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"There is not much left to say. I spent the night in the greenhouse after being asked to leave. Allison was terrified after seeing me kill those men and did not want me around her brother. You know the rest of the story. I haven't been awake but seven days. Everyone I have crossed paths with..." Rose paused before concluding her words, "I turn their lives upside down, including yours." Rose sighed and picked at the fish on her plate. She had lost her appetite thinking about Larson. Rose missed his company and really wanted to be his girl.

"What are you thinking about?" Dante watched Rose's mood shift, and he felt her gloom. "You are missing someone, are you not? I have experienced those same feelings myself. Who do you yearn for, beautiful girl?" He waited patiently for Rose's reply.

"Larson Milner, the first time the henchmen tried to take me. He came to my rescue and told them to 'Let go of his girl.' Larson is a wonderful man. He is also the person who gave me the books. I wish it had turned out differently. It is my experience in life. Every time something good comes along, destiny seizes it from my hands." Rose bowed her head as if defeated, clenching her fists in frustration.

"How about I give you some fatherly advice, darling girl? Protect your heart and do not give it to anyone easily. Don't fall in love with humans. People will perpetually crush your heart. They will turn on you, chase you away, or die, leaving you grieving and alone. I know how painful it is. Your mother was the only person I ever fell in love with, and it almost ruined me when she pushed me away."

Dante cupped Rose's chin and raised her face so he could gaze into her amber eyes. "The pain will recede in your heart, and things will return to normal soon. One day you will meet someone extraordinary, precisely like you. He will help you battle your demons, lay down his soul for your life, and walk through Hell's fiery gates to save you. A man that will never ask for anything in return. The person who loves you will give over everything without question. Hang on to him with all you have and never let him go. He will bring you a joy and peace you have never known. Ultimately, we can only depend on those who give us unconditional love and never judge us." Dante's expression of tenderness made Rose smile.

"My next question for you will probably be painful. I would like to know how and when your mother died." Dante had a strained look as he asked Rose about her mother, Claire.

Rose's answer was quick and blunt. "My mother was murdered when I was seventeen. I found Claire on the floor of our living quarters. I took the dagger and necklace from her body and left the village. Claire had been stabbed in the heart. It was a quick death." Rose was cautious and did not let her sentiments give her away. She was impassive as she told Dante about her mother.

"I see. Thank you for your candor. There will be no further discussion about Claire. I can see it hurts you." Dante's brows knitted at Rose's muted demeanor about her mother's death, and he wondered if there was something more, but the Count would not push her for answers right now. He felt she would give up more as they further learned about each other.

"One last question, and we will call it a night. Who was the knight commander that taught you to fight with a sword? I'm curious about the person who makes a woman a knight."

"It was two Templer Grandmasters I studied under and was knighted by. Robert IV of Sable and Gilbert Horal in late 1190 to 1200. They were both amazing men and taught me everything I know, from combat tactics to swordsmanship and negotiating surrender from the enemy. The men who served them were loyal and did everything to help me on my way to becoming a Paladin." Rose sat up and straightened her shoulders, remembering how Horal would yell at her to stand with pride and never let the enemy see your weaknesses.

"I cut off all my hair and tried to pass myself off as a man, but was soon found out. Grandmaster Sable started my training as a spy, and that is how I began my life as a Templer Knight. I would love to have a sword fight with you one day. I bet we could both show each other a few tricks." Rose grinned at Dante, and he chuckled at the thought of her tiny frame wielding a broadsword. "What's so funny?" Rose asked with a brusk expression face. She thought the Count was making fun of her fighting skills.

"I'm sorry. I was just imagining you exerting yourself with a broadsword." Dante was trying hard not to burst into laughter, as he could see Rose becoming agitated.

"I fought with one and a Scottish claymore too." She said in a pouting manner. It riled Rose that he would dismiss her ability as a knight. Her swordsmanship was a matter of pride for Rose. "I will have you know, Dante, that I have fought some of the best Knights during my time as a Templer. Most found that I was quicker and more agile than they were. It was because of my petite frame. The only disadvantage was my reach. I made up for that by having a longer-than-usual blade on my sword."

"I believe you, and I'm not making fun of you, darling. There is no doubt about your combat skills, especially after Dahlia and Giselle have described the scars you carry on your skin." Dante's attitude had changed from mocking to serious. He knew Rose's ego was bruised by his laughter. "It is late and you must rest for tomorrow. Let's get you off to bed, my beautiful girl. We can continue this chat another time." The Count joined Rose on the walk back to her room. He wanted to see what she thought about his little surprise.


Rose was examining the new clothing her father had bought for her. She ran her hands over the dresses made from cotton, silk, velvet, taffeta, and crepe fabrics. There were crinolinettes, chiffon shifts, satin nightgowns, and robes. Rose's tactile senses were overwhelmed by the variety that sat before her. "They are all splendid," she muttered faintly. Rose turned to her father and spoke in a scolding voice. "You need to stop spending all your money on me. I don't mean to seem rude or ungrateful, but I cannot repay you."

The Count snickered at her admonishment. "Even if you did, I would not accept a penny from you, darling. These are gifts for you, my daughter. Hence, nothing is needed from you in return. There are no stipulations attached, and you are not indebted to me. You are my family, and we take care of our loved ones. Remember that. Besides, I can't have you running about London unclad. Plus, I prefer you to have your own clothes and not have to depend on your Aunt Giselle's charity, if you can call it that." Dante looked on as Rose handled the dresses with a vacant expression. He could tell that she was happy with the new clothes.

"It is a good feeling to know someone cares for me again. It has been a long time since I have felt like this. Thank you, father." Rose approached Dante and apprehensively wrapped her arms around him, and he embraced her.

"I love you, darling girl, and I'm happy you are home with me. He rubbed Rose's back as they hugged. It's time for you to get to bed. Sleep well, dear. I will see you for an early jentacular before you leave for work tomorrow morning." The Count pecked her cheek and was ready to leave the room when he heard Rose ask.

"Can we have the chocolate drink before I sleep?"

Dante chuckled. "Yes, dear. I will have Carrick bring it up with some ginger snaps."


There were shipping documents and expense journals spread all across Christopher's desk. Jackson entered the study to see Lord Thorn already hard at work. "Hello there. It looks as if you are not wasting any time." Jackson leaned in the doorway and took a bite of the apple Lucy gave him.

"Nice to see you here this morning." Greeted Christopher, "I have some legal questions about these shipping contracts. Do you have time to look them over?" Christopher glanced up from the mess of paperwork on his desk. He hoped Jackson would take a peek at the accords so he would not have to travel to London on such a lousy day to see his other barrister. The Lord's thigh was still unhealed and giving him pain.

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