
Sarges heroes

Sean slowly woke up from his bed finding Diana next to him along with Musubi and Kazehana making him smirk before his phone went off making him sigh and answered it.

"What?" Sean asked in a tired voice.

"Son you need to get to the labs we've had another break through in finding another universe." Lane said making Sean raise an eyebrow.

"Oh really. Any more details on this one?" Sean asked getting dressed.

"Nothing at the moment but Shockwave believes he's close to a breakthrough." Lane said.

"Alright I'll be right there." Sean said leaving the mansion.


"Ok someone please explain to me whats so interesting about this Universe." Sean said coming down the stairs.

"This Universe while unexplored could hold a large number of opportunities for the alliance however first though we must..." Was as far as ShockWave got before the same portal that sent Sean to the Gears Universe activated and sent him to the new universe.

"Ok we seriously really need to fix that thing since thats twice thats happened." Reznov said.


This Universe known as the Army world which revolved around colors was in a war with the tan nation. Colonel Grim was the leader of the green army. In his office was Sargent Hawk his top soldier leader of Bravo squad and his daughter Vikki Grim.

"Sargent Hawk I need you to track..." Was as far as The Colonel got before Sean appeared on the ground.

"OW! Fucking hell thats twice thats happened?" Sean said confused as he looked at the Green people. "Uh Hi?" Sean said sheepishly making Vikki giggle before helping him up.

"Well thats an interesting entrance." Vikki said making him chuckle a little.

"Yeah sorry about that. My universe was experimenting with some dimensional travel tech and well here I am." Sean said.

"Your Universe?" Hawk said.

"Yeah. Earth Prime is our Universe. What is this place?" Sean asked looking around.

"This is the army base for the Green nation son. Might I ask why you were experimenting with this dimensional technology?" Colonel Grimm asked.

"Looking for other Earths to form alliances like we did with the Gear Universe. Last time we used this thing we ended a 17 year long war." Sean said.

"Well then how about you help us. We're currently still at war with the tan nation." Hawk said.

"Any military op I'm up for." Sean said making Hawk Grin.

"You'll get your alliance yet." Hawk said leading him to his squad.

"Well that was interesting." Vikki said.

"Indeed and if his universe helped another end a war they might do the same for us." Colonel Grimm said.


"Bravo squad attention!" Hawk said getting his men to straighten up.

"Whats the mission Sarge?" Riff asked.

"First I'd like to introduce you to a new ally of ours. Commander Kruger." Hawk said as Sean stepped in.

"He don't look so tough." Scorch said before Sean's left hand was engulfed in fire making him blink. "Uh never mind." Scorch said making Hawk chuckle.

"Sean here is actually from another universe called Earth prime and ended up here by accident. Once his people get here expect a lot more back up on missions." Hawk said.

"Now I believe we do have a mission." Sean said.

"Right. Riff your with us." Hawk said.


"Oh my god. This is Bullshit." Sean said as they battled on a kitchen table.

"I thought you said you were up for any Op." Hawk said

"Yeah but this is so stupid we're fighting on a kitchen table for gods sakes!" Sean yelled as they avoided an explosion.

"Oh yeah thats right. Well just take care of those Tan soldiers and we can get out of here." Hawk said.

"Fine." Sean said turning into the Ghost Rider and slaughtered the Tan with ease.

"Man this guy is serious." Riff said making Hawk chuckle.

"Got that right." Hawk said.

"Yo lets go." Sean said placing the explosives down. However unknown to them a woman with white skin blue eyes and blue hair watched just as the portal exploded.

"Mmm what a powerful man." The woman said


"Portal destroyed Colonel." Hawk said.

"Any sign of Tannenburg?" Colonel Grimm asked with his daughter beside him.

"Negative sir but his forces were pretty dug in." Sean said.

"I don't understand how they can survive in the big world without getting plastered." Vikki said.

"Probably found something to counteract the effects." Sean said.

"Agreed. In the meantime commander I want you to work on building the portal to your universe so we can get some reinforcements." Colonel Grimm said.

"Roger that." Sean said as he and Vikki left.

Hours later

"Wow." Vikki said seeing the portal was finished.

"Alright let me just input the coordinates." Sean said before the portal activated and minutes later Lane and Eiling walked through.

"There you are." Lane said.

"Vikki allow me to introduce you to four star general Lane and two star General Eiling." Sean said.

"Nice to meet you both." Vikki said.

"Likewise ma'am. So whats the situation here?" Eiling said.

"Same as the Gears universe. This universe is actually based on color with the Green nation being the best of the best. However the Tan army is set out on world domination." Sean said.

"Who's the leader of the Tan army?" Lane asked.

"That would be General Plastro but no one has seen him since he was left in the other world. Marshall Tannenburg is in charge of the Tan army for now." Vikki said.

"Well lets see if we can speed this war along faster." Lane said.


The Alliance managed to get through the portal and began assisting the Green army with the war.

"I gotta admit kid I'm very impressed by how well your worlds army is handling this war for us." Hawk said to Sean as he, Sean and Vikki headed to Colonel Grimm's office.

"Hold on a second." Sean said stopping.

"What is it?" Vikki asked.

"This Serum that the Tan have can prevent them from getting plastered so whats to stop them from freeing Plastro?" Sean said.

"Oh boy we better inform the Colonel." Hawk said.

They Entered Colonel Grimm's office where Lane and Eiling were in.

"Colonel we've just had a horrible thought." Hawk said.

"If this serum can stop the Tan from getting plastered whats to stop them from freeing Plastro?" Vikki said.

"Well we might have this war wrapped up before they can find him." Lane said.

"Huh?" The Three said confused.

"We've just verified intel taken from an informant. That verifies the location of Tannenburg." Colonel Grimm said.

"Who's this informant?" Vikki asked before a woman in Grimm's chair turned around revealing herself the same woman who saw Sean with Hawk and Riff.

"I have seen him myself gentlemen and children." The Woman said insulting Vikki making her frown. "My name is Bridget Blue intelligence operative for the blue resistance. And who might you be?" Bridget asked Sean who was unaffected by her charm.

"Commander Kruger." Sean said plainly making her frown while Lane and Eiling chuckled that he wasn't effected by her charm.

"I will let you get back to work and I hope we can have a more private setting." Bridget said as she left.

"I don't like her." Sean said.

"Theres a surprise since when do you turn down a woman for that harem of yours?" Lane said.

"Harem?" Vikki said narrowing her eyes on him.

"It is legal in my world and everyone is ok with it since I love my girls equally." Sean said making her smile.


"Give it up big head!" Sean yelled as his forces surrounded Tannenburg.

"Enough I surrender." He said in defeat.

Hours later

"I don't like this." Sean said as Colonel Grimm and Tannenburg were about to sign the peace treaty.

"Yeah this feels to easy." Lane said before a portal appeared and giant robots appeared and started shooting everyone.

"No shoot the Green guys not the Tan! AHHHH!" Plasto yelled as Lane and Eiling started shooting him. "Kill the White men!" Plastro yelled running back through the portal. (I'm sure that got a few laughs from a lot of you)

"Did he just call us white men?" Sean asked.

"Help!" Vikki yelled as she was carried away by one of the robots.

"HEY!" Sean yelled about to rush in after her.

"Son you cant help her now. We need to fall back to HQ." Lane said.

"I agree." Grimm said.

"GRRR fine!" Sean yelled.


"This whole thing was a fucking set up." Sean said.

"Bridget Blue must have given Tannenburg's location so all of us would have been gathered in one place." Lane said.

"I knew I didn't like her for a reason. Lane get our forces ready. We're going through that portal." Sean said.

"Copy that." Lane said.


Sean and Hawk had found Vikki in a rather amusing situation or at least for the former since she was in a gum ball machine.

"Well this is interesting. Maybe we should leave you in here to keep you out of trouble." Sean said making Hawk chuckle.

"You guys cant leave me in here. Plastro wants to marry me." Plastro said making Sean's eyes twitch in annoyance.

"Still? I thought after a couple hours of your nagging." Hawk said putting a coin in the machine.

"Just get me out of AHHHH!" Vikki yelled as she was out of the machine and launched into Sean's chest.

"Honey we've got to stop meeting like this." Sean said making her smile.


Sean and Bravo company had cornered Plastro.

"Ok you fucking freak you and me." Sean said.

"Commander I was so worried that he was going to kill you." Bridget said pissing Vikki off until.

"THATS IT!" Vikki yelled tackling her and both got into a cat fight.

"Hmmm I've never seen a catfight before." Sean said.

"Well I could watch this all day white man." Plastro said.

"Stop calling us that." Sean said.

"But I've got one last trick up my sleeve." Plastro said as one of the more giant toy robots activated.

"Oh please." Sean said slashing it in half with his chain.

"Uh...Well so much for that scheme." Plastro said about to walk off when Sean grabbed him and faced him with his fist in the air.

"Ok you fat boy. You deserve this." Sean said.

"NOT THE FACE!" Plastro yelled before he fainted.

"Aw man!" Sean said in disappointment.


Tan forces were surrounding with ease.

"Guess you'll have to postpone that world destruction plan." Grimm said making Plastro groan as he got on a prison truck and it drove off.

"So still thinking of adding our world to your alliance?" Vikki asked Sean who smirked.

"Oh yeah definitely." Sean said before a few explosions went off and the truck carrying Plastro was gone along with all the Tan.

"Oh come on." Hawk said.

"This isn't good." Sean said.

"Yeah no kidding now we've got to recapture him again." Hawk said.

"No thats not what I mean. I've seen this tactic a lot lately. I know who just freed our fat idiot." Sean said.


Plastro walked the halls of the Dark Rider's base.

"My my my. Such an impressive base. But why bring me into this?" Plastro asked.

"I need an army to rule not only this Universe but all of them." The Dark Rider said.


Sean, Eiling, Lane, Vikki, Hawk and Colonel Grimm walked through the portal to Earth Prime however something interesting happened to Hawk and Grimm when they walked through.

"Uh guys." Sean said seeing they went from green skin to White.

"What?" Hawk said before looking at his hands. "Whoa." Hawk said surprised.

"I suppose this is a side effect of entering your world." Grimm said brushing it off.

"Guess so." Lane said.

"We'll get a base of operations set up in the Green nation by the end of the week." Lane said.

"So care to show me around?" Vikki asked making Sean smirk before placing an arm around her shoulder and showed her around while Lane and Grimm talked about future plans.

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