
Re: Self

I'm bored.

Why? Was it because my life was completed? Because I had nothing to do these days?

Well, rather than nothing to do, it's that there's too little to do.

According to master, something exciting will happen in four years. I'm sure he means the phase of plague, but still. If I remember correctly, it's the 1000th year after our agreement with the surface dweller's ancestors.

The surface dwellers think it's been more than a thousand, or less than a thousand. They're just basing it off of random collections of ancient writings.

Clearly, they didn't see the deal as important, when they signed it, seeing as they don't even remember the year it was agreed upon.

And now that I think about it, didn't master also say that the plague demon sect planned on destroying the world on the 1000th year? If so, doesn't that mean the Shensheng Diguo will become a 'fallen' world, within four years?

All of this reminds me of the epidemic around the Caodi realm. Maybe it's part of the plague demon sect's plan to take over the Shensheng Diguo? Even the other world invaded from the Caodi realm. Maybe there's something special about it, or the shrine there?

Anyways, uncle saying the epidemic had nothing to do with the plague demon was quite a shock. Usually, any and all fast spreading, lethal diseases are blamed on the plague demon sect.

It reminds me of something master said: "you should never trust your enemies, no matter the circumstances.". And there's also: "a ticking bomb is still a ticking bomb.".

It feels as if it is directed at me, and in reference to the plague demon sect, as if they are my enemies. It can also be taken as a hint, I guess?

Some sort of strange hint, telling me that the plague demon sect is attacking, and they plan on erasing the Shensheng Diguo.

Still, there's four years to come. And in those four years, there's a good chance that I can become a commander, if not a high commander. And as for that diplomatic mission... preparation might be rushed...

Haha, I feel like shit.

Just a while ago, I was thinking, 'damn it, life is boring.', and now, I'm thinking up conspiracies, plans of genocide and becoming a diplomat.

"life — no matter what angle your look at it from, I guess it really isn't boring."

Now at 14% and 21:13. I have a goal of before 21:30. Can I make it? You'll never know.

CatHamcreators' thoughts
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