

Batman dropped down in front of a building where a guard laid faced down before Batman flipped him over seeing a card with an ace symbol on it making him narrow his eyes before going around back seeing a strange machine lined up in front of the wall and he pressed his hand on the wall only for it to phase through.

"Sean I found them. And tell Cyborg he was right about how they've been breaking into these places." Batman said on the comms.

"Copy that we're on our way." Sean said as he and a few others went towards where Batman was before he went inside.

The Royal flush gang was inside a diamond bank before Ace ripped off the vault doors.

"Now thats what I call a safe cracker." Jack said.

The other members King, Queen, Ten and Ace started stealing the jewels while Jack was outside.

"Jack we're on a time table what are you doing out there?" King asked.

"Keeping watch." Jack said looking around till he looked up and spotted Batman. "Peekaboo, I see you." Jack said before firing at him with his laser eye which he dodged and swung towards him and kicked him in the chest. Queen walked out and pulled out some weaponized cards.

"Pick a card, any card." Queen said throwing them at Batman and some sliced through him before cutting his grappling cable making him fall. Ten was about to blast him but he kicked her away. Jack getting back up fired at him again and Batman grabbed a mirror deflecting the blasts off him.

"Cute I can do this all day. Can you?" Jack asked before Batman threw some diamonds into the air deflecting the blasts back.

"No way Batman came alone." King said.

"What I'm supposed to be worried about Robin?" Jack asked as Ace was about to slam the vault door on Batman only for some long arm to push him away.

Looking back the Royal flush gang saw Alex Mercer, Raiden, Superman, Wonder Woman, Sean and the Flash.

"I suggest you surrender now." Raiden said.

"Crap its the Justice league." Ten said in surprise. Alex's hands shifted into more muscled arms and punched Ace into a wall hard.

"You alright?" Sean asked Batman.

"I'll live." Batman said. Alex went after Ten while Raiden and Wonder Woman chased Queen. Ace started to come out of the wall.

"So will Ace apparently." Superman said.

"He's still a little embarrassed after last time." Sean said.

"He sucker punched me." Superman said.

"You and Flash find Jack." Sean said as he and Superman took on Ace.

Alex was still running after Ten who was trying to blast him but he could make a shield that protected him from her attacks.

"Give up? Please say no." Alex joked.

"You'll never catch me Mercer!" Ten yelled as she flew away.

"If I had a hundred bucks every time I heard that." Alex said before using his long arm ability to catch her and slammed her on the ground hard knocking her out.

Raiden and Wonder Woman lost Queen or so they thought till a barrage of cards came down on them which they blocked before Wonder Woman used her lasso on her and slammed her on the ground before Raiden electrocuted her knocking her out.

Flash and Batman used a diversion tactic to take down Jack. Sean and Superman took out Ace with ease.

"Wheres King?" Sean asked.

King was flying away and out the way he came in and when he did he got knocked off his flying card by a metal arm. He was about to get up when someone grabbed his head and slammed him back down knocking him out.

"Don't think so your highness." Cyborg said as the others came out. "Hey guys you missed one but I got him for ya." Cyborg said.

"What are you doing out here I thought you were helping?" Superman said.

"I am helping. Sean and Batman thought your robbery spree was being done with extra-dimensional tech." Cyborg said.

"This tech seems a little to advance for them to come up with." Alex said inspecting the device.

"Think they stole it?" Flash asked.

"I doubt it. This kind of tech is new even to us. No someone gave them this tech probably as a test." Sean said.

"Then we haven't found the end of the thread." Batman said.

"We found all we're going to find tonight. Superman and I will take them to jail." Raiden said.

"I still think we should..." Batman tried to say.

"Batman your injured and it's clear you need rest. We'll pick up on the trail tomorrow but for now we can just go home." Sean said making him sigh before using his grappling hook to swing away. "I sometimes worry about him." Sean said as they all left.

Batman landed next to the Batmobile and opened the door and got in. Once he readjusted the mirror he swore he saw someone behind him and looked but saw no one making him narrow his eyes and drove back to the bat cave. Once he arrived Alfred was there and escorted him to the bedroom.

Once they were gone the person in question Batman saw as mirror master who got out of the vehicle and made his way to the computer and planted a device on it and it started downloading files.

"You sure this will work?" Mirror master asked someone on the comms.

"With the amount of money I paid Lex corp it had better." A male voice said.

"I couldn't see anything while in the mirror maybe I should..." Mirror master tried to say.

"Forget it I already know who he is." The person said.

"Download complete." The computer said making Mirror master pick up the device and vanished through the mirrors.

Later in swamp land

A muscled person walked through the swamp with a device in his hand leading him somewhere when suddenly a giant croc jumped out of the water and dragged him down. Seconds later he reemerges and his muscles are much bigger and growing by the second and snapped the croc's neck before throwing it back into the water. He looked at the device and it stopped working.

"It's not broken." A male voice said making him look up and see none other then Sektor. "You've arrived." Sektor said.

"Your Sektor correct the former leader of the Lin kuei?" The man asked making him frown.

"Yes. Bane right?" Sektor asked.

"Correct." Bane said getting out of the water.

"Well, well, well." A male voice said making them look behind them and saw Metallo. "This is quite the surprise." Metallo said before they looked behind him and saw two other people one human with scars on his face and a woman who looked like a cheetah in human form. "They scared man is Robert Cross." Metallo said pointing to him. (Look him up from Prototype) "And the lady with claws is cheetah." Metallo said before something came out of the ground resembling a dome of sorts.

"Whats that supposed to be?" Cross asked.

"An invitation." Sektor said as they walked inside. Once they were inside they saw dozens of artifacts and statues resembling one man.

"Welcome to the hall of doom." A male voice said gaining their attention seeing a man with tan skin black hair and dark eyes. "I am Vandal Savage. I'm pleased to see you all here." Savage said.

"For 10 million dollars I'm inclined to accept any invitation." Cross said.

"Makes me wonder, though. What if we kept the money and not shown up here?" Metallo asked.

"You'd all live the rest of your very short lives in fear of the moment I would inevitably find you." Savage said.

"Tough talk. None of us are that easy to kill." Cheetah said.

"Everyone dies child." Savage said.

"Thats not what I heard about you." Sektor said.

"You five and Mirror Master are because each of you have a personal vendetta against a member of the justice league. You wish to see them dead. While I have no personal enmity towards them I have a vision for this world, and they would stand in my way. Their deaths would serve my goals. In short, we need each other." Savage said.

"I don't speak for the others, but I'm perfectly capable of killing Wonder Woman by myself." Cheetah said.

"History says otherwise. You've all tried and failed to kill members of the league on multiple occasions." Savage said.

"Savage has foolproof plans for how we can destroy them." Mirror Master said.

"And I will pay you 100 million dollars plus expenses for each member you take off the table." Savage said.

"Wait a minute. You just committed over a half a bullion dollars just to get the Justice League out of the way of another plan?" Cross asked.

"As Sektor said earlier I'm very old. Fifty thousand years has been sufficient time to amass a fortune that dwarfs any other in human history." Savage said.

"Even so, to spend that much money just to clear the decks the payoff must be huge." Cross said.

"Inconceivably so. Any who would like to continue working with me are welcome to share in the riches. After you've destroyed the justice league." Savage said and no one moved to the door.

"I don't see any of us leaving." Metallo said.

"Then it's settled. Welcome to the legion of Doom." Savage said.


Bruce was looking over the data on the Royal Flush gang when Alfred walked in.

"Master Bruce." Alfred said getting his attention.

"What is it Alfred?" Bruce asked while Alfred looked uncomfortable.

"I have some unpleasant news." Alfred said.

Bruce rushed to the cemetery and came to a stop.

"No." Bruce said seeing his parents caskets were gone. "How could this have happened? Where are my parent's caskets?" Bruce demanded to the man who told Alfred the situation.

