
12. Chapter 12

The end of the year exams were in a week. Weasley was still a snake, a very pissed off snake. Lucifer spent most of his downtime teasing Weasley. Lucifer enjoyed teasing Weasley about being kept snake. How he was an embarrassment to snakes everywhere. Lucifer, late at night, would bring other snakes in to laugh at Weasley.

The Dark Lord was having fun teaching the students under Dumbledore's nose. He added extra spells to the Slytherins classes but watched what he taught the Gryffindors. He had endured Granger asking her repetitive questions and annoying essays and used the girl's excessive writing to remove points from her work. He followed Severus' lead when it came to handling Dumbledore's pets.

Harry was sitting in DADA taking notes when Granger's hand shot into the air again. The girl looked like she was going to fall out of her seat. Granger had been driving everyone crazy since Weasley was turned into a snake. Harry didn't realize how much of a distraction Weasley had provided for the girl. He had thought her research would keep her busy, but alas, the girl was even more annoying.

"Someone needs to glue that girl's hands and arms to her sides." Draco wasn't subtle but he had his uses. The Slytherins around them snickered.

"Yes, Granger?" The Dark Lord wanted to curse the girl. If he was his former self, she would have been dead a long time ago.

"Is this going to be on the exams?"

"No, I'm telling you this information because I like listening to myself speak while I expect the rest of the class to take notes." The Dark Lord watched as the class laughed. Granger sank down in her chair. The rest of the Gryffindors groaned when the Dark Lord removed another 5 points because of Granger.


Dumbledore was still trying to figure out how to get rid of the tunnel. He had to get to the stone but nothing was working. His plan was backfiring. How was he going to find Harry Potter? Where was Voldemort? How was he going to get the stone to return it?

Dumbledore also had another headache by the name of Molly Weasley. Her son was still a snake and he wasn't sure how to fix it. He had researched spells, potions, rituals, even the Dark Arts. The only thing he found was very dark and he hadn't been able to find the counter to it.

The only good news was that if he did find Harry Potter, Harry would have Ginny and Ronald as his year mates. It wasn't his original plan but two Weasleys were better than having no one he could connect to Harry. He also knew it would connect Harry to the whole Weasley family. He could push Molly into the mother figure for Harry. He needed a headache potion.

Why was everything going so wrong? His pets weren't liked which was creating another problem. He had spent hours coaching Ronald on what needed to be done. He had spent a lot of time with Hermione, guiding her on how to handle Ronald and Harry.

He did another chant, hoping this one would work. After several useless chants, he sighed. He crossed that chant off of the parchment. He had tried walking the tunnel, chanting, he had tried numerous rituals, nothing. He had spent hours working on this, including letting his mind wander as he thought over his numerous problems. Dumbledore missed Lucifer watching him.


Severus, the Dark Lord, Harry, and Lucifer were down in the Chamber of Secret. "No!" Severus looked at Lucifer and Harry. "You're not using her to play with the students."

"She wasn't going to play." Harry began patting Helda. "Think of what we can do to Dumbledore."

"Harry, he knows about her. She killed a student by accident when I attended." The Dark Lord took them down to the Chamber to show them the library.

"Oh, do tell." Lucifer felt Helda rub her head against him. Harry climbed on top of Helda. Lucifer looked at Harry. "I believe we have an idea on how to make use of our sweet Helda next year."

"We do, Daddy Dearest, we do." Harry's had a huge smile on his face which scared Severus and the Dark Lord.

"Should we worry?" The Dark Lord asked Severus.

"Yes but they do know not to break the rules." Severus wasn't sure why the two of them obeyed the rules but they did. Granted, he figured, they did it to see how they could get around whatever rules Death and Severus placed on them. They certainly proved they could get around them enough times.

"Based on their contract skills are they are good with loopholes?" The Dark Lord had been impressed with what Harry had done already. He didn't get to interact with Lucifer as much. He knew that Nagini and Lucifer watched Dumbledore most of the time. Harry was very observant for a child.

"Very good." Death appeared next to them causing Severus and the Dark Lord to jump. Harry snickered. "Dumbledore tried to summon Crowley tonight."

"What did he want?" Lucifer wondered what Dumbledore was trying now. Helda bummed Lucifer, she was loving the attention. They really hadn't spoken much to Crowley. They figured he was having fun with the Winchesters.

Crowley appeared. "That deranged clown needs to stop bothering me. He is almost as annoying as the Winchesters. He has been summoning me daily for a week."

"Guess he didn't take the no showing up as rejection." Harry shrugged. "We could-"

"No! You aren't turning him into demon chow." Severus and Death stopped that train of thought.

"Take all my fun away." Harry gave them sad eyes.

Lucifer laughed. "They have your number. What did he want now?" Lucifer summoned some chairs and a table. There was some tea and biscuits on the table. "I have a feeling Dumbledore asked about Harry Potter."

"I have no idea, I didn't answer any of the summonses. It's a matter of time before someone does, just to stop the summoning." Crowley passed a biscuit to Helda. "He might even try a crossroad demon. He seemed desperate in the last few summonings."

"True. He won't give up." Severus wasn't sure what Dumbledore was hoping to accomplish. "He doesn't like to take no for an answer. He is very determined to push Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, our Savior." Harry and others made faces at the titles. "I do know he has been at that endless tunnel and worried about retrieving the stone. He keeps mentioning how you have to return."

"He is the one who came up with You-Know-Who. He seems to have a thing for giving out titles." The Dark Lord just went with the name after that as he felt that it provide more fear of him. "He pushed the fear of me, I just used it."

"I would have too." Lucifer had Helda's head by his feet. Harry was still sitting on her.

"I have an idea to answer the summons." Harry had a manic grin on his face. "One that might prevent him from ever summoning again."

"What idea?" Death had a touch of fear in his voice.

"Well, Azazel, Ramiel, Dagon, and Asmodeus are looking to do something. I'm sure my brothers would love to show Dumbledore some of their ideas."

"No!" Death looked panicked.

"No!" Crowley held up his hand. "Hell, no!"

"Who?" Severus wasn't sure who they were objecting to.

"They might have some fun." Lucifer thought of his first four creations. "They would certainly scare Dumbledore."

"NO!" Death and Crowley veto Harry's idea.

"Abaddon?" Harry suggested.

"NO!" Death and Crowley voiced their objections.

"We aren't bringing any of the Knights of Hell out to play." Death rolled his eyes. "I blame you." He pointed to Lucifer.

"Thank you."

"It wasn't a compliment." