
Age of Ultron

(Quick thing before I start you'll all be seeing members of Team Flash and Arrow in this chapter like Cisco Diggle Canary Wild Dog Rag man Mr. Terrific and Artemis)

"Captain Lance." Sean said approaching the police captain of Star City police.

"Sean glad you came." Lance said shaking his hand.

"From what you told me it sounded pretty important." Sean said.

"It is. Last night one of my officers got attacked while off duty. And the person in question was a Ghost Rider." Lance said making Sean raise an eyebrow.

"What do you mean was a Ghost Rider? I told you before Ghost Riders don't attack innocent civilians." Sean said.

"Well thats what he told me. Called himself the Dark Rider." Lance said.

"Never heard of him. Where is this officer now?" Sean asked.

Minutes later Star city hospital

Sean walked into the room of the knocked out Officer still recovering from his attack.

"This is not the work of a Ghost Rider." Sean said to himself.

"Don't be so sure." A male disguised voice said behind him making Sean turn around and saw the Green Arrow with his partners Spartan and Canary.

"I am sure. Whoever did this only has similar abilities as the Ghost Riders. This is probably what the Red Claw meant before she died." Sean said.

"Meant what?" Spartan asked.

"She claimed there was a monster only she could control. I believe she was referring to whoever did this." Sean said.

"Then why didn't you prevent that?" Canary asked.

"I tried but she wanted that to happen so she shot herself to make this happen. With her death a monster is unleashed on the world and only she could control it." Sean said.

"Control him how?" Green Arrow asked.

"I don't know. Oliver I need you to have Felicity do a background check on any known associates of the Red Claw. My hands are full right now plus the others and I are going to Sokovia to take down a HYDRA base led by Doctor List." Sean said.

"You think this guy was connected to Red Claw in a different way?" Canary asked.

"Its the only thing I can come up with." Sean said before leaving.

"He's not telling us something." Green Arrow said.

"You think he knows who this guy is?" Spartan asked.

"No but he knows more then he's telling us." Green Arrow said.

Hours later

An Area of Sokovia was being used as a base for HYDRA and COBRA before members of the League the Avengers the Defenders the X men Earth Realm and Outworld warriors Street fighters Transformers GI Joe's and the Sekirei's attacked the base with everything they have.

"Seems a little bit of overkill to have this many people attacking HYDRA and COBRA." Matsu said from his computer as she observed the battle from a special command center a few miles away from the battle.

"If theres one thing I've learned Matsu when dealing with enemies like HYDRA and COBRA you can never be to safe." Sean said in his Rider form killing a few HYDRA agents.

"The Technology here is more advanced then any of the other HYDRA bases we've dealt with before." Raiden said as he and Liu Kang took down the others HYDRA agents.

"Yeah no shit!" Reznov yelled before slicing one of them in half.

Inside the base of the castle

"So the heroes are attacking your base?" Red Skull asked List through a transmission.

"I'm afraid so. Thankfully Iron Man and the others haven't breached our shields yet." List said making Turok narrow his eyes when he heard Iron man was here.

"Unfortunate. Destroy all the Data before its to late. And Turok bring back the scepter if you can." Red Skull said before ending his transmission.


"SHIT!" Tony yelled crashing into a shield.

"What now?" Julia asked as she and Mutsu took down some more troops.

"The base is protected by an energy shield. You guys need to find a weak spot and destroy the generator." Matsu said.

"We'll find it but for now we have other concerns." Shao Kahn said smashing his war hammer on one of the HYDRA troops killing him instantly.

"Jetfire see if you can locate a weak spot." Jax said.

"I'm on it. Star Scream Cyclonus cover me." Jet Fire said.

Sean also sensed around the area and sensed another Rider was present.

Kitana and Mileena cut their opponents up before a chain was wrapped around them.

"What the?" Mileena said in confusion before she and her sister were thrown into a tree hard.

"OW!" Kitana yelled before they came face to face with a boy 13 years old wearing blue jeans black shoes with a white shirt and brown trench coat with a grey hood on covering the top half of his face.

"Boy this is no place for kids." Mileena said.

"You are allies of Tony Stark correct?" The boy asked.

"Yes now you must..." Kitana tried to say but she and Mileena widened their eyes when he was engulfed in blue flames and turned into a Ghost Rider.

"Anyone allied with Tony Stark is an enemy of mine for the crimes he has committed against me and so many innocent people he killed." Turok said about to swing his chain at them had Sindel not kicked him away.

"Sean we have a Ghost Rider here allied with HYDRA." Sindel said.

"Might be the same one who nearly killed that police officer in Star City." Batman said.

"Capture him." Sean said.

"You will do nothing of the sort." Turok said before swirling his chain in front of himself before a portal opened and he rushed through before it vanished.

"He's gone. He might not be the same person but he was probably the one who helped Cobra Commander and Destro escape from capture." Kitana said.

"Find him then." Superman said as he took down some more HYDRA agents.

"This is getting annoying. Matsu have you and JetFire found a weak spot yet?" Kazehana asked while blowing away some more troops.

"Found one!" JetFire yelled firing a digger missile into the ground to hit the shield Generator. "Shield is down people!" JetFire said.

"I'm on it. You guys just find that rogue Ghost Rider." Tony said.

Turok was waiting for Iron Man to fly by before he jumped and wrapped his chain around him.

"Never mind he found me!" Tony yelled as he crashed.

"I'm going to enjoy killing you." Turok said glaring at him.

"Do I know you?" Tony asked seeing this kid hated him a lot.

"Not that you would care but you are the reason my entire family and my town are all dead. Your weapons killed everyone I knew. The whole thing was aired around the world and you didn't even bat an eyelash." Turok said before punching him in the face which he dodged and kicked Turok into a wall.

"Sorry kid but I didn't know my weapons were being used like that. Besides Obadiah was the one who sold those weapons not me." Tony said before Turok rushed to him with great speed and wrapped his chain around his neck before heating it up making him choke from the lack of oxygen from the heat.

"You lie. All you do is lie. You only care about yourself and pay no attention to the lives you've ruined. Well I'm going to make sure you pay your debt in full with your life!" Turok yelled about to snap his neck had Superman not arrived and punched him away.

"Kid thats enough. Killing wont solve anything and your family wouldn't want this for you." Superman said.

"SILENCE!" Turok yelled entering his Ghost Rider state and vanished.

"Whats going on over there?" Matsu asked.

"Lets just say I ran into someone who hates me." Tony said.

"Wow I'm so shocked." Matsu said sarcastically having known that Tony was not that well liked because of his attitude and many other things.

"Never mind that now. Find the Data and retrieve it." Sean said.

"Right." Tony said flying to the command room and was immediately attacked by HYDRA and COBRA agents. "Guys, stop. We gotta talk this through." Tony said before small weapons deployed from his shoulders and fired at them in the knees and legs making them all fall down in pain. "It was a good talk." Tony said amused.

"No it wasn't." A COBRA agent said in pain.

Sean Raiden and Shao Kahn took down the remaining enemy troops.

"Finally." Sean said in human form again.

"You seem very concerned and troubled." Raiden said.

"Do I have to say why exactly?" Sean asked.

"You believe this Rogue Rider is the monster the Red Claw spoke of." Shao Kahn said.

"I don't think so. Something else is up with this kid." Sean said as Tony's Iron Legion arrived and captured the remaining troops.

Tony took down Doctor List and had Jarvis transfer all the remaining Data to Global Tech head quarters. As this was happening he saw Loki's scepter on a monitor showing it was down lower.

"Hey Thor I found Loki's scepter here." Tony said.

"That explains why all this tech is so advanced." Sean said.

"I thought Global Tech had it?" Steve said.

"It was transferred into Government possession. Lane asked for it to be studied. That was before we knew HYDRA had infiltrated the worlds governments." Sean said.

Tony went down further into the base and found a few things he didn't expect to see or ever again seeing the massive dead serpent from the invasion Loki caused and seeing a few unfinished robots.

As he continued to walk around he failed to see Turok glaring at him before he used one of his abilities to make Tony see his worst nightmare seeing his friends and comrades dead from the invasion making him think they had failed before he snapped out of it just as Turok left.

"Tony where are you?" Green Lantern asked.

"Uh down lower in the base I've got Loki's scepter." Tony said grabbing it with his Iron man hand.

Hours later

"Please tell me we've got some intel on our rogue Ghost Rider?" Sean asked Maria.

"Nothing. It's like he doesn't even exist. What exactly happened out there." Maria asked as Hawkeye was carried off to Dr. Cho so she could regenerate his damaged flesh.

"Kid just showed up out of nowhere and tried to kill metal head. Claimed he killed his family and home town." Kano said.

"Obadiah was the one who sold those weapons to terrorists not Tony. Whoever this kid is has a grudge against him and I want to know exactly who he is." Sean said as they entered the main headquarters of Global tech with everyone else.

"All I can tell you is this Rider is different considering he had blue flames and..." Mileena tried to say.

"Wait...Did you say blue flames?" Johnny Blaze asked.

"Does that mean something to you guys?" PowerGirl asked.

"Each flame represents a power level of the Riders. Mine being the strongest and the leader blue flaming Ghost Riders are considered the second strongest and have more abilities then the regular flaming Ghost Riders. Hence that portal he can create." Sean said.

"So he's stronger then them?" Sonya asked pointing to Robbie Johnny and Carter.

"Experience makes up for that. What I want to know is why he's working for HYDRA." Robbie said.

"We'll figure that out later. Hows the search for new recruits?" Sean asked Talbot.

"We've got a considerable list but its still small for now." Talbot said.

Tony was walking up to his main office and brought Jarvis online.

"Look alive Jarvis its playtime." Tony said. "We've only got a couple days with this Joystick before it goes into the vault. Update me on the structural and compositional analysis." Tony said.

"The Scepter is alien. There are Elements I can't quantify." Jarvis said.

"So theres Elements you can?" Tony asked.

"The Jewel appears to be a protective housing for something inside, something powerful. Like a computer. I believe I'm deciphering code." Jarvis said.

With Sean and Talbot

"So this kid is the one who helped Cobra Commander and Destro escape?" Talbot asked.

"Its my belief yes. But I don't think he's our Dark Rider." Sean said.

"How can you be sure?" Talbot asked.

"Lance told me his officer said this Dark Rider had black flames and a black skull. I've never once heard of a Rider with those traits and this kid has blue flames." Sean said.

"Well if it wasn't him then who was it?" Lane asked.

"I really wish I knew. Claw said we had unleashed a monster on the world and I think she was talking about this." Sean said.

"Maybe this kid might know something though." Ross said.

"Only one way to find out." Sean said.

Back with Tony

"So whats so important you had me dragged away from spending time with my granddaughters?" Cathrine asked.

"I need your help with something that will give you more time to be with them." Tony said making her raise an eyebrow before Banner Beast Matsu and Sally walked in.

"Alright whats going on?" Matsu asked.

"We all were wondering how List got so inventive along with the rest of HYDRA and COBRA. So I've been analyzing the gem inside the scepter." Tony said before a yellow sphere appeared. "You may recognize..." Tony said.

"Jarvis." Banner said.

"Doctor." Jarvis said.

"Started out, Jarvis was just a natural language UI. Now he runs the Iron legion and others parts of my company and Global Tech. Top of the line." Tony said.

"I'm assuming not for long." Matsu said.

"Meet the competition." Tony said taking a scan of the gem and a blue glowing hologram of what looked like an active brain appeared.

"Amazing." Beast said.

"If you all had to guess whats it look like it's doing?" Tony asked.

"Like it's thinking." Cathrine said.

"It's not a human mind." Sally said inspecting it.

"I mean, look at this. They're like neurons firing." Banner said.

"Down in List's lab, I saw some fairly advanced robotics work. They deep-sixed the data, but I gotta guess he was knocking on a very particular door." Tony said.

"Artificial intelligence." Cathrine said.

"This could be it this could be the key to completing the Ultron Project." Tony said.

"I thought that project was just a fantasy." Sally said.

"Yesterday it was a fantasy. If we can harness this power and apply it to my Iron Legion protocol?" Tony said.

"Thats a man sized if." Beast said.

"Our job is if. What if we were all sipping margaritas on a sun-drenched beach, enjoying a normal peaceful life instead of having to save the world once a week?" Tony said before looking at Cathrine. "And you could be spending more time with your grandkids and great grandkids since I'm pretty sure we can all agree thats inevitable." Tony said getting a few chuckles while Cathrine smiled at the thought.

"It's not that I'm opposed to the idea but I think we should let the others know before we start. After all if this backfires it will create a lot of tensions." Cathrine said.

"We don't have time to discuss this with them besides I know him he wont let us. I see a suit of armor around the world." Tony said.

"Sounds like a cold world." Sally said.

"I've seen colder." Tony said.

Days later

The heroes minus the Transformers who had to go back to Cybertron were celebrating their victory against HYDRA and COBRA. With them was Team Arrow as Oliver and Felicity had found a possible connection between the Red Claw and the Dark Rider.

"Let me get this straight. Red Claw had one associat that you believe is our Dark Rider?" Sean asked.

"All the evidence points to that conclusion since this guy is dressed the same but we have no picture of his face or even a name." Felicity said.

"Sean what are you not telling us?" Oliver asked.

"Theres a legend of something called the Dark Rider but this is the first time that name has ever been used outside the legend. Supposedly this person has all the abilities of the Riders but is the exact opposite of them. When I heard the name I remembered the legend. Whoever this guy is though is based off that legend." Sean said.

"So what you think this guy is like some ghost?" Roy asked.

"Not exactly. Whoever he is clearly had a special connection to the Red Claw." Sean said.

"You want us to see if we can get any more information on him?" Dinah asked.

"No but I would like to know if you'd all be willing to accept that invitation into the league." Sean said.

"We've been considering it since it looks like you've got your hands full." Diggle said.

"Not to mention you had to deploy everyone just to take down one joint base." Thea said jokingly making him chuckle.

"You have no idea. Theres just not enough heroes working together." Sean said.

Hours later

"I say that hammer is bull. Theres no way it can just decide if someone is worthy of it." Reznov said.

"Oh please your just drunk." Sean said making Julia giggle.

"Prove me wrong then and pick it up." Thor said.

"Alright fine." Reznov said trying to do just that but couldn't. "Man this is stupid. I will not be mocked by a hammer." Reznov said.

"Move." Sean said moving to pick it up which he did. "In your face." Sean said grinning.

"Screw you." Reznov said.

"You guys are like the three stooges but theres only two of you." Barry said.

"Whatever give it a shot mister who's the fastest man alive." Reznov challenged.

"Fine." Barry said moving to try and pick it up but couldn't and tried to use his speed to do so but ended up flying backwards off the couch.

"Sorry Barry but it doesn't like you." Oliver said smiling.

"Whatever you give it a try." Barry said.

"Fine." Oliver said moving to pick it up and surprisingly did. "Well what do you know." Oliver said amused making everyone burst out laughing. Most of the others tried to pick it up but only Sean Oliver and Raiden were able to.

"This thing is rigged big time." Reznov said.

"I have a simpler answer." Thor said picking up his hammer. "The rest of you are just not worthy." Thor said getting the others to groan while Sean and Raiden smirked before a high pitched noise was heard.

"Ow! The fuck?" Sean said before he and the others heard footsteps and looked behind them to see a damaged Iron Legionnaire behind them.

"Worthy? No. How could you be worthy? Some of you are killers." The Robot said.

"Uh Tony?" Sean said.

"Jarvis." Tony called trying to get his AI to shut down the Legionnaire.

"I'm sorry, I was asleep. Or I was a-dream. There was this terrible noise and I was tangled in...Strings. I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy." The Robot said.

"You killed someone?" Jax asked.

"Wouldn't have been my first call. But, down in the real world, we're faced with ugly choices." The Robot said.

"Who the hell sent you?" Sonya asked.

"I see a suit of armor around the world." The Robot said playing back Tony's earlier conversation with Banner Sally Beast Matsu and Cathrine making their eyes widen.

"Ultron." Cathrine said in shock.

"In the flesh. Or, no, not yet. Not this chrysalis. But I'm ready. I'm on Mission." Ultron said.

"What mission?" Sean asked.

"Peace of our time." Ultron said before other Iron Legionaries came in and attacked the heroes.

"Whoa!" Diggle yelled dodging one of the robots.

The heroes fought against the Iron Legion while one of them took the scepter away.

"Cant we go one day without having to constantly fight a new enemy?" Talbot asked firing at the robots before Shao Kahn smashed it with his war hammer. The others were soon destroyed.

"That was dramatic. I'm sorry, I know you mean well. You just didn't think it through. You all want to protect the world and the other realms and worlds but you all don't want them to change. How is life saved if it's not allowed to evolve? With these? These puppets." Ultron said picking up one of the destroyed robots before crushing its head. "Theres only one path to peace. Your extinction." Ultron said before Sean slashed him in half with his flaming chain.

"Ive heard enough of that crap." Sean said annoyed.

"I had strings but now I'm free." Ultron said before he escaped from the body back to the base in Sokovia.

Minutes later

"All our work is gone. Ultron cleared out. He used the internet as an escape hatch." Cathrine said.

"Ultron." Sean said.

"He's been in everything. Files, Surveillance. Probably knows more about us then we do about each other." Natasha said.

"He's in your files, he's in the internet what if he decides to access something a little more exciting?" Rhodes asked.

"Nuclear codes?" Diggle asked.

"Unlikely I installed a safe guard around those things after the invasion when the justice league was formed." Sean said.

"Which the UN completely agreed to without complaint since the last thing they wanted was to be caught unprepared again." Lane said.

"Nukes. I thought he wanted us dead?" Thea said.

"He didn't say dead he said extinct." Smoke said.

"He also claimed he killed someone but there was no one else in the building." Sub Zero said.

"Uh not exactly true." Sean said showing the orange sphere that was Jarvis damaged beyond repair.

"What?" Matsu said in shock.

"This is insane." Banner said.

"Jarvis was the first line of defense. He would have shut Ultron down. It makes sense." Mutsu said.

"No Ultron could have assimilated Jarvis. This isn't strategy this is basically rage." Sean said as Thor Shao Kahn and Cyrax came back with the later grabbing Tony by the neck holding him in the air.

"Here we go again." Karasuba said.

"Easy use your words buddy." Tony said.

"Oh I've got more then enough words to describe you Stark." Cyrax said.

"Cyrax the Legionnaire." Raiden said making Cyrax drop Stark.

"Trail went cold about a 100 miles out, but its headed north. And it has the scepter. Now we have to retrieve it again." Thor said.

"Forget that. Current problem is Ultron. Deal with him first then go after the scepter again." Talbot said.

"I don't understand. You built this program. Why is it trying to kill us?" Doctor Cho asked before Tony started to laugh a little.

"You think this is funny?" Kung Lao asked not amused.

"No. It's probably not right?" Tony said.

"Tony why in the hell would you convince them to help make this program?" Sean asked.

"Your seriously asking me that? Does anyone remember when I carried a nuke though a wormhole?" Tony asked.

"Oh not this crap again." Talbot said.

"A hostile alien army came charging through a hole in space. Most of us here were standing 300 feet below it. We can take down bad guys from HYDRA COBRA this mysterious Dark Rider and a few other bad guys but that...Thats the End game. How do we plan on beating that?" Tony asked.

"Did that kid hit you upside the head?" Kano asked.

"We deal with it as a team and succeed or fail as one. Simple as that." Sean said.

"Ultron's calling us out. And I'd like to find him before he's ready for us." Steve said.

"Right then. Lets get to work." Frank said.


Turok still in Sokovia after getting an anonymous invitation from someone arrived at a church before seeing someone in the center of the room with a clock over his head.

"Talk and if your wasting my damn time..." Turok said.

"Did you know this church is in the exact center of the City? The elders decreed it so that everyone could be equally close to god. I like that. The Geometry of belief." Ultron said. "Your wondering why you cant sense my intentions." Ultron said.

"I'm still learning and its not so easy with everyone but eventually every man shows himself." Turok said as his eyes had a blue flame to them before Ultron stood up revealing his new robotic body making Turok tilt his head to the left in observation. "Then again your not exactly human." Turok said.

"You don't seem surprised. Thats why you let Stark take the scepter since you needed more then a man to stop him and the rest of the heroes under Global techs protection and service." Ultron said.

"I only want to kill Tony Stark so I showed him his fears believing he would self-destruct." Turok said.

"Everyone creates the very thing they dread. Men of peace create engines of war. Invaders create a new group of heroes. People create...Uh?" Ultron tried to say.

"Kids?" Turok added.

"Yes Children I lost the word there. Designed to supplant them, to help them end." Ultron said.

"Is that why your here? To end the current generation of heroes on Earth?" Turok asked.

"Not exactly I've come to save the world but also...Yeah." Ultron said making Turok chuckle as he followed him to his base. "We'll move out right away. You should be familiar with this place." Ultron said.

"Impressive. More productive then when List controlled this place." Turok said.

"I have what the heroes never will. Harmony. Stark already has them turning on each other for keeping me a secret. And when you get inside their heads." Ultron said.

"Everyones plan is not to kill them." Turok said.

"And make them Martyrs? You need patience. Need to see the big picture." Ultron said.

"I don't see the big picture. I have a little picture I take it out and look at it...Everyday." Turok said.

"You lost your family in a bombing. I've seen the fills in HYDRA." Ultron said.

"Thats just a cover story." Turok said.

"Oh really and whats the real story?" Ultron asked.

"I was only 6 years old. I was having diner with my family for one of our gatherings in a small town in America. A small native American family that was big on tradition. A small government black ops group killed the entire town making it look like a Terrorist attack. My family home was attacked and destroyed by a special bomb. I was knocked out for hours before I came to. I noticed on the shrapnel there was one word. Stark." Turok said as his eyes were engulfed in blue flames before calming down slightly.

"I was injured greatly and passed out from blood loss. Then I heard a voice. Did I want revenge on those who took everything form me? Did I want to protect the innocent and slaughter those who've spilled innocent blood? I answered yes more then anything yes. Then I woke up again and was engulfed in these blue flames. I swore vengeance for the honor of my family and town. Stark is the last part of my vengeance." Turok said.

"I wondered why you seemed so full of hate. Now I don't." Ultron said. "We will make it right. You are still learning your abilities but it seems you've got your own special talent for making them see their worst nightmares. Using that we can tear them apart." Ultron said placing a hand on his shoulder.

Back at Global Tech

"Sean I only helped Tony make this so I could..." Cathrine tried to say.

"Cathrine I'm not mad at you just Stark. I should have known he was up to something. This kid clearly played mind games with him while under the HYDRA base. Its a rare and difficult ability for the Riders even I don't have it. I forgive you for helping him make Ultron. But next time let me know exactly what he's doing." Sean said before Miria walked up to them.

"We've got a problem. Ultron is all over the globe robotics labs, weapons facilities, jet propulsion labs. Reports of a metal man or men." Maria said.

"Casualties?" Sean asked.

"None witnesses keep claiming to see a blue flaming Ghost Rider healing and protecting them from these men while aiding them in raiding the supplies." Maria said.

"The Kid? Well it makes sense they have someone in common." Sean said.

"Not anymore Kruger." Reznov said showing a video of Doctor List killed in his cell with the word peace written in his blood next to him.


"So how many are we talking here?" Sally asked Talbot.

"Well not much maybe ten or more. It's not easy finding recruits when their secret identities are well secret." Talbot said.

"Meeting room now." Sean said getting everyones attention.

"Whats this?" Tony asked before Sean shoved a iPad in his chest making him look at it.

"Ultron killed List. And he has the help of our rogue Ghost Rider." Sean said.

"Oh not another Rogue." Cisco said thinking of captain cold and his crew.

"And his did a Banksy at the crime scene, just for us." Stark said.

"This is a smoke screen. Why send a message when you've just given a speech?" Jade asked.

"List knew something that Ultron wanted us to miss." Raiden summarized.

"Yeah I bet..." Julia tried to say looking at their data only to find nothing on List. "Yup. Everything we had on List has been erased." Julia said.

"Uh not exactly." Sean said opening up a door showing tones of paper files.

"Oh hell." Reznov said annoyed. Soon most of them began looking through the files on associates of List.

"Man these people are all horrible." Jax said.

"Yeah no shit." Sean said.

"Hold on." Tony said puling up a specific file on a man named Klaue. "From back in the day he owns an operation off the African cost. Black market arms." Tony said making Sean look at him. "There are conventions you meet people I didn't give him anything." Tony defended himself.

"I was about to say this might be why the kid hates your guts." Sean said.

"Whatever. He was talking about finding something new, a game changer." Tony said before Shao Kahn noticed a brand on his neck.

"What does this brand mean?" Shao Kahn asked.

"What?" Sean asked before looking at it. "That looks familiar." Sean said before Banner and Matsu looked it up.

"Yeah it's a word in the African dialect meaning thief in a much less friendly way." Matsu said.

"Wait which dialect?" Talbot asked.

"Wakanada." Banner said before looking back. "I mean Wakanda." Banner said making few in the room widen their eyes.

"Oh boy thats not good." Sean said.

"I'm not following what comes out of Wakanda?" Karasuba asked.

"That." Sean said pointing to Steve's shield. "The second strongest metal in the world Vibranium. And its commonly found only in Wakanda." Sean said.

"Wait second? Then whats the strongest?" Kazehana asked.

"Adamantium. Logan is latterly full of it inside him." Sean said as Logan showed his metal claws.

"Where is he now?" Batman asked.

"Might I suggest we send in a smaller group incase of other emergencies occur?" J'ohn Jones said.

"Agreed." Raiden said.


On the African cost was a cargo ship out of the water and inside was a dozen workers making and putting up weapons.

"Don't tell me your men swindled you. I sent you six short range heat seekers and got a boat full of rusted parts." Klaue said to someone on the phone. "Now, you will make it right, or the next missile I send you will come very much faster." Klaue said before the power went out making the men outside his office started to panic while he reached for his gun only for a chain to wrap around it and melted it away. He looked behind him and saw Turok and chuckled.

"Well surprise. The Red Skull's most prized pupil. Hows List doing?" Klaue asked.

"Dead." Turok answered.

"Shame but then again he knew what he was doing. Human life. Not a growth market." Klaue said making Turok look confused. "Oh you didn't know? Then again your just a kid learning to control those freaky powers of yours." Klaue said. "Clearly this is your first time intimidating someone." Klaue said.

"Wheres the Vibranium?" Turok asked making him frown.

"How do you even know about that?" Klaue asked.

"Friends in high places." Turok said looking behind Klaue which he did as well and widened his eyes before Ultron blasted him away.

"Lets talk business." Ultron said. Klaue led them to a secret vault where the Vibranium was at.

"Smart." Turok said.

"Upon this rock, I will build my church." Ultron said.

"The Bible?" Turok asked.

"Yes." Ultron said.

"You know it came at a great personal cost." Klaue said rubbing his neck where the brand was. "It's worth billions." Klaue said.

"Ah shut up. Your lucky we don't just kill you and take it all." Turok said.

"Easy now." Ultron said before accessing accounts transferring a large amount of money into Dummy accounts. "There I assume this makes us good?" Ultron said as Klaue looked at his phone seeing his accounts were filled. "Its all into your Dummy holdings Finance is so weird. But I always say, Keep your friends rich and your enemies rich and wait to find out which is which." Ultron said making Turok chuckle slightly while Klaue looked at them.

"Stark." Klaue said making Turok frown.

"What?" Ultron said.

"Tony Stark used to say that...To me. Your one of his." Klaue said pissing Ultron off.

"What? I'm not..." Ultron said grabbing his arm while Klaue's guard tried to aim his gun at him had Turok not snapped his neck. "I'm not. You think I'm one of Stark's puppets? His hollow men? I mean, look at me. Do I look like Iron Man? Stark is nothing!" Ultron said cutting his arm off with his glowing hand making Klaue groan in pain.

"Ouch." Turok said.

"I'm sorry. I'm...Oh! I'm sure thats gonna be okay. I'm sorry. It's just I don't understand. Don't Compare me with Stark!" Ultron said kicking him down some stairs.

"It's a thing with me. Stark is...He's a sickness!" Ultron said.

"Uh Ultron." Turok said.

"What?" Ultron said before looking behind him seeing Iron Man Superman Wonder Woman Black Widow Hawkeye Captain America Batman and Thor.

"Ah, Junior. Your going to break your old mans heart." Tony said.

"Like you actually have one." Turok said glaring at him.

"Wow this kid really hates you." Hawkeye said.

"For good reason." Ultron said.

"Nobody has to break anything." Thor said.

"Clearly you've never made an omelet." Ultron said making Turok chuckle.

"He beat me by one second." Tony said.

"Still laughing at everything like the cruel bastard you are. Does all this look familiar feel comfortable like old times when you killed millions?" Turok questioned while glaring at him with blue flaming eyes.

"This was never my life kid." Tony said in regret of what his weapons did.

"You say that but it doesn't change the fact that you're a murderer. Your weapons used by a black ops group killed my entire town. Does the name Hope ring a bell?" Turok questioned making Superman and Batman widen their eyes.

"Your from Hope?" Superman asked.

"The only survivor of the town. His weapons killed everyone." Turok said.

While this was going on. Cisco and Felicity were using their comms to listen to the whole conversation.

"Hope? Thats a town up by New York away from the big city completely isolated." Felicity said looking through the files.

"I thought the entire town was wiped out?" Cisco said.

"Apparently not..." Felicity said before pulling up the file. "Oh god." Felicity said in shock seeing the mass genocide of the town seeing dead bodies everywhere in the photos.

"Stark's weapons did all this?" Diggle asked.

"Hold on let me see the bullets they recovered." Cisco said looking through them in the files.

Back with the heroes

"Son you can still walk away from this." Captain America said.

"Oh I will once he's dead." Turok said.

"I know you've suffered." Captain America said only for Ultron to scoff.

"Captain America. God's righteous man. Pretending you could live without a war. I cant physically throw up in my mouth but..." Ultron tried to say.

"If you believe in peace, then let us keep it." Thor said.

"You speak of peace yet you allow scum like Stark to walk freely when he should be answering for his crimes of murder. Besides I think you're confusing peace with quiet." Turok said.

"Yes they are." Ultron said.

"Uh-huh. What's the Vibranium for?" Tony asked.

"Simple none of your business." Turok said before charging at him in his Ghost Rider state while Ultrons robotic minions appeared and attacked the others. Superman and Ultron went up against each other.

"Guys what the hells going on down there?" Sean asked on the comms.

"We've got this." Superman said punching Ultron in the face.

Turok threw Iron man into the wall before wrapping his chain around him and swung him around hitting the walls.

"Uh...Ow! I think we might need some back up." Iron man said.

"Alright then." Sean said before activating one of his portals. Baraka Cyclops Wolverine Super Girl and Power Girl then went through.

"Do you even know the names of the people you've killed? As one of the Riders its my responsibility to make sure scum like you are put down." Turok said about to cut him in half when Super Girl kicked him away.

All the while Ultron was using a portal Turok opened to transport all the Vibranium away.

"This is going very well." Ultron said through one of his robots while the real him was still fighting Superman.

Batman was thrown into a wall by Turok before Ultron dropped down in front of him.

"Its time for some mind games." Ultron said making Turok smirk before blending into the shadows despite the blue flames.

Thor was first when Turok did what he did to Tony.

"Thor Status?" Captain America said.

"The boy tried to warp my mind. Take special care I doubt a human could keep him at bay. Fortunately, I am mighty." Thor said before he walked into some kind of palace like area as his mind was warped.

Turok soon did the same thing to the others minus Superman and his cousins and Iron man. He tried to get to Hawkeye only for him to stack a special arrow on his head electrifying him.

"Sorry kid I've done the whole mind control thing. Not a fan." Hawkeye said before Ultron blasted him away as Turok collapsed and picked him up and rushed through the portal.

Superman along with his cousins and Iron Man fought Ultron outside before they grounded him.

"Uh, the Vibranium is getting away." Ultron said.

"Your not going anywhere." Superman said.

"Of course not. I'm already there." Ultron said confusing them. "You'll catch on but first you might want to check on your friends since Turok did a number on them with his mind games." Ultron said before Superman crushed his head as they all flew off to the others.

"Anyone copy on comms?" Power Girl asked.

"I'm here so is Baraka. The kid's mind games don't work on him so good." Hawkeye said.

"And the others?" Superman said as they landed back into the cargo ship.

"Down. The boy is more powerful then we assumed." Baraka said.

"Considering his grudge against Stark I'm not surprised." Super Girl said.

"We need to get them all back to base." Superman said.


"Damn." Sean said seeing everyone that was brought back trying to recover from their encounter with Ultron and Turok. "I knew Ghost Riders with the Blue flames were powerful but I didn't think he would be this powerful." Sean said.

"Listen we did some digging on the attack on Turok's home town. Theres something you need to know. The bullets recovered at the town none of them match up with any of Stark weapons. I think someone made it look like the weapons were sold by Stark Industries incase there were any survivors and pin the blame on him. Only thing is Turok was the only survivor of the attack." Cisco said.

"Wait do we have a list of casualties?" Talbot asked.

"Yeah here." Felicity said handing him the list before Sean found what he was looking for.

"One of the people killed was a high level terrorist that must have slipped in the states in private. This wasn't some random assault by a black ops group this was to make sure this guy didn't get out by making it look like a terrorist attack." Sean said.

"Ok but who would actually go this far just to kill one guy?" Lane asked since while he wasn't unfamiliar with assaults like this but on American soil was an act of treason something that did not sit well for him.

"I can think of only one person." Sean said.

Diana was looking out the window of her medical room with a conflicted look on her face. The nightmare Turok gave her was being banished from her home forever and losing everything she held dear in her life. Sean the twins her friends.

"You ok?" Sean asked placing his hands on her shoulders making her look at him and sigh.

"No I'm not. What he made me see makes me question if I'm strong enough to be here if I can be affected by a mere illusion." Diana said.

"You wouldn't be the first to feel that. I know all to well how that feels. When I first started out as the Leader of the Riders I questioned myself if I was truly up to the task due to my dislike for violence. However in time I learned that I could do it as long as I had a reason to fight. You and the others are the reason I fight especially the twins." Sean said making her smile while leaning her head on his shoulder enjoying the moment.


The others were still trying to shake off what Turok did to them while Thor left saying Turok unknowingly showed him a vision of future events and needed to see them again.

"You know this is basically all your fault Tony." Sean said.

"Here we go." Tony said. "Look Banner Beast Matsu Sally your grandmother we were all doing something." Tony said.

"That effected the teams." Sean said.

"That would end the teams." Tony said making Sean raise an eyebrow. "Isn't that why we fight so we can end the fight so we can go home to the people we love?" Tony questioned.

"No." Sean said surprising him. "The fact is Tony is that no matter what we do there will always be a reason for us to fight in this world. Even if by some miracle you created Ultron perfectly we still would be in the same position. The fight is not over for us. Nowhere close even. No matter how many people the Riders kill no matter how many lives we save...Our jobs will never end." Sean said.

"Thats a rather blunt way to put it." Fury said walking in.

"Oh great." Tony said.

"Artificial intelligence. You never even hesitated." Fury said to Tony.

"Look can we skip the whole crap till you make yourself useful in this situation cause its been a long few days." Tony said.

"Look me in the eye and tell me you're going to shut him down." Fury said.

"Your not the director of me." Tony said.

"No but you caused a problem for the world and you have got to fix it." Fury said.


"My contacts in Nexus have told me Ultron has been trying to get access to the nukes but for some reason he cant even get past the hundred A.I's due to the access codes being changed." Fury said.

"By who?" Tony asked before two darts nearly hit him by Mileena who smirked at him as she a had a special mask on that made her mouth look normal.

"Party is unknown." Fury said.

"So we have an ally or at least someone who doesn't want Ultron to get anywhere close to gaining access to those codes." Talbot said.

"Some advanced computer hacker in his garage?" Roy asked.

"Hardly." Sean said.

"Whoever he is doesn't matter. As long as he or she keeping Ultron at bay." Oliver said.

"My question is what does he want exactly. He stole the Vibranium for a reason." Liu Kang said.

"He wants to better then all of us. He knows he cant beat us all." Reznov said.

"He keeps building bodies for a reason." Julia said.

"Person like bodies actually." Cathrine said.

"The human form to him is inefficient." Beast said.

"Biologically speaking, we're outmoded." Tony said.

"Most of us are." Sally said.

"When all of you programed him to protect the human race you all amazingly failed." Natasha said.

"They don't need to be protected. They need to evolve. Ultron's going to evolve." Banner said looking at a picture of evolution of man kind.

"Huh?" Reznov said.

"How the hell is he supposed to...Cho." Sean said figuring it out. During the first encounter he had a chance to kill her but didn't.

"Has anyone been in contact with Helen Cho?" Banner asked.


Helen Cho was walking to her lab where he invention the cradle was in before seeing Ultron.

"Scream and your entire staff dies." Ultron said making her keep her mouth shut. "I could have killed you, Helen, the night we met. I didn't " Ultron said.

"Do you expect a thank-you note?" Helen asked.

"I expect you to know why." Ultron said placing his hand on the cradle.

"This is the next me." Ultron said.

"The Cradle regenerates tissue it cant make you a living body." Helen said.

"It can. You can. You lack the materials." Ultron said as Turok appeared holding a cylinder of Vibranium. "You're a brilliant woman, Helen." Ultron said before one of his robots holding Loki's scepter appeared and used it on her to take control of her mind. "But we all have room to improve." Ultron said.

"I could have just used my powers to control her. Why use that? And another thing what the hell is in there?" Turok asked making him chuckle.

"Oh you'll see." Ultron said.

Back with the heroes

"So Ultron is going to be making himself a body. An android body." Cathrine said.

"Looks that way. I should have figured this was going to happen. Combined with the Vibranium and the cradle anything is possible." Sean said before entering a code for one of his top projects as they walked in.

"So is it ready then?" Cathrine asked.

"Yup. However first I need you and Talbot to get a few of our candidates for the battle. Don't want to go in without some backup." Sean said.

Back with Ultron and Turok

Cho had managed to use the Vibranium with the cradle to make a living body for Ultron but it was still in progress.

"Amazing. To think such a small thing could make a living body." Turok said.

"The most rare metal in the world and SHIELD used it to make a Frisbee. Typical of ordinary humans. They scratch the surface and never think to look within." Ultron said.

"Hey." Turok said insulted.

"I said ordinary humans which your not." Ultron said as he took the blue orb from Loki's scepter before crushing it and a yellow gem was seen inside before he put it on the head of his developing body.

"What the hell is that? Theres some kind of weird energy coming from it." Turok said.

"Didn't you sense it before?" Ultron asked.

"No that casing must have been shielding it." Turok said.

Back with the heroes

"Same tactics as before?" Lane asked.

"I'd rather not cause an incident with China by sending in everyone full force." Sean said as Superman his cousins Captain America Hawkeye Black Widow and Frank went to rescue Cho. Tony Beast Sally and Matsu went to Nexus to see who was protecting the nukes from Ultron.

"True. The others will be on stand by. As for me I'm heading out with Talbot to see if we can get our candidates to come incase things don't go as planed." Lane said.

"Yeah good luck your going to need it." Sean said.

Back with Ultron and Turok

"Cellular cohesion will take a few hours, but we can initiate the consciousness stream." Cho said beginning to upload Ultron's conscious into the android.

"Amazing I can feel his life force inside the android. He's dreaming." Turok said impressed.

"I wouldn't call it dreams." Cho said. "It's Ultron's base consciousness. Informational noise. Soon..." Cho tried to say.

"How soon? I'm not being pushy." Ultron said.

"We're imprinting a physical brain. There are no shortcuts." Cho said.

Turok placed his hands on the cradle seeing what Ultron's thoughts were before seeing nothing but destruction and pulled back with a gasp before falling onto his knees breathing hard.

"What?" Ultron asked.

"You lied to me." Turok said looking at him.

"About what?" Ultron asked.

"You said we would destroy the heroes of this world. Kill Tony stark make a better world." Turok said.

"It will be better." Ultron said.

"When everyone is dead?" Turok questioned.

"That is not...The human race will have every opportunity to improve." Ultron said.

"And if they don't?" Turok asked.

"Ask Noah." Ultron said making Turok scoff.

"Are you out of your mind?" Turok asked.

"There were more then a dozen extinction level events before even the Dinosaurs got theirs. When the Earth starts to settle, God throws a stone at it. And, believe me, he's winding up. We have to evolve. Theres no room for the weak." Ultron said while Turok secretly used his power to free Cho from Ultron's influence.

"And who decides who's weak?" Turok asked.

"Life." Ultron said chuckling. "Life always decides." Ultron said before hearing an aircraft approaching. "There incoming. We have to move." Ultron said.

"Thats not a problem." Cho said ending the transfer making Ultron sigh in annoyance before blasting her before Turok made a portal and escaped.

"Turok wait!" Ultron yelled before his robots blasted the others making him sigh. "He'll understand. They all will I just need more time." Ultron said moving the cradle out of the facility.

Turok panted in exhaustion as he stood in an alleyway.

"Oh god what have I done?" Turok questioned before seeing on a TV screen Superman his cousins Batman and Captain America fighting off against Ultron. "I need to make this right." Turok said.

Ultron blasted Superman and Batman along with Captain America while Super Girl and Power Girl were out.

Ultron was about to blast them again till a chain wrapped around him and threw him into the wall of the train. He looked back seeing Turok not in Rider form.

"Please don't do this." Ultron tried to reason with him.

"Sorry but my job is to protect the innocent and you plans puts those people in danger." Turok said.

"Fair enough but you cant stop me alone." Ultron said before blasting him or so he thought as he hit the train driver and flew away.

"Damnit." Captain America said before Turok slammed his chain into the ground slowing down the train before it went off the rails. Ultron had escaped as he captured Black Widow when she got his new body out of his reach.

Everyone on the train got off while Turok having a hand on the wall breathed hard.

"You ok?" Batman asked placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah give me a sec." Turok said getting his breathing under control.

"Why'd you turn on him?" Superman asked.

"When he was trying to download his mind into the android I saw his true intentions. My job is to protect the innocent and kill those who spill innocent blood. I couldn't keep following him." Turok said.

"Well thankfully once the cradle gets to Stark this will all be over." Super Girl said making Turok groan in annoyance.

"Do you idiots ever fucking learn?" Turok questioned making them blink in surprise. "He is a murderer and an idiotic moron. He has no intention of destroying the android in fact I'm sure he plans to make a new Ultron with it." Turok said. "This is why you should kill him. My town's blood is on his hands." Turok said.

"Actually it isn't." Batman said making Turok glare.

"What the hell does that mean?" Turok demanded.

"We looked into the attack on Hope and found out that the bullets used in that massacre had no matches to any of his weapons when he made them. Whoever killed your home town only wanted it to look that way incase things didn't got as planed." Batman explained making Turok widen his eyes.

"What? Why? What purpose came from killing my home?" Turok asked.

"There was a high level terrorist in your town and someone wanted him gone at any cost. Whoever ordered that attack was only concerned about killing their true target." Batman said.

"Uh not to sound rude but if Stark is really planing on using that android to make a new Ultron we need to get moving." Power Girl said.

"Right hang on." Turok said about to open a portal before Batman stopped him.

"Can we trust you not to let your anger cloud your judgment in this?" Batman asked.

"Considering the fact that you don't want to kill me for making you see your worst nightmare. I think I can show the same restraint you have." Turok said making him nod before he opened a portal.

With Tony

Tony Banner and Beast were uploading Jarvis into the Android body when they discovered that Jarvis had managed to survive his encounter with Ultron and was the one fighting off Ultron from gaining access to the nukes. He tried to convince Sally but she ran off saying she wanted nothing to do with this and he was sure she was going to tell Sean so they had to hurry.

"This framework is not compatible." Tony said.

"The Genetic coding tower is at 97%. You have got to upload that schematic in the next three minutes." Banner said.

"You two aren't doing anything." Sean said with Turok and the others behind him.

"Uh what is he doing here?" Tony asked slightly afraid.

"I ain't here to kill you dumbass. Thought I should since you've got innocent blood on your hands." Turok said glaring at him.

"We told the truth and he also went against Ultron when he saw his true intentions when he tried to insert his mind into that android. Shut it down." Batman said.

"Nope not happening." Tony said.

"That wasn't a request Stark. There are dead people because of your screw up and you want to do it all over again?" Sean said.

"Last time was a mistake not this time." Tony said.

"It doesn't matter you need to stop this." Raiden said.

"You have no idea how dangerous that thing is. Especially with that stone inside it." Turok said before Flash came in and unhooked the cables to the cradle.

"Sorry but it looked like this was going nowhere." Barry said.

"Rerouting the upload." Tony said before Sean tackled him to the ground and they fought.

Raiden tried to assist but Beast got in his way.

"McCoy you must move out of my way." Raiden tried to reason.

"This might be our only chance to make things right." Beast said before Thor rushed in and jumped on the cradle before blasting it with lightning.

"The hell are you doing!" Sean yelled. This went on for about 10 seconds before Thor stopped making it look like he stopped whatever it was that was inside before a red humanoid body came out throwing Thor back before this person stood up and flew to the window and looked outside.

Sean was about to attack when Raiden stopped him.

"Wait." Raiden said.

"What why?" Sean asked before seeing this person had no interest in attacking them and grew some clothes on him with a yellow cape.

"I'm sorry that was odd. Thank you." The android said to Thor.

"Uh Thor you mind filling us in?" Sean asked.

"I've had a vision. A whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life, and at its center is that." Thor said pointing to the gem on 'Vision's' forehead.

"Hey wait a second isn't that...?" Sean tried to say.

"The mind stone one of the six infinity stones. One of the greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities." Thor said.

"Then why in the hell would you..." Sally tried to say.

"Cause Stark is right." Thor said.

"Oh its definitely the end times." Sean said.

"No shit." Turok said.

"You know for a 13 year old you've got a mouth on you." Sally said.

"Bite me." Turok said before she smacked him upside the head. "Ow!" Turok yelled.

"Don't back talk her and she wont do that." Sean said chuckling.

"We cannot defeat Ultron." Thor said.

"Not alone." Vision said.

"Why does your vision sound a lot like Jarvis?" Sean asked.

"We reconfigured Jarvis's matrix when we found him in Nexus." Tony said.

"And created something new again." Reznov said annoyed.

"You think I'm a child of Ultron." Vision said.

"Are you?" Sally asked.

"I'm not Ultron. I am not Jarvis. I am." Vision said.

"I looked into your fucking head and saw worldwide destruction." Turok said.

"Well look again." Vision said.

"You really think his opinion means anything?" Tony asked before Sean punched him in the face.

"Shut up! Among the small things I agree with him is that you've got innocent blood on your hands and back then you didn't even care till you ended up captured by the very same weapons." Sean said as Tony stood up holding his nose.

"Ok fair enough my bad." Tony said. Turok looked inside Visions head but tilted his head in confusion.

"Huh. Well thats new." Turok said.

"What?" Sean asked.

"I cant sense any dark emotions from him or even any hint of violence which is new since every person I've encountered has had that emotion." Turok said.

"So if your not like Ultron why do you want to fight with us?" Julia asked.

"Ultron and I are completely opposite to one another. I am on the side of life while he isn't. All of this every life on earth means nothing to him." Vision said.

"Good enough for me." Reznov said.

"Considering we've taken away his prize he's going to be making a backup plan. Turok where is he?" Sean asked.

"Where it all began." Turok said.

"Sokovia?" Steve asked.

"Yup. He has the rest of the Vibranium there. We only used a small amount to make Vision." Turok said.

"So whats the rest of it for?" Shang Tsung asked.

"I don't know but considering what I saw in his mind it cant be good." Turok said.

"Doesn't matter. I want everyone ready in 10 minutes. We're ending this now." Sean said.

"Natalia might also be there." Hawkeye said.

"She will. Theres a prison cell in the base." Turok said.

Everyone soon got everything they needed.

Three transports were headed to Sokovia with all the heroes from every group. Optimus and Megatron said they would bring who they could to help them out.

Turok was looking at the photo of his family before the incident.

"How old were you when you became a Ghost Rider?" Sean asked Turok making him sigh.

"I was only six years old. At the time I thought I had been cursed with this power but after the first two years I learned it was a gift. I still don't know the full capabilities of what I can do though." Turok said putting the photo away.

"When we get done with this I can show you." Sean said.

"Your the leader of the Ghost Riders yet you didn't get more involved till you met her." Turok said pointing to Wonder Woman who was talking to Chun Li and Juri. Sean chuckled at that.

"Believe it or not I never once had any intention of fighting back after I killed the person who killed my parents. But after I met her I decided to do more. Creating the Avengers the Defenders SHIELD making the X men public. It all started because of her and I enjoy every moment I have with her and the others in my life. So you should be thankful we met otherwise every good thing thats happened since that day might not have ever occurred." Sean said.

"We're landing in five." Frank said loading up his weapons.

"Who's our backup?" Dare Devil asked.

"I asked Talbot and Cathrine to see if they could get us some." Sean said as they landed. "Alright first things first get the people out of the city. Flash Arrow Spartan you three get as many of them out as possible. Superman you Super Girl Power Girl Wonder Woman Thor and Iron man keep an eye out from the sky. The rest of us will look for Ultron on the ground." Sean said.

"Lets get moving then." Captain America said.

About five minutes into the evacuation more then half the people were out. Tony had uploaded a new A.I to help him out called Friday since Jarvis was now basically Vision.

"Your man's in the church, boss." Friday said.

"Got it." Tony said flying to the church before he landed inside.

"Come to confess your sins?" Ultron asked.

"I don't know. How much time you got?" Tony asked.

"More than you." Ultron said standing behind him making Tony turn around and saw Ultron in a new body made of Vibranium.

"Uh...Have you been juicing? Little Vibranium cocktail?" Tony asked.

"Seriously?" Turok asked listening to the conversation.

"Oy." Sean said sighing.

"You're stalling to protect the people." Ultron said.

"Well, that is the mission. Did you forget?" Tony asked.

"I've moved beyond your mission. I'm free." Ultron said as something came out of the ground in the center of the church. "What? You think you were the only one stalling?" Ultron asked.

"Theres the rest of the Vibranium. Function still unclear." Friday said.

"This is how you end, Tony. This is peace in my time." Ultron said.

Outside the church hundreds of Ultron's robots came out of the ground or from other parts.

"Oh crap." Sean said.

"Oh my god do these things ever stop?" Reznov asked annoyed.

"Less complaining more action." Punisher said firing at the robots.

"Ultron." Vision said floating down to him. Ultron flew up to him.

"My Vision. They really did take everything from me." Ultron said.

"You set the terms. You can change them." Vision said.

"Alright." Ultron said grabbing him while Vision did the same only difference being that Vision was burning Ultron out of the net so he wouldn't escape from there. Once he had succeeded Ultron growled.

"You shut me out!" Ultron said grabbing him and threw him down. "You think I care." Ultron said before going to the drill. "You take away my world, I take away yours." Ultron said activating the drill. Once he did that a large chunk of the city started to rise up along with a portion of the city.

"What was that?" Sean asked.

"Friday?" Tony asked.

"Sokovia is going for a ride." Friday said.

"We still got civilians up here." Green arrow said as he and Hawkeye fired their arrows at the robots.

"We cant get them down and fight off these machines at the same time." Artemis said. (Just so people don't get confused this is the young justice version of Artemis)

"Blondie's got a point." Wild dog said shooting some more of the robots.

"Worry about that later. Just protect the civilians." Sean said as he and the other riders entered into their Rider State along with Turok.

"What about Ultron?" Canary asked.

"Like I said focus on protecting the civilians." Sean said as he and Blaze took down some more of Ultron's minions.

The fighting went on for about 10 minutes with no one gaining any ground.

"This is getting us nowhere. Even if we somehow stop Ultron theres no way we can get all the civilians down in time before the city reaches the right Altitude to drop killing everyone." Batman said.

"I can see that." Sean said before turning human and was at the edge of the floating city looking down.

"Sean we might have to consider destroying the entire city before that happens." Natasha said.

"We are not destroying the city with civilians on it." Superman said.

"We're not leaving this rock with one civilian on it." Sean said.

"I didn't say we should leave." Natasha said making him look at her. "There are worse ways to go besides where are going to get view like this?" Natasha asked jokingly making him let out a small smile.

"Glad you like the view Rominoff." Lane said on the comms.

"Lane?" Sean said.

"Heads up here comes our ace in the hole." Sally said.

As soon as she said that a massive carrier much larger then the Helicarriers appeared one of Sean's top projects named the Spirit of Fire. (What were you all expecting the regular carrier?^^)

"Oh man." Sean said smiling at his best work yet.

"What the?" Canary said in shock.

"I got to say this thing works like a charm and handles even better then the Helicarriers." Fury said.

"Damn." Wild dog said.

"Like no one saw this coming. Lane get the drop ships down here we've got civilians to evacuate." Sean said.

"On it. Son we also got some extra help for all of you." Lane said.

"Who?" Flash asked not seeing one of Ultron's robots behind him till a sniper took it out. On the Spirit of Fire was a woman with white skin red hair and brown eyes wearing a rather revealing outfit with black leather short shorts and a bikini top with red flames on it.

"Yoko Littner here." Yoko said waving before blasting some more of Ultron's robots from her position.

Also coming from the carrier was a sphere of wind reveling three women one of which Sean and Diana knew from the Mortal Kombat Tournament.

"Korra?" Sean said surprised.

"Hey long time no see." Korra said smiling at him.

"Nice of you to drop by. Who are your friends?" Sean asked seeing one woman with white skin black hair and amber eyes while the other had dark skin brown hair and blue eyes.

"These are Azula and Katara. I asked them to help out." Korra said.

"I'm always up for a fight." Azula said having her hands engulfed in blue fire.

"Nice." Sean said. before a group of robots appeared only for something to be moving very fast like the flash to destroy them and when this person stopped it was one kind of dino like alien before it was engulfed in a green light and a teenager at the age of 17 appeared. He had white skin brown hair and green eyes.

"You know when I was told I was needed for backup I wasn't expecting to fight robots. Names Ben Tennyson." Ben said approaching him before two others dropped down. One woman same age as Ben with white skin red hair and green eyes while the other was a man same age as them with white skin black hair and dark brown eyes. "These two are Gwen and Kevin." Ben said.

"Nice to see you all could come and help out." Natasha said before more robots appeared and this time a barrage of swords struck them down. Erza and two others Sean knew appeared. Mira and Evergreen. Mira had white skin white hair and blue eyes while Evergreen had White skin brown hair and dark brown eyes.

"Lane how many people did you get as backup?" Sean asked while he was grateful he just didn't expect so many.

"As many as I could. The last two should be coming in." Lane said.

True enough a group of robots were destroyed by a purple sphere before being thrown away. Walking towards them were two women and also could be seen as a mother daughter group the daughter had white skin black hair and dark violet eyes. The mother had white skin and brown hair and brown eyes.

"Wow when we were asked to help in a crisis I didn't think it would be this bad." The daughter said.

"Helen and Violet Parr." Sean said making them blink.

"How did you..." Helen tried to ask.

"I'm not the smartest person in the world without a reason." Sean said.

"We also got Rhodes her." Talbot said as War Machine came in protecting the Spirit of fire from enemy fire.

"Alright lets get to work." Sean said.

The tide of the battle while still the same seemed to be going better.

"Hey we need everyone at the core. Ultron is trying to activate the drill." Jax said.

"Alright lets move." Captain America said just as Jet Fire and Star Scream arrived to help take down the other robots.

The Heroes managed to defeat Ultron before he tried to get away along with his copies so he could live past this.

"We need to get the rest of the civilians off the city." Raiden said.

"What about the core?" Gwen asked.

"I'll stay." Turok said. "This is my fault anyway. Go I can handle this." Turok said.

"Alright." Sean said as they all took off.

Sean and the others were helping evacuate the rest of the civilians when the city started to drop.

"Turok?" Sean called out on the comms.

"Ultron snuck up behind me and activated the drill." Turok said creating a portal to get on the Spirit of Fire.

"Don't worry we've got this." Tony said as he and Thor destroyed the city just in time before it hit the ground saving the entire world from global destruction.

"Wow you guys really work hard for a living." Korra said.

"By the way, how did you even get to Earth Realm?" Sean asked.

"Her people are actually part of Earth Realm. She's part of a well guarded part of the world known as the four elemental nations. It's protected by a natural barrier to shields it from the outside world." Raiden said.

"Well not for much longer since the barrier is failing." Azula said.

"Wait was it poisoned?" Sean asked.

"Yeah how did you..." Katara tried to ask.

"Elementia was the same. I think its safe to assume that someone is behind all this." Sean said.

"Indeed but who is the question." Raiden said.

Down bellow

One of Ultron's copies managed to escape the battle or so he though when Turok appeared vie portal.

"I'm sorry about all this. But I made a vow never to let innocent people die if I could help it." Turok said.

"I can see that. But what I don't understand is why you're working with Stark. You did say he killed your home." Ultron said.

"I was wrong. Someone wanted it to look that way incase there were any survivors. Whoever did it though I will make sure he suffers for the pain he gave me and so many others." Turok said.

"So what now? Will you kill me?" Ultron asked.

"I..." Turok tried to say before he was kicked back into a tree and someone took Ultron away. "What the!" Turok yelled looking around.

"Turok whats going on down there?" Sally asked.

"Someone came out of nowhere and took Ultron. I lost him." Turok said.

With Ultron

Ultron groaned as he was thrown against a wall and someone grabbed his neck.

"You almost killed the leader of the Ghost Rider's with your plan. If you had you'd be dead right now." The person said.

"Why do you care?" Ultron asked.

"The Ghost Riders are mine. You kill them you die. Thankfully you seemed to give them plenty of trouble so I'll let you live but you follow my orders from now on." The Person said.

"Who are you?" Ultron asked.

"I am the Dark Rider." The Dark Rider said.


Since nothing came up on Ultron the heroes decided to call off the search knowing without his connection to the net he wasn't that much a threat anymore. Many of the heroes also decided to spend some time off having been fighting non stop since this whole thing started.

Diana smiled as she packed up some of her things for a small vacation Sean put in on a private island he owned. The Twins would be spending some time with Cathrine.

"You seem pretty happy about this." Sean said pulling her into an embrace and kissed her making her smile as she held him close.

"Lets just say we both really needed some time away. Who else is coming with us?" Diana asked.

"Not everyone since Natasha said she wanted to take the time to train the new recruits." Sean said before holding Diana close making her smile some more. "After all this I'm just glad this whole mess with Ultron is over." Sean said kissing her forehead.

Up in space

A large vault opened revealing a large golden gantlet and a large muscled person approached the gantlet and behind him was none other then Darkseid.

"I guess I'll do it myself." Thanos said grinning

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