"I don't know, sir. We found it like this just a few minutes ago." The person said.

"Whoever did this is going to pay." Bruce said in anger.

"Perhaps I can help with that." The man said moving his umbrella away and activated something on his wrest making his muscles grow. "When I said I didn't know who did this." The man said placing a mask on his face. "I may have been lying." The man said.

"What?" Bruce asked facing him only to come face to face with Bane who kicked him into the hole.


Alex was at a bar by the ocean with James and his sister.

"Sounds like you've had your hands full this past week." Dana said.

"Tell us something we don't know." James said taking a chug of his mug before a drink was placed by Alex.

"I didn't order that." Alex said.

"Your friend ordered it for you." The waiter said before Alex look seeing a man in a black hood at the bar. Alex took a gulp of the drink and approached the person.

"Do I know you?" Alex asked.

"You should." The person said looking at him and Alex narrowed his eyes seeing Cross.


Wonder Woman was fighting up against Cheetah before punching the wall of a boat.

"What do you want, Cheetah?" Wonder Woman asked.

"To hurt you, Diana. What else? Although maybe I should have targeted that fragile little spawn of yours." Cheetah said making Wonder Woman glare and charged at her in anger.


In Central city Barry, Joe and Caitlin were investigating a hit and run case.

"Hey can we wrap this up? We're blocking traffic, and it's obvious what happened here." An officer said.

"Is it?" Barry asked.

"Come on Allen, don't do this to me again." The officer said.

"The facts don't fit the scenario." Barry said.

"Hey you guys hear the news?" Another officer said.

"You mean the part where I blow my date and therefor die alone because Allen turned my hit and run into a homicide?" The other officer asked.

"I'm serious. Mirror master is robbing the train." The officer said.

"Bag and tag everything, and be through. This is a murder, not an accident." Barry said leaving.

"Where you going?" The officer asked.

"The Train station." Barry said.

"For what it's a robbery in progress." The officer said.

"Mirror Master's there it will be a crime scene soon enough." Barry said before going into an alley and pulled his suit from a ring turning into the flash and rushed towards the Train station.


Raiden flew down to a mine where a group of FBI agents were at.

"Who's the officer in charge?" Raiden asked.

"Special agent Porter. My office reached out to you. An unknown number of heavily armed militiamen have taken over the mine." Porter said.

"A salt mine? For what?" Raiden asked.

"They call themselves the Identity Brotherhood. They plan to use the salt mine as their bass during the second American revolution which is, they claim, imminent." A second agent said.

"They've killed a dozen people, wounded three of my men." Porter said.

"Why not go in hard and take them down?" Raidena asked.

"I'd like to. But they have at least six hostages, workers, trapped down there with them." Porter said.

"We hoped you might be able to take a more subtle approach than the responses we have available." The second agent said.

"Understood." Raiden said flying into the mine.

As he entered deeper into the mine a group of the militia attack him but he created a shield of lightning to block their bullets and blasted them back knocking them out before continuing on his way.

Back with the Flash

Flash ran across the railway to the train and once he got inside he found three men tied up before he set them free.

"Whats going on?" Flash asked.

"We're shipping old cash to the reserve." One of the officers said.

"Old cash?" Flash asked.

"It's being taken out of circulation and replaced by new bills." Another officer said.

"Unless Mirror Master steals it first, which ain't going to happen on my watch." The first officer said.

"Yeah I just untied you. Your lucky he let you live at all. Stay here and I'll take a crack at him." Flash said running up ahead.

Flash soon came face to face with Mirror Master.

"Took you long enough to get here. I brought you something." Mirror Master said blasting his guns at him which Flash dodged and the shots hit the cash.

"I though this was a robbery. It looks more like you're doing the feds work for them." Flash said before dashing at him only to hit nothing as he was a hologram. "Hologram. Figures." Flash said before seeing more of them.

"Which one of us is real?" The Clones asked.

"I don't care." Flash said attacking them all.

