
17 Contemplating

He knew living in this world would mean so much bloodshed but he'll find ways to improve that, he knew the species of this world only lost towards the forces of chaos because of too much infighting between them. One example is that at this time the two emperor war is ongoing which would develop into the three emperor war.

He could care less of the stupid quarrels of the elector counts and could even get profits with the war. But he knew the whole debacle spiraled around the legitimacy of the Cult of Sigmar which the worshippers of Ulric vehemently deny. Mark felt this was like the Jews and Christians arguing that 'Jesus was born Jewish so Christians believe in a Jew' argument.

There was also the ongoing conflict of the Dark Elves and the Elves of Ulthuan, just because of some stupid pride of being the best which is somehow cliché to every high elf community. He had read the lore and remembered that Morathi was not as evil before as she was just warning her people of their fate if they went on with their ways.

Sure Mark cannot deny she did horrible things in the lore but how could you blame someone going evil due to being ignored of her attempts to help her people. In the end she had to use her beauty to make others pay attention to her, from noble up to princes she tried to make them listen but in the end the elders dismissed it. In such a peaceful time where their cultures were mostly patriarchal it was hard for a young elven woman like her to be heard.

This was also one of the concerns of Mark as Morathi was said to be a very gifted prophet that she was said to have seen the future of the world being overrun by Deamons. Her words were taken as jokes by most of the Elven Elders but Deamons came anyways and she was captured by them, by a Slaaneshi Warband too.

Her time captured before she was saved by the first Phoenix King might have been the trigger of her current character. No wonder her go to trick is to seduce to survive, maybe she did do that when she was in the chaos warband. It was a group of worshippers of the Chaos God of Pleasure, thus Mark wouldn't be surprise if her cherry got popped there.

Who wouldn't be forced into their villain arc if those elders had just listened and prepared even if it was just a small chance what she said would be happening. This was why even if the High Elves were said to be the protectors of this Realm he would not trust them as they have been so deep into their assholes they couldn't see the whole situation.

Thus the Sundering, which separated the High Elves and the Dark Elves, who mostly worship the Elven God Khaine. And what kind of God is Khaine? He's just the God of Murder, how cute! No wonder the Dark elves were such edge lords in appearance but those Hag queens tho.

Mark was sure he'd tap that if he had the chance, but he shook his head at these intrusive thoughts. He smiled as he felt his taste really went into Warhammer level of bravery, if he did one though he was sure he'll see her the next day trying to carve out his heart literally.

Dwarves were an okay Bunch as long as you knew how to get their good graces and bellies full of alcohol. They might be the most hard-headed race there is but they are better people than most of the other races here in this world. They were also great Artisans and smiths as one of the metals Mark wanted could only be processed by their own hands.

Gromril, which is this world's own version of Uru/Nth metal or maybe this worlds Vibranium. Not sure if it is really as indestructible as they say in lore but it wouldn't hurt to get some equipment from the dwarves. He also wouldn't want to get in their Book of Grudges because that would be a generational hate that Mark didn't want.

There were the Tomb Kings which were major pricks especially Nagash which was hated by the Tomb Kings also. Some were okay like the Warrior Queen Khalida who was also the cousin of Neferata, she was not that expansionist like the others as she only wanted to slay he cousin who betrayed her and tried to turn her into a vampire. Settra though was the one he should look out for as he was so vain he still thinks he could build a paradise in a world like this through global conquest.

Norscans and the northern barbaric tribes would be people Mark should steer clear as they worship the Chaos gods. Maybe Mark could get some werewolves to be slaves as they still look cool. But generally steer clear of these Viking-like people, they were not generally bad before but spending centuries in a place close to the Chaos wastes does degrade their minds in time.

Wood Elves which was quite the nearest one for him to reach other than beastmen were quite isolationist. He does want to meet the Elven Lord Daith as there were rumors in Lore that he was the Elven Forging God Vaul who also made the sword of Khaine. But from he remembered the Queen right now is currently corrupted as she has been trying to find out who killed her sister through the world roots.

Maybe he should find ways to earn the goodwill of the Wood Elves, last he remembered there was an Ancient Treeman who would sacrifice himself to save Ariel and wake her up. So many thing are happening in the world that Mark was not sure how to interfere, maybe in a few decades he could indeed join the game of these Chess Players but right now he must earn the trust of these people of this small town.

"Town guards!" Mark called out which made the people present pay attention immediately. The Knights have already settled nearby to camp as the Paladin felt the day was already late, he looked at the Noble who still haven't cleaned himself up. He was conflicted of him enslaving the beastmen but it was the victors right to do what he wanted to the defeated.

"You called milord?" A middle aged man in leather armor came to Mark with a small hint of accent similar to how French people talk in english.

"Take the coins the town lord had with him on the carriage and distribute it equally to every household in the town. Have the people also gather and identify the dead even if they are in pieces, we will give them a proper burial. Have men gather lots of wood to make a large pyre, place it on top of that hill." Mark said as he waved his hand. The Town Guard was surprised as he remembered there were thousands of gold coins inside the carriage.

This meant almost every family would get a dozen or more gold coins, he was so happy to spread the good news as there were many still mourning their dead. The town guard didn't tarry any longer and went to deliver the orders of the nobleman.

Soon every survivor heard the Nobleman and felt gratitude as they were all worried how they should get by now that some of them had their houses burn and trashed by the beastmen. They wanted revenge but since the nobleman said he'll buy them for gold coins meant they could survive the few months. But others were not as strong as the ones that got to capture the beastmen.

Thus hearing that the money stolen by the town lord was going to be distributed, they were more grateful to their savior. Hearing what he ordered to do, almost the entire town people worked together to gather what was needed. By the time it was dark and Mannslieb(Moon) has appeared the hills were now lit with torches and a large pyre has been put in place.

Many were mourning as they held the cold dead bodies of their sons, brothers, husbands, sisters, daughters, wives and parents. They were able to find everyone that was killed and mauled by the beastmen, at least almost all were intact. Save some of the dead town guard that fought the enemy. Now counted about over a hundred and fifty were dead. The town was now left with about two hundred and ten towns folk.

Mark stood there watching in indifference thinking if he had appeared earlier would it have made a difference? Maybe it did or maybe it won't, but that is not something he should dwell on. He knew it was useless to regret so he just took not that he'll pay attention to the people in this town more. He didn't do much other than be there and show the people he was with them.

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