

Aryans face turned crimson red to be caught at such a scene..?She didn't even know when did she returned to his seat from the table.., and now Alexander was only standing before her with a blank expression..if one would look closely it might seem like he was scolding her unbeknown to them he was angry because they had ruined their moment.

Alexander reacted fast by hearing footsteps while she was still lost on the kiss..He carried her back to his chair and when she pulled out to catch a breath,she was arleady on his chair and that was when the door opened and he turned around with a dark face.

If not for Aryan to blush red.. Abigail could think that her brother was scolding his secretary for sitting on his chair but Noel on the other side had a knowing look and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Now Abigail was the one left behind..she noticed that These three knows what was happening and she was the one left behind.but she couldn't help but feel simpathy toward the girl.,knowing his brother..,

Are you okay..?Abigail asked concerning about her.

Untill then Aryan noticed the girl..,she looks more like Alexander but she was like the female version of him..,she also looked a lot like Alexander's mother..,She had heard that Alexander has a twin and she'll be taking over the company soon could it be..,

She stood up panicked..I'm okay ma'am.?Aryan answered with a scared tone..,she hoped the ground to open and swallow her whole.

what are you two doing here..,Abigail I thought you went home..? Alexander said to ease the tension.

We'll my dear you've given me a great surprise and I thought to say thank you and visit my new office..why am I not allowed huh brother....?Then a thought came to her mind could it be her brother was cold because she interrupted something..omg could it be this girl was the one he was talking about huh...

Now this is interesting so that's why he was cold toward her and Noel but not that girl and Noel seems to know something...Too bad the rumors about him having a girlfriend has arleady been cleared up before she could look at the pictures..

Oooh then take your time.."Alexander said.and I didn't want you to meet like this but I think I should introduce you two now..this is....

Aryan Sterring.."Alexander's secretary..?she finished..,she didn't want him to continue to lie to other people so she decided to clear the misunderstanding.

Oooh I'm Abigail.. Alexander's twin sister.."?I guess you are his girlfriend right..?she teased wanting to know the truth.

oh no.."she knew this will be even harder for her..?Aryan thought as she still stood beside Alexander.

Okay Guys How about we go out and eat lunch together..?we are making Aryan uncomfortable here can't you see..?Noel said and Alexander face turned even cold..,He wanted to be alone with her"Alone".

They went out together and ordered the food..they ate the food while most of the time Abigail would speak and Noel would answer..Aryan and Alexander were very quiet..,like they were on their own world.

Are you going to be my secretary when Alexander leaves..?Abigail asked.

No.."they answered in chorus..,She is going to work as the head of designers and Oliver would be her modal..,means she'll be working closely with Oliver.

What do you mean Oliver..?Abigail panicked.,she didn't want to hear that name..,she had hated her from the start and when found out that she broke her brother's heart she hated her even more.

now he had to explain about Oliver..?I'm Oliver has her shares at our company and she is our modal for now and she'll be the co vice president after a week.Alexander explained shorty.

what.."Does mother and grandfather knew about that huh I'm sure they won't allow that..?Abigail said.

Grandfather knows since he saw her at the fashion event but mother she doesn't know anything and even if I tell her there is nothing she can do about that because she has the sum of twenty shares and she is the large share holder but don't worry I'm planning on telling mother about that..

All the while Aryan was looking at Abigail closely..she was very beautiful,she has such a body of a natural superstar and what had attracted her from Abigail was the way she was speaking politely..she seems to be a good person and Aryan had arleady liked her....


Abigail noticed Aryan's gaze and she turned to her and their eyes met and they both smiled.....

Abigail also has grown to like Aryan the very first time she was her..,she was beautiful young and adorable just the Perfect match of her cold brother.

looking at how they stood,she had never saw her brother acting strange like that..like he was cutting the meat and put into Aryans plate while looking at her now and then..,He would smile just looking at her.

God this time he has really fallen in love..? she'll surely help him to win her over..She knew how to win the young girls heart so in this she is on his side.

when is your birthday Aryan..? Alexander asked.

oh no..?he did remember that..,she thought...This saturday..?she answered.

Do you want to come..?he asked Abigail and Noel..

I'm sure Aryan won't like that.."she invited you not us.."Abigail said.she had planned to have her time with Noel at the weekend.

I'm sure it'll be more fun.."I'll come even if you won't invite me..?Noel said.And Aryan was glad because she'll at least be comfortable around them.

There's also going to be an engagement of my brother so I'm inviting you too miss Abigail..?Aryan said.

Stop with the formation now..I'm your sister in law anyway..?Abigail said with a pout.

Still talking the saw two familiar figure walking to their direction.Without warning Abigail stood up and went to hug them..Aryan recognized those two..,they were the men's she saw at the day when Noel was introduced as a vice president and these two came and they celebrated together.

She looked at them..The one has a lean body and the other had strong muscles but they were all too handsome..the strongest one was Robert she remembered and the other has introduced as Isaac.

They came to sit at their table and greeted her..

so sister in law.."does Alexander giving you a hard time..?Isaac asked..He was the talkative one.

What no"he is actually treating me more than good..?she answered honestly.

Did you two came here to give my girlfriend a hard time huh..? Alexander played along.

No we came to celebrate..?you introduced your relationship and just left her like that..,I was thinking of taking her since no one talked about it..?This time Robert joked and Alexander face turned few shades darker than normal..

Don't you dare..? Alexander said coldy





Now you just showed me that you are this possessive how can I take her..'I won't dare do that..?He had gotten his weakness at last.

damn.."How can he forget these two..they were just trying to get on his nerves and they've gotten what they want..?

Aryan was stunned with the way Alexander spoke..why did he sound so serious like that....even she noticed that These two were joking..how could he not or was it to make their acting real.

Aryan felt uncomfortable around all of these people and white they were chatting she found that she was the only one quiet and it was making her wanting to go home arleady..besides it was getting dark arleady but she decided to go to washroom first and excused herself..

Wait I'll go with you.."Abigail said as she stood up and they went together.

Abigail seems to like her a lot..?Noel said to cheer the man up.

Did she..?I'm glad she did because I won't listen to anyone about having her..?he said.

As if you ever listen when you are in love.."Now it was doctor Isaac who said that.

Meanwhile Aryan and Abigail at the washroom they just walked together but no one spoke.

You are beautiful..?Aryan started.

you are even more beautiful than I am..?Abigail answered.

so tell me what do you love about my brother..?Abigail asked.

Aryan became thoughtful for a while then she answered.."I guess I love everything about him"..she couldn't pin point what she loves about him more because everything about him she loved and omg did she say "love".

Even his coldness.."Abigail asked again.

yes because I cam melt his coldness with my warmth..?she answered.

Aww you seemed mature."How old are you..?Abigail asked again.

Well I'm about to turn twenty two..?Abigail asked.

Aww I guess I'm impressed..let's go before my possessive brother became jealous of me..

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