Back with Bruce

Bruce slowly got out of the hole and Bane grabbed him before he started punching him hard before he dropped him.

"What did you do with their bodies?" Bruce asked.

"When we fought before, I broke the Bat. Today, I break the man." Bane said before kicking him in the face.

Back with Flash

Flash soon came into the end of the train and found Mirror Master next to a box.

"Come on, I'm not going to kill you yet." Mirror Master said.

"Whats in the box?" Flash asked

"Dead Grandma." Mirror Master said.

"What kind of sick..." Flash tried to say.

"Relax. I got a little ahead of myself. You can hardly blame me trying to keep up with the likes of you." Mirror Master said taking the tarp off the box revealing an old woman in the box. "She's still alive." Mirror Master said before pressing a button and it started beeping making Flash move towards her. "Don't move. You really want to hear all this first. I call this my hostage box. At the end of the countdown, already in progress the box will activate and instantly kill the old woman unless you use your speed to get her out." Mirror Master said.

"It's a trap." Flash said. (Not a fucking word!)

"Most probably but you cant take that chance, or pass up the challenge." Mirror Master said making Flash dash to the box and quickly try to disarm the box only for the old woman to vanish reveling it was a hologram and something attacked his wrest bolting a device to his wrest making Flash cry out in pain.

"What the!" Flash yelled.

"Carful it's bolted through your wrest." Mirror Master said.

"What?" Flash said.

"It's a bomb with a three mile blast radius. If you try to remove the bomb, it explodes. If you do nothing in 60 seconds, it explodes. Before you heroically leave the train to protect the passengers theres one last thing. Once you start running, if you decelerate..." Mirror Master tried to say.

"It explodes." Flash said.

"You got 12 seconds to decide what to do. I don't care what you do cause I'm not really here." Mirror Master said vanishing revealing he was a hologram as well. Flash quickly left the train and ran away from the city.

Back with Alex

Alex glared at Cross with Hatred.

"The hell are you doing here Cross. Still holding a grudge for when I took down Black Watch years ago?" Alex asked.

"A little. The drink you had has an odd effect on those with powers like yours. You couldn't taste it over the drink." Cross said making Alex widen his eyes and start to feel weaker. "Don't worry it wont kill you since your kind can just sweat the poison out. But heres the thing. It's laced with Magnesium." Cross said.

"No." Alex said before falling to his knees making James and Dana rush to him.

"Whoa whats the matter with you?" James asked.

"Get back!" Alex yelled before Cross threw a lighter at him making him burn alive making him scream in agonizing pain while Cross left with a smirk on his face.

"Revenge really does feel good." Cross said leaving.

In Metropolis

A man on top of the Daily planet was about to jump when Superman arrived.

"Mr. Ackerdson? May I call you Henry?" Superman said.

"Call me whatever you want. It doesn't matter. Nothing does." Henry said.

"I'm going to have to disagree with you, sir. Everything matters. Everybody matters. Superman said approaching him.

"Don't come any closer!" Henry said pulling a gun to his head. "I'll do it." Henry said.

"I'm staying right here." Superman said.

Back with Raiden

Raiden made it deeper into the mine and found four of the hostages tied up with a drill above their head.

"That's far enough, Thunder God." A Militia Man said above him. "You make a move, any move, and that drill's coming down on their heads." The Militia man said.

"You're not in a position to make a deal. Step away from the control panel and you wont get hurt. There's no other way out of this." Raiden said making him frown and activated the drill making Raiden Blast him and used his powers to send the drill upwards making the ceiling fall down on them but Raiden made a shield to protect them.

Back with Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman was defending herself against Cheetah's slashes with her bracelets before Cheetah jumped away.

"That trick always impresses me, but at least I got you once." Cheetah said making Diana look on her left arm seeing a cut and started feeling funny and her vision was clouded for a second.

"You drugged me." Wonder Woman said before Cheetah made a run for it.

"Catch me if you can." Cheetah said jumping down and she followed her but when she jumped down she saw more then one Cheetah.

