
Chapter 3

“Don’t I get a f*cking say in this!?” Jeremiah shouted, finally snapping and both girls jumping a bit in surprise.

“I just lost my entire life in a fire! And all those kids…you said people wouldn’t know anything, so I assume the entire orphanage is dead except for me! Kids that I helped feed as babies, caretakers that have been parents to me. All of it gone in what felt like a blink! And now, what, you just expect me to get up and go on some stupid magic bullsh*t quest?”

Nymia just looked at him, then glanced down at the ground and sighed, she didn’t know what to say to him, and as Sara took a moment to compose herself before speaking, but Kalus cut her off and spoke first.

“Yes, Jeremiah, we do. Because otherwise all of those people will still be dead, and you’d join them. I’m sorry that happened, I really am, but if you don’t go do this Laricus will find you and take your power for himself. You’re a sitting duck if you can’t fight back.”

Before a furious Jeremiah could open his mouth to respond, Sara also spoke up “We want to help you and keep you safe. We saved you after all. But… I honestly don’t think we’re going to stand much chance if you can’t help yourself too. Don’t let this have been for nothing.”

He glared at her and then glanced at Nymia who hadn't said anything, she was just looking between Sara and Jeremiah, “What, you don’t have anything to add to this? You’re just gonna stare at everyone?”

Nymia sighed and shook her head “Look, in the end it’s your choice. I’m not going to make you do anything. It’s your life, we saved you today and are willing to help, which is crazy considering we just met. So, if you don’t want to take us up on that, it’s your choice man.”

Jeremiah felt that anger like a knot in his chest, it didn’t go away as she spoke, but he could feel it through it. They were all right, he had to do this, but at least she recognized it was his choice.

“Fine,” he said, groaning. “Let’s get going. Where’s your truck?”

Sara smiled a bit “It’s not far, let’s get going. Kalus, text Nymia the Nexus’ location, okay?”

Kalus nodded “Will do, you all be careful, and good luck.” He said as he turned and left through the otherside of the glade.

Nymia took her phone out and unlocked the screen “Got it. Alright you two, let’s get going…in the truck.” She said with a roll of her eyes.

Sara giggled a little bit and smirked “Oh shut up it’s a good truck.”

As they walked out of the glade and onto the sidewalk, emerging from the tree’s leaves just like they entered, Jeremiah shook his head a bit, but smiled. It was nice to have two people acting so…normal around him even given what's happening. It was grounding, though did little to dull the pain of having lost everything. Speaking of losing everything.

“Hey, uh…I need some new clothes. These are a bit scorched and kind of full of holes.” Jeremiah said.

Nymia smirked a bit “They are pretty tattered up…could just take em off.”

Jeremiah blushed a bit brightly and just stared at her for a few seconds, nearly stammering out a reply before she continued.

Nymia laughed and smiled at him wide “Oh my god your face, that was so cute! Sara, your brothers have clothes in the truck, right? Spares for turning and stuff?”

Sara nods “Oh of course, a few of them are about your size probably so you can just switch into some of theirs. They’re all clean, don’t worry.”

“Thanks…” Jeremiah said as he took a second to recover from Nymia, he was getting the sense she was…a lot. Sara didn’t even react so they must be close. As they neared the older, black pickup truck that Sara owned she unlocked the door and let him inside so he could change in the backseat before either of them entered the car. He closed the door behind him and saw Sara turned away from the window as Nymia did the same but now and again glanced over her shoulder at the window which was tinted…Jeremiah hoped that vampires couldn’t see through tinted windows.

After getting changed into a white t-shirt and a pair of somewhat baggy jeans and plain sneakers, he knocked on the window to let them know he was ready. The two of them quickly entered the car with Sara in the driver’s seat and Nymia in the front passenger side.

“I’m going to close my eyes and try to get some rest…I was barely conscious at all today but feel like I’ve been running a marathon.” Jeremiah said with a sigh as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

“We’ll let you know if we stop for food or anything.” Sara said.

Nymia looked back at him with a smile, “Sweet dreams Jeremiah.”

Jeremiah slipped into sleep the moment they finished speaking to him, and he fell into a restful yet dreamless nap. Until he was woken up by the car suddenly stopping with a screech of tires. His eyes snapped open, and he saw they had obviously been driving a few hours, as they were out of the city and surrounded by hills and trees. Standing in front of the car were five wolves the size of horses, each one jet black with glowing red eyes.

“What are those!?” Shouted Jeremiah, his eyes wide and his hands shaking as he fumbled with the seat belt to unfasten it.

Nymia answered first “Wolf shifters, like Sara…but these are corrupted.”

“Shade wolves.” Sara said with a growl raising in her throat as her own eyes began glowing blueish white and her nails began to elongate into claws. “We’re going to have to go through them.”

As her newly clawed hand opened the door and began to step out, the five wolves before them all let out a deep, haunting howl, and slowly began to advance.

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