
Chapter 23 Eva faced her past...

Eva tried her best to switch the department but failed to do so, with a dull mood, she went up to David sir's office and met Lara. Lara asked her

"what's wrong Eva ?",

Eva was displeased, and said,

" It's nothing... I went to the request for changing department, but failed, now I have to stay here no matter what ",

Lara asked,

"hey, Why ?... I heard our managing director is so good and supportive, did you get to meet him",

Eva replied to her

" yes I did meet him, but, just because I am too good I was rejected" ... Lara laughed

" what ..? and why was that..? "

she asked her. Eva stared at her and said

" you are very good at making fun but know nothing about comforting... I wish she could be here"

Eva was thinking about Era,

" She !! who?? ",

Lara asked. Eva came to her senses and said

" uhh... that young Lara, who was so good to me back then... "

Lara understood

" oh .. that ...I thought you were talking about someone else ".

They were chatting there and Eva got a call, it was from David sir, she remembered that he asked her to come directly to the VIP ICU ward. She jumped out off the bench and said

"l must go, Lara, talk to you later", and ran to the VIP Ward picked up the phone,

" hello sir, I am on my way.." and hung up the phone.

She was running towards the ward and suddenly bumped into someone, Jerry, and said


when she saw his face, she suddenly grabbed her hair and covered her face, and ran away. But Jerry already saw her and followed her.

She did not notice Jerry following her and entered the ward, it was a restricted ward and everybody was not allowed to enter it. So Jerry couldn't enter and wait there. He was damm sure that he saw someone familiar and so he waited there to confirm.

Eva bumped into David sir this time and was about to fall David sir bent forward and took the file from her and..... Eva fell. He said

"Learn to walk properly", and left.

Eva got up and started walking with difficulty. They went into the room ahead and David checked on the patient, ad put his hand forward for the case file but Eva was in her world, checking her knees, and hands if there was any dirt on her. David furiously stared at her.

But she didn't notice it, he asked politely,

"give me the case file Eva".

His voice was polite but his face was not. She panicked and started searching for the file, he said again

" Case file Eva it is attached to this bed near the patient's foot."

This time his politeness was more dangerous than his anger. She took the file out and gave it to David. He read the file and instructed the nurse and, went out of the room, Eva followed him. He kept thinking

"She is different today, she didn't know where is the case file, but that day she was very quick to respond, how could someone have two personalities"

He went to the other room and asked her to check on the patient, she was shocked to hear that but can't do anything, so she step forward and looked into the patient's eyes and checked his pulse, and asked him about his difficulties, it was a routine check-up so she managed, David stood here and was observing her.

He thought,

"she is doing fine it was just my misunderstanding"

They both continued, it was the last room and David said

"You can leave now".

Eva was curious

"Who could be in?.. Why does he always go there alone?"

but can't ask him, so she left calmly. He said,

"Go to the office and prepare the notes".

She nodded her head and went outside. Jerry was still waiting for her. The moment she came out of the ward, he grabbed her and pushed her to the wall, and started staring at her very closely,

"It's you, ... I can't believe it's you,... Where were you all these years? How have you been? ..... I searched for you everywhere... I can't believe I found you.. ".

Eva was in shock, and Jerry was so emotional that he was about to cry. Jerry hugged her but Eva suddenly pushed him back and hit him on his feet.

"ahh ...."

he stepped back in pain,

"Eva, don't you know how much I loved you?"

said Jerry, she stepped aside and said,

" Stop it,..Jerry ... it was not loved, it was your obsession, you were psychologically ill back then, you made my life hell, and are saying you loved me... ".

She was about to leave but Jerry hold her hand again very firmly, she tried to release it but he didn't lose his grip. She said

"if you don't leave me now, you're gonna pay for this, I'll shout Jerry this is not school''.

Jerry was of course very inhumane, he was laughing when Eva was struggling. David came out of the ward and saw Jerry holding Eva's hand and got furious, He shouted

"What the hell are you doing here, I told you to go to the office,.. leave right now, and you Jerry, you are not a kid anymore stop doing this it's better for your reputation, both of you leave now".

Both of them were stunned to see David. Jerry left from there and Eva went in the other direction. She was terrified, and though she was brave it was so quick that she was not ready to face it. She felt like crying and went to the terrace.

David had some work to do in The Dean's office, and on his way, he saw Jerry talking to someone, David unexpectedly heard his words, Jerry was talking to his friend about Eva,

" I can't believe I caught her here, she had been running around for years now I got her... I feel like flying today..."

when David heard that he was frustrated, that he wants to beat him, but he can't, so he ignored him and got back to his work.

After completing his work, he went looking for Eva, he felt so bad for her. He searched everywhere in the office, corridor, canteen almost everywhere she could be, and finally ended up on the terrace.

There she was sitting silently, keeping her head down or maybe crying, he wants to console her but they were never on good terms, the relationship between them was not that close, so he hesitated.

He kept thinking, about whom he could call that can make her feel better, He thought of calling Ben, but he would make it worse and will start a fight with Jerry, so he dropped the idea. When he thought of her friends, Lara came to his mind, he called her and said

" Lara are you done with your work, bring me the green file from my office, I am on the terrace ".

Lara just assisted Jenny in surgery. She ran from the OR to David's office and took the file and then came to the terrace. She started searching for David sir but couldn't find him, instead she saw Eva sitting on the bench with her head down, she ran to her and asked

" Hey, Eva what's wrong? what happened? ",

Eva saw Lara and hugged her tightly, she couldn't speak anything for a while. Lara comforted her and when she was calmed Lara asked her what happened.

Eva told everything to her, and they both chatted for some time. David saw Eva was fine now and felt good and went back to his office. Now he finally understood why Eva insisted on leaving this department. Eva asked

" How do you know, I am here ? ", Lara remembered about the file and said,

"David sir asked me to bring this file to him, he said that he was on the terrace, but I couldn't find him, and found you instead, well now that you are fine I go find him ",

Eva thought for a while, she understood that David sir sent Lara there on purpose.

" let's go together," Eva said.

They both went to David sir's office.

That was the first time Eva thought positively about David, but will he change his attitude towards her...is still a doubt...

....read more.....to know...


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