened." thinking that this was going nowhere miro spoke up "sorry sir, but how is a story meant t-" before he could finish his sentence cains tail was through his throat "quiet." as miro began to drop to the ground cains tail began to open up like a flower.

But unlike the petals of a flower Cain's tail instead bloomed into a maw of teeth and jaws. Before his lifeless body could hit the ground cains tail had engulfed him like a snake and before they could react, or wanted to, Cain's tail returned to normal, the only signs of what had happened were the blood stains on his tail, and even they soon vanished into his skin.

Unfazed By what he had done cain then look at Richerd and asked "what now?" not caring that the boy in front of him had killed a man without even the slightest shred of rumors Richerd spoke up "now, we welcome you to a new home."

Bet y'all forgot about him didn't you?

And don't worry I know Adam is still there you will know what happens next week

Black_rabbit24xcreators' thoughts
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