"It's not possible." Wonder Woman said before she got into a fighting position.

Back with Raiden

The workers were unharmed.

" I want you to get out of here as quickly as you can." Raiden said.

"What about Carol?" One of the workers asked.

"Carol?" Raiden asked confused.

"From bookkeeping. They took her hostage first." One of the workers said.

"I'll get her out. Go." Raiden said as they ran out.

Raiden made his way deeper into the mine before he came up against a bulldozer before it suddenly turned into a monster making Raiden widen his eyes before shaking his head and blasted it making the bulldozer crash into a wall. Raiden then turned around seeing the leader of the Militia with the woman named Carol with a gun against her head.

"Help me." Carol said.

"Don't hurt her. It will do you no good. All your partners are captured, or worse." Raiden said.

"All of them?" The leader asked.

"All of them. You've got no options." Raiden said.

"Ive got one." The leader said before pressing a button and a large explosion took place. Raiden shielded himself while the explosion could be seen from outside. Raiden appeared out of the rubble before his eyes widened.

"No." Raiden said before digging for them and found the leader dead with his head crushed. "I don't understand. Why didn't I disarm him?" Raiden asked before looking for the woman and soon found her dead as well making him fall to his knees. "I'm so sorry." Raiden said holding her close.

"Another failure of yours Raiden." A voice said behind him making him look and see Sektor.

"Sektor. What are you doing here?" Raiden asked.

"I go where I wish now. I would be proudly leading my clan had you not invited that brat to the Mortal Kombat Tournament years ago. Everything you do people suffer. You do not deserve the tittle of Thunder God." Sektor said glaring at him.

"Your right." Raiden said in defeat before Sektor left with a smirk on his face.

Back with Superman

A crowd had gathered around the daily planet hoping Superman could save this man.

"You don't understand. I've been a newspaperman for 40 years. I started as a copyboy when I was 16. Always thought I'd be doing it until the day I died. I guess I got that part right." Henry said.

"There are other jobs." Superman said.

"Newspapers are dying. I spent my life fighting for the little guy, fighting for truth and justice. It isn't relevant anymore." Henry said.

"That's what some people say. But I've fought for the same things, even when they don't seem fashionable. It's a never ending battle, but we can't quit." Superman said making him look down.

"I'm not the man you think I am. I'm too weak to fight anymore." Henry said.

"You're stronger than you know, Mr. Ackerdson." Superman said making Henry put down the gun and Superman floated over to him about to take the gun away only for Henry to aim at him and fired and Superman widened his eyes when he felt pain and looked down seeing blood coming out of his chest.

"Kryptonite bullet." Henry said until he began changing form reveling himself to be Metallo.

"Kryptonite heart." Metallo said making Superman weaker and fell down towards the ground.

Back with Bruce

Bruce slowly woke up and saw he was next to his deceased fathers remains and growled before he took out a pair of keys and wrapped them around his hand and started punching the top of the coffin.


The Legion of Doom cheered for their victories.

"To Victory and to the legion of Doom." Savage said.

"Wait a further toast. I've been trying to kill Batman for some time now. But I did better then kill him I humiliated him." Bane said.

"Hear, Hear." Metallo said.

"Each of us finally got the better of our opposite numbers and it's all thanks to the genius of one man Vandal Savage." Mirror Master said getting them to cheer.

"Our business is completed. You are, of course, free to go." Savage said.

"You hinted at a larger scheme and said there would be place for us in it should we so choose." Sektor said.

"I did. And the offer remains open to you all. But I fear you may lack the vision to go along with me. The next part of my plan would be considered genocidal." Savage said.

"What are you going to do, Destroy the world?" Metallo asked.

"Nothing so crude. Half." Savage said getting him to laugh but saw he was serious and stopped. "It's no laughing matter. It's the next step in a plan to transform the planet in a manner that will render your pay day both trivial and meaningless." Savage said.

"What possible profit could there be in destroying the world?" Bane asked.

"First you have to understand is that I am old. Older then the human race long before the mighty Ghost Riders appeared in time." Savage said.

"I know you believe this to be true." Sektor said.

"It is true. Eighty thousand years ago I was living in what is now the island of Sumatra. One night, the sky lit up with streaks of fire. Meteors. But my primitive mind thought the stars were falling from the sky. One meteor fell to Earth into my valley. My compatriots ran but it was very cold and the glowing stone was warm. I slept there bathing in the meteor's strange radiations. And when I awoke the next morning I was forever changed. The radiation mutated me, evolving me. It was only with the passage of time I discovered the rest of my gift. As far as I know I cannot die." Savage said.

"I'm not seeing what this has to do with destroying the world." Cross said.

"Patience my friend the rest of the story will tell you all you need to know." Savage said. "I've lived thousands of lives. I've been a laborer, a scientist, a priest, an artist, a healer, a thief." Savage said.

"But most often a conquerer." Saktor said making Savage nod.

"Seventy five thousand years ago a disaster nearly rendered humanity extinct. I enslaved the survivors and ruled with an iron hand. In a few generations my people were well underway to repopulation the Earth and becoming the planet's dominant species. I was happy then." Savage said.

"You're taking the world over out of nostalgia?" Cheetah asked.

"I'm taking over because humanity is prideful and belligerent and once again needs my guiding hand. But before I take over, I intend to soften them up." Savage said.

"By destroying half the world." Cross said.

"Those who survive will happily follow a leader who offers food, comfort and order." Savage said.

"What about the alliance. Even without the Justice league the other heroes will get in the way." Metallo said.

"Normally that would be true but in this case." Savage said pressing a button showing a missile of some kind. "They wont know what hit them till it's to late and I can discontinue our alliance with the Republic and the Covenant." Savage said.


Bruce continued to punch on the top of the coffin till he felt it moving.

"Open it up." A voice said and it opened up revealing Turok and Hellboy and Bruce fell out on his knees till Hellboy helped him up.

"What the hell happened?" Hellboy asked.

"Bane." Bruce said.

"Oh great the muscle head. Lets get you patched up." Hellboy said.

"How did you know where to find me?" Bruce asked as Turok created a portal.

"Alfred told me when I dropped by so I asked Red for some help. Good thing to otherwise you might have further injured yourself." Turok said.


Wonder Woman was still attacking the other Cheetahs who were actually Police officers. Sean on his Motorcycle drove up and got off.

"The hell do you idiots think you're doing?" Sean demanded.

"Get out of my face rich boy. I've had enough..." Was as far as the police captain got before Sean shoved him into a tree.

"Talk!" Sean yelled making him gulp.

"Alright calm down. Look she was fighting the Cheetah when she suddenly started attacking everybody else." The captain said.

"Pull your men back I'll talk to her." Sean said getting him to do just that. Wonder Woman saw another Cheetah approaching her with a chain in hand.

"You must be the real one. No matter what weapons you have Cheetah you wont win." Wonder Woman said confusing Sean.

"Cheetah? Diana it's me Sean." Sean said making her blink shaking her head but still saw Cheetah.

"You really expect me to believe that?" Wonder Woman said charging at him only for Sean to wrap his chain around her making her stop moving. "Let me go!" Wonder Woman yelled.

"Honey calm down. It's me your husband the father of our son." Sean said making her calm down a little.

"Prove it. Where were you the day Junior was born?" Wonder Woman asked knowing only a small few knew the truth.

"Back in ancient Egypt helping Horus fight against Set." Sean said making her stop fighting.

"Why am I only seeing everyone as Cheetah?" Diana asked.

"Whats the last thing you remember before that happened?" Sean asked.

"I'm pretty sure she drugged me with something." Diana said before Sean grabbed her head and was engulfed in white flames before they vanished and she looked back at him seeing the real him. "Ok thats the end of that." Diana said.

