
Chapter 22

Malia hurriedly opened the door and let Lily and Albert into the room. Without saying a word, Malia assisted Lily in carrying the boxes as she would normally do. Lily merely sighed and let her Lady do as she pleased because she was too unyielding for her to reprimand. Lily and Albert bowed in respect for the young lads in the room.

"What are these, Lily?" Malia enquired.

"Lord Matthew asked them earlier from Albert upon arrival, these are for serving refreshments", said Lily. "The young lord thought to stock some for you to use since he didn't have anything in this shed and he doesn't usually stay here."

"Don't worry, Mlady, I asked Lily what you like and prefer, and I bought exactly what you wanted." Albert interrupted.

"Ohh, okay. Thanks! Let's go at the back." Malia led the two as they walked past the three princes.

For the second time, they noticed she smelled like bread. When she first walked past to open the door, and now as she returns to the small kitchen. Daniel didn't really mind too much, but the twins seemed to really appreciate her scent. She just smelled like bread instead of strong perfumes like the other noble ladies.

"Malia, make us some tea! I'd like to try your tea." It was Ian who shamelessly asked for a cup of tea.

"Welp, too bad," Malia says as she turns around and looks at Ian. "I dislike tea."

"What do you mean you don't like tea? Who doesn't like tea?"

"Uhm, me?... I just don't like tea, if you can brew me some tea that I would like then I'd consider drinking one. I love drinking coffee latte or cappuccino."

"What is cup-cheeno? Isn't coffee a little more bitter than tea?" Daniel spoke up, intrigued by the drink that the young lady mentioned.

Malia was startled, she unintentionally forgets about the three princes seeing as they don't talk much. She's also a little intimidated by their status, so she would prefer not to interact.

"Uhh... it's just coffee with steamed milk and a little more sugar. I can make you some to try; Ah! you don't have to finish it if it's not to your liking." Malia awkwardly stated.

Daniel simply nodded before one of the twins asked, "If it's not too much to ask, can we try some?"

"Of course! No problem, leave it to me." Malia became very excited and wanted to make these people like it and try coffee as well. "Lily, could you please accompany Albert and look for chocolate cakes or creamy cupcakes to pair with the coffee? Thank you very much!"

Since there is no steam machine, Malia did it old-style! An age-old but dependable method for steaming milk is to pour the milk into a small saucepan and heat it over low-medium heat. As the milk warms, she quickly whisks it with a balloon whisk, taking care not to splatter too much milk and waste it.

As she was about to finish the cappuccino, she heard Matthew coming in.

"I apologize for the long wait; I had to go get Lia's uniform from the housemistress." Matthew sat down and looked at her while placing her guitar on the back of the sofa. "What exactly are you doing there? "

"She's making us coffee, she said she doesn't like tea," Ian explained.

"Right, she no longer drinks tea. I noticed she drank coffee instead of tea every day." Matthew said. "Can I have one, too, Lia? I should be the first to drink your coffee!"

"Haha, okeydokey!" Malia gave the okay sign while smiling and washing one more cup to use.

Lily arrived just as Malia finished making everyone coffee. Malia also made some for her and Albert. To avoid disturbing the young lords outside, they both drank their coffee in the kitchen.

They almost took a sip at the same time when everything was served, and Malia was very excited to see their reactions.

"This is good! I thought you were lying!" Ian exclaimed.

"I'll take that as a compliment!" Malia grumbled.

"So, this is why you're no longer drinking tea...no wonder," Matthew said.

"Hehe" -- Malia

"I think I like the taste and aroma. I expected it to be bitter, but it appears that I made a hasty judgment." Daniel spoke and sounded like a food critic on a cooking show.

Malia only smiled politely and looked at the twins who were wolfing down the cakes and drinking the coffee instantaneously.

"My name is Elliott, and I enjoy your coffee; it goes well with these cakes."

'That's weird... Isn't it a little too late to introduce your name?'

"I like it as well." The one on the right spoke and smiled at Malia as well.

'Accck! What a sweet and innocent smile! I will definitely make more coffee for you Everett!!' Malia assumed that it was Everett after the other twin introduced himself.

Everyone was enjoying her coffee and when she finished her drink Malia took the guitar behind the sofa.

"Brother, is it safe to play my song? You know it's just about to be released."

"Don't worry about it; no sound will escape the shed even if someone is very close to the walls or the door," Matthew assured her. "They can't even see our faces clearly, even though they know someone is inside."

"Really? Wow, this is a truly magical place, isn't it?" Malia was both surprised and delighted by Matthew's remarks about their private greenhouse.

"All right, I'll play you all a song. No negative feedback is permitted," Malia looked at Ian.

Ian laughed momentarily then became completely silent in order to concentrate on Malia. The twins also stopped eating for a moment to listen to her, while Daniel continued to drink his coffee while staring at Malia.

Malia first tuned her guitar and started singing after a few adjustments…

"Look at the stars

Look --- shine -- you

--- everything you do

Yeah, they --- yellow"

Daniel almost dropped his cup after hearing her voice and guitar skills, which may sound a little dramatic, but he would have made a mess if he hadn't had quick reflexes.

"I came along

I wrote a song ---

And -- the things you do

And --- called Yellow

So, then I -- turn

Oh, what a thing --- done, and -- was all yellow"

The twin remained speechless, and they both muttered the word "Coooool" like they planned to say the exact same thing.

"Look how they shine --- you

Look how --- shine for you

Look --- they shine for

Look how they --- for you

Look --- they shine --- you

Look --- they shine

Look at --- stars

Look --- they shine --- you

And all the --- that you do…"

"BRAVO! BRAVO! Where can I purchase your album? Can I have your first copy? I want to buy it right now! " Ian stood up and acted like a cuckoo man.

"Shut up!" Malia smacked him again on the head as he prepared to kneel in front of her.

Everyone was in a good mood, including Daniel, who was initially skeptical but grew to respect the young lady's hidden talent.




--- end of chapter 22 ---




Hope you like this chapter! Thank you! XOXO

Disclaimer: Please note no copyright infringement is intended, and I do not own nor claim to own any of the songs mentioned in this book.

Source: Musixmatch

Songwriters: Chris Martin / Berryman Guy Rupert / Buckland Jonathan Mark / Champion William

Yellow lyrics (c) Universal Music Publishing Mgb Ltd.

Diana_Diana888creators' thoughts
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