
Fix me a prairie oyster and I'll think about it.

The next morning was bright and sunny when Bonnie and Clyde slid the unlocked padio door open.

They pushed back the red curtains and looked around. Veronica had some memories of this house... Some we're good. Some were bad.one of the bad ones had been spilling blue nail polish on Heather's red sofa..

Veronica eyed the same sofa... It was red velvet.... There, she saw it. A purple stain on the gorgeous fabric.

JD looked around warily... His shoulders were tense and his hands were in fists.

"Trust me, she skips the Saturday trip to Grandma's even when she's not hungover."

This seemed to ease the jittering in JDs stomach.. he relaxed a bit, became more himself. (<span style="font-size: 18px;">As he could get while trespassing in the queen bees house that looked like a circus tent)</span>

<span style="font-size: 18px;">Veronica walked into the kitchen quietly, not wanting to wake the dipolmat upstairs before they could make her something.</span>

"So we'll just make her a little hangover cuncotion to get her to spew red white and blue then shall we?"

JD said incoherently as he opened the overhead cabinets and surveyed shelf upon shelf of red China.

The rubber sound behind him and sudden buzz alerted him that Veronica had opened the fridge.

"So what about..."

She started, her hand restig on the open door, bending slightly.

"Milk and orange juice? What's the uptake factor on that?"

JD didn't answer. He opened the cabinet under the sink and looked around... A certain flask caught his eye...

He held up his prized finding like it was a statue.

"I'm a no rust build up man myself."

Veronica squinted at the label

"Drano drain cleaner"

"Don't be a dick.. that stuff'll kill her..."

That memory of what he had said during the night came back...

"Heather Chandler is one bitch that deserves to die.."

She heard it echoing in her head...

But that had been a joke right? Just like him holding up a hangover cure of drain cleaner wasn't what he was actually going to do...


Was all JD said as he reached behind and opened a red cabinet overhead.


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