
Surprises all Around

"I'm Sorry Clark theres nothing I can do. Whatever the Rider did to you to take away your powers is beyond the help of technology." Batman said sadly seeing his friend was beaten for good.

"I deserved it. I went to far. I put Lois and two kids in harms way because I let my temper and my anger towards the Rider and his killings get in the way of my rational thinking." Superman said sadly. "Superman is dead forever now. I guess I'll just have to live with that forever." Superman said in defeat. "What will you do now though?" Superman said.

"Find a way to take the Rider down. Like you before this he's not invincible he has to have a weakness. I intend to find it." Batman said.

"And if there isn't?" Superman said about to leave.

"Then I'm afraid of what the future holds for the human race if he cant be stopped." Batman said going back to work on finding a weakness.

Up at the watchtower

"Wow cool." The Twins said looking at the earth.

"Well they seem happy now." Hawkgirl said to Sean who chuckled.

"Wouldn't you if you were they're age looking at you planet for the first time in space?" Sean asked making her grin.

"Maybe but my home planet is a little different from earth." Hawkgirl said.

"So whats going to happen to the League since Batman wont be funding this place anymore?" Flash asked.

"General Talbot and I both agreed the world does need the Justice league just not with Superman or Batman involved. With Superman no longer having any of his powers the Defenders initiative has been recalled but the members we've selected are still available to join the league." Sean said.

"And what members would those be exactly?" J'ohn Jones asked.

"Frank Castle a former marine who served beside my father during his days in the military. Frank Has earned the name as the punisher for killing mob family's and crime families." Sean said showing an image of the Punisher.

"Not bad." Hawkgirl said.

"Next would be a man who known as Daredevil. Not much is really known about him but its clear he's been trained in martial arts and has a unique ability of sensing the enemy by sound of any kind." Sean said showing his image as well.

"Anyone else?" Diana asked.

"Well obviously the Ghost Rider but there are a few others that have made a name for themselves. Luke Cage Jessica Jones and Iron Fist." Sean said showing their images.

"So your going to be funding the league now?" Hawkgirl asked.

"No actually the united nations will be since none of you sided with Superman or Batman three days ago." General Talbot said.

"I assume some had other views of us since Superman was the one to form the league to begin with." Lantern said.

"Lets face facts he's done way more harm then good. Think about what happened with the invaders that wiped out all his people. All our nukes were disarmed because he said we didn't need them well guess what we did." Talbot said.

"Easy Talbot that was one idea of his I sided with since those things do more harm then good due to the after effects." Sean said making him sigh.

"Fair enough point is we still needed them for emergencies like that." Talbot said.

"And speaking of Mars J'ohn I think you should know we did a scan of your home planet this morning and found something rather interesting you'll want to hear." Sean said making Talbot chuckle which confused the Last Martian.

"Meaning?" J'ohn asked in interest.

"Do you remember those pods those white freaks that invaded you planet before coming here which resulted in the creation of the League?" Talbot asked.

"Oh course they used those to keep my people in suspended animation I could not find them however though and assumed they had destroyed them." J'ohn said.

"Well you were wrong. My company has had samples of that stuff for a while and when scanned we've noticed they put out a very visible energy signature. During the scan of Mars we've found the same energy signature on the planet." Sean said making his eyes widen.

"Where?" J'ohn asked.


"Should be around this area here." Sean said in a space suit.

"I don't see anything." Lantern said.

"Hold that thought." Sean said placing a charge on a large rock wall before it blew up. Once they made it inside they saw hundreds of pods all over the place.

"Whoa." Lantern said.

"Here help me open one of them." Sean said opening one with his hands before the martian inside started to move around before shifting into a human like body but still had the green skin and had red hair and brown eyes. She opened her eyes and looked at him.

"What...Who are you?" The Female Martian asked before he gently grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the pod.

"I guess you can call me a friend of J'ohn's." Sean said making her eyes widen.

"Uncle J'ohn is here?" The Martian asked.

"Yup. Got a name?" Sean asked making her smile.