"I think you had some nanobots in your head making you see everyone as Cheetah and sound like her." Sean said.


Batman with Turok and Hellboy were in the Bat cave when Alfred approached them.

"Where have you been. When I saw the graved had been..." Alfred tried to say.

"Not now we've got work to do." Hellboy said.

"Bruce Superman has been shot." Alfred said making them widen their eyes and Bruce quickly turned on the TV seeing it was true. Bruce soon turned on the comms.

"Flash, listen carefully. Go to..." Batman tried to say.

"I cant go anywhere I got a bomb bolted to my wrest if I stop." Flash tried to say.

"It will explode." Batman said.

"I'm starting to get tired. One way or another I'll have to try something soon." Flash said.

"Keep running. I'll call back when I can." Batman said.

"How did you know what was happening to Flash?" Alfred asked.

"Alex, I need your help." Batman said but only heard screaming.

"I'm burning here!" Alex yelled.

"Turok I need you and Hellboy to go to Superman you might be able to keep him alive long enough. The Justice league is under attack." Batman said.

"By who?" Turok asked.

"By me!" Batman said getting in the Batwing and flew off.

"The hell?" Hellboy said.

"I don't want to know right now." Turok said.

Sean and Diana were heading back to Global tech when Batman called telling them the Justice league was in trouble.

"We're close to Alex. Where's Raiden?" Sean asked.

"I heard there was an incident at a salt mine I'll check there." Batman said.

Sean and Wonder Woman arrived at the place Alex was at and Sean dove into the water and found Alex still burning before injecting him with something to stop the burning and he was knocked out before Sean jumped back up to the others.

"The hell happened?" James asked.

"Later right now we need to go to Superman he's in trouble." Sean said.

"Hey Batman got any ideas?" Flash asked.

"How far away are you from an Iceberg?" Batman asked.

"Never to far away. At least if it doesn't work no one dies with me." Flash said rushing towards one and found one and phased through it and got the explosive device off him. The Device exploded and Thankfully Flash was out of harms way.

"Flash are you ok?" Batman asked.

"Not the way I would have been a few seconds ago but I'm good." Flash said.

Raiden was still in the mine holding Carol's dead body when Batman walked in.

"Raiden, listen to me. However it looks, this wasn't your fault." Batman said.

"Who's fault was it, then? I was supposed to keep the innocents of Earthrealm safe but I got arrogant and cost the life of a young woman." Raiden said.

"I know something about Arrogance I also know about dead bodies and that isn't one." Batman said ripping the head off and Raiden widened his eyes when he saw she was an android. "She's sophisticated android. They all were. The entire scenario was created to convince you that you made a bad call. But you didn't." Batman said.

"I was afraid that..." Raiden tried to say.

"No. You weren't afraid. Not really. You were dosed with a synthesized version of the scarecrow's fear gad because like the Lanterns your power is based on will." Batman said.

"And fear is the enemy of will." Raiden said narrowing his eyes.

"I have the antidote." Batman said.

"Don't need it." Raiden said before he created a electric sphere and both flew towards where the others were. "No way Sektor could have done all this by himself." Raiden said.

"I did this to you." Batman said shocking him. "To all of you." Batman said.

The others were by Superman and Turok was using his powers to keep him alive.

"You want us to perform surgery on him?" Alex asked Wonder Woman.

"J'ohn is on Coruscant right now and Megan is somewhere else so you and James are the best option." Wonder Woman said.

"This can work." Cyborg said.

"I'm glad you think so cause you're going to be doing the cutting." Batman said as he and Raiden appeared.

"Wait what?" Cyborg asked till he was handed a piece of Kryptonite.

Cyborg, Alex and James managed to get the bullet out of Superman and he woke up asking what happened.

"You should ask him." Raiden said pointing to Batman making everyone look at him.


"It was a coordinated attack intended to kill us or, failing that, put us out of commission for an extended period." Batman said explaining the attacks on them.

"Why go through all this trouble though. And more importantly how the hell did they plan this so well?" Hellboy asked.

