

He was so hard, Katherine thought.

She leaned her weight into him. It made her want to laugh with the heady power she had over him. She skimmed her nibbling mouth across the hardness of his jaw into the flesh in his throat, fingers digging at his collar to expose more of him to her busy mouth.

She couldn't think of any other place she would rather be at that moment but in his arms.

The sound of a car pulling into the driveway brought them back to earth —back to reality. They stopped.

Katherine moved a few inches away from him. Hurriedly adjusting her clothes and her hair. Trying to look presentable and hoping no one would be able to guess what they had been doing.

Gosh. She thought. What the hell came over her. All it took was one kiss from him and she turned into that girl she was years ago... Wanting him so badly. Turns out there were some things time couldn't change.

She stared at Jensen.

"We should go outside," she said.

"Ermm.. I don't think I can" he replied.

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