"Yeah the name is Megan." Megan said kindly.

"Well Megan I'll take you to him. Im sure he'll be happy to see you since he thought he was the last martian." Sean said.

"Why would he think that?" Megan asked.

"He looked for all of you for years but couldn't. My company from Earth found out that these pods have an energy signature almost impossible to miss and we did a scan of Mars and you can the rest." Sean said as the approached the no longer last martian. "Hey J'ohn." Sean said as he turned around.

"Megan." J'ohn said as she rushed and engulfed him in a hug.

"So what happens now?" Lantern asked.

"I'm sure J'ohn will stay on earth since its become his second home." Sean said.

Weeks later

With Mars now rebuilding its culture again from scratch Earth Finally had its first official first alien alliance since Superman didn't really count due to him being de-powered and his cousins Kara and Karen being only two so they while the world thanked for their help didn't exactly count as an alliance like this one. Global tech was put in charge of all alliances that were from other planets.

Megan had also decided to travel to earth having some need to be close to Sean for some unknown reason to her.

"Holy shit this alliance is becoming more and more interesting by the minute." Sean said.

"Whys that?" Talbot asked.

"So far my company has gotten at least over a dozen offers of merging other companies with mine and most of them are pretty well liked. Theres only one I'm turning down though." Sean said.

"Lex Cooperation?" Talbot asked.

"Yup." Sean said throwing the paper away asking for the company merge. "So hows our other side project coming along?" Sean asked talking about the new organization the united nations had been briefed on.

"SHIELD? So far everything is in order we just need a leader to qualify for the position and none are coming up all that good." Talbot said not happy about that since valuable resources are being held back till they could find one.

"I got someone in mind. An old friend of my parents from when they were alive." Sean said showing an image of an African American man with an eye patch over his left eye. "Nick Fury." Sean said.

"Yeah I heard about this guy. Went against orders during a hostage situation when we decided to negotiate which turned out to be the smart move. His actions ended up saving those people when they were going to be executed minutes after he got them out." Talbot said.

"He's more then up for the position." Sean said.

"Fair enough but what about the other projects involved with Shield?" Talbot asked.

"Like what the Avengers initiative?" Sean asked.

"The Justice league is needed none of us can argue about that so long as Fly boy and Batman stay out of it." Talbot said.

"Superman is no longer a threat since the Rider took away all his power for good. As for Batman as much as I would rather not say this there will be times he's needed in the league. He has solved some of the most impossible cases that have been a headache for most to solve." Sean said making him sigh.

"True. Still I'm hoping thats almost never." Talbot said making him chuckle.

"Thats makes two of us. As for the Avengers I've got a small list of people to fill the list. The First would be Tony Stark." Sean said making him groan in annoyance.

"Please tell me you're joking?" Talbot said.

"Look I know he can be a pain in the ass some times but he's mellowed out after his near death experience from being captured. Plus with that metal suit of his it wouldn't hurt to have him on the team." Sean said.

"Ok any others?" Talbot asked.

"Well two of them would be from Shield. Hawkeye and the Black Widow." Sean said knowing those two would be good members. "Bruce banner would..." Sean tried to say.

"Ok now I know your joking there is absolutely no way in hell you're considering the fucking hulk." Talbot said in disbelief.

"Hey who's fault is it for turning him into that thing in the first place oh yeah thats right your former mentor thats who." Sean said having a major Dislike for Ross due to his constant desire to make weapons using Gamma Radiation.

"Ok yes I admit that was our fault but still why him?" Talbot asked.

"Because he works here." Sean said.

"What?" Talbot said in disbelief before Sean pressed a button and showed a recording of Banner in the labs working on some medical equipment. He also noticed there were some metal bindings on his wrests glowing green. "Uh what the hell are those?" Talbot asked.

"Thats whats keeping the Hulk at bay incase someone pisses him off. Bruce has been training to control the hulk inside him and has come pretty far. You see the thing is that everyone is so afraid of him that they never bother to understand him which is what causes the problem most of the time." Sean said.