"The plans were mine." Batman said.

"Why am I not surprised." Sean said

"I've carefully studied every member of the alliance past and present." Batman said.

"Why would you do that?" Turok asked.

"Well he's not wrong to." Sean said shocking everyone minus Batman that he agreed with the plans. "Look we all remember when Superman went rogue and attacked the earth. Whats to say the same thing happened with all of us. There has to be contingency plans in place should such an event occur." Sean said.

"Oh come on." Hellboy said.

"The plans wer intended to neutralize not kill." Batman said.

"Ok putting this aside for later who the hell did all this?" James asked.

"I already know who stole the plans." Batman said showing security footage of Mirror master. "He's in hologram from that why the motion detectors didn't do anything." Batman said.

"He's not working alone thats for sure." Sean said.

"But the encryption on your files is all but unbreakable." Superman said.

"All but." Hellboy said.

"I can find them. In the event they ever were cracked." Batman said.

"You had another contingency plan." Turok said.


"So this thing is really going to kill half to population of Earth." Metallo said looking at the missile.

"Not exactly. The solar flare will do most of the damage." Savage said.

"Solar Flare?" Mirror Master asked.

"Think of this as a pilot light. When our ideal launch winds opens in just over an hour this magnificent creation will fly into the sun trailing magnetic resonance." Savage said.

"And when it hits?" Cross asked.

"It will trigger a solar flare that will propagate at light speed along the magnetic trail we've left. It will utterly destroy the sunward facing side of the Earth. Nearly half the worlds population will die instantly." Savage said.

"Thats quite a plan you've come up with." Alex said above them shocking them all. "No wonder you wanted us out of the way." Alex said.

"I thought you took care of him!" Savage yelled at Cross.

"He should have been burning for days!" Cross yelled.

"Don't feel bad. None of you succeeded." Alex said before pressing the com link in his ear. "You guys get all that?" Alex asked before they all appeared.

"Vandal Savage. My company has been looking for you for years." Sean said glaring at him.

"Don't let them get to the missile!" Savage yelled as they all fought the Justice league.

Sean went after Savage and managed to chain him up preventing him from escaping.

"I will have my revenge against you boy!" Sektor yelled about to slash him only for Sean to grab him by the neck and slam him down hard.

"Please you weren't a challenge during the Mortal Kombat tournament you're no challenge now." Sean said throwing him out the building.

Batman Turok and Hellboy went up against Bane and thanks to the combined power They easily took him down.

Alex and James attacked Cross before the former threw him out of the building with a powerful throw.

Flash went up against Mirror Master and he defeated him with ease.

Wonder woman fought Cheetah and defeated her and busted her up pretty badly.

"Thats for threatening my son." Wonder Woman said.

Superman took down Metallo when Sean and Hellboy arrived and held him down.

Savage was enraged that his plan was foiled.

"Now I believe we have some business to attend." Sean said with a grin on his face that did not sit well for Savage.


"What is this place?" Savage asked as he was strapped to a lab table and carried into a temple which happened to be the main nesting ground for the Xenomorphs.

"You Savage have caused nothing but trouble for the world so your going to put your immortality to good use now." Sean said before they appeared in the egg chamber where the Queen hissed at Savage and he looked terrified out of his mind.

"No. You cant do this to me!" Savage yelled before he yelled in pain as large metal tubes were attached to his body and started extracting a yellow liquid out of him.

"And now we can finally learn the secret to your immortality." Sean said before a face hugger attached to Savage's face making him yell out in horror.


"I'm surprised you didn't object to my plans." Bruce said to Sean as they stood up in the watchtower.

"Well I understand them perfectly fine the only difference is though my plans are much safer." Sean said.

"Meaning?" Bruce asked before Sean pointing to his head making him smile in amusement.

"Now that Savage is under our observation we might finally find the secret to his ever lasting life and who know maybe you wont age to be some grumpy old man." Sean joked making him roll his eyes.

"Very funny." Bruce said.

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