"So he's got a handle on that thing?" Talbot asked.

"He's getting their but yeah." Sean said.

"As long as he keeps that thing under control then fine. Anyone else?" Talbot asked.

"Well..." Sean tried to say till one of his employees walked in. "David what is it?" Sean asked.

"Sir you are not going to believe what we've found in the arctic. Its in the lab." David said as they rushed down to the lab.

Once they got there they're eyes widen in shock.

"No way." Talbot said.

"David this better not be some joke." Sean said.

"No sir its him." David said. In the lab was a large cube of ice and in the center of that ice was a legend form world war 2. Captain America Steve Rogers.

"I think you just found another member of the Avengers." Talbot said.

"No shit." Sean said.


"Captain America? You've got to be pulling my leg." Lantern said in disbelief.

"Nope not at all." Sean said showing the recording from the lab.

"I thought he was killed stoping one of Hydras plans." Flash said.

"Apparently not one of my companies exploration teams found him in the ice and brought him back." Sean said.

"So you plane on him joining the league?" Hawkgirl asked.

"Not exactly. As you all already know the world looks up to the league for good reasons minus Superman and Batman. However though the united nations believe there should be other groups of Superheroes that are from different factions rather then just this one." Sean said.

"Another one of your projects?" Diana asked.

"In a manner of speaking yes. Its called the avengers." Sean said making Flash chuckle. "Shut up." Sean said.

"Sorry couldn't help it." Flash said.

"So far the list for potential members is short but its still a work in progress." Sean said.

"What about the defenders?" Lantern asked.

"Thats going to be limited to members who kill criminals that are to dangerous to live like the Joker and those that were in Arkham that the Rider Killed." Sean said.


"Wow this place is huge." Megan said floating around.

"What they don't have mansions on Mars before the invasion?" Sean asked amused.

"Nope not at all." Megan said.

"By the way care to tell why you decided to come to earth. Not that I don't enjoy your company here but I would like to know." Sean said.

"Oh I just wanted to see other worlds you know?" Megan said.

"Megan you don't have to lie. J'ohn told me about your problem being a white martian." Sean said making her eyes widen before sighing sadly.

"Alright yes thats the real reason I left. Even during the invasion other martians that were red or green were treated like second class citizens and I got tired of it so I left and came here." Megan said.

"Well they're idiots for thinking that." Sean said making her giggle slightly. "I see someone who's much better then they ever will be because she doesn't judge people of any species by their physical differences." Sean said making her blush lightly.

"Thanks that means a lot." Megan said before he kissed her forehead making her blush even more before she pulled him into a kiss and moaned as she moved her tongue around his mouth.

"Well aren't you two enjoying yourselves." Diana said making Megan let out a Eep sound and hid behind Sean in embarrassment making him and Diana laugh.

"Don't need to be embarrassed Megan your not the first to fall for him." Diana said kissing Sean as she walked up to them.

"You humans really are a strange species." Megan said making him chuckle.

"You have no idea." Sean said.


A cruel killer screamed in agonizing pain as the Rider tore him in half literally.

"There you are." Sean said approaching him not minding the dead bodies that his team would clean up soon.

"What is it?" The Rider said.

"The League has made their decision they want you as their leader." Sean said making him nod.

"And what of the Batman?" The Rider asked.

"As much as I and the others would rather not he's still needed at times for his skills in crimes that need to be solved but I and the others will make sure you two are as far away from each other as possible." Sean said not liking that Batman was still needed after he helped Superman attack him and his sisters a while back.

"As long as Innocent blood is saved by us I could care less. For now I've got work to do." The Rider said getting on his bike and drove off.


Sean arriving home sees the Twins on the couch fast asleep making him smirk before picking them up gently and carried them to their rooms.

Heading into his own room he opened the door and smirked when he found Diana Lois Kara and Poison Ivy in his bed asleep all naked. Harley while was proven to be sane again despite her crazy acts that amused everyone in the company still had to pass a few mental tests before she could join them. Sean removed his own clothes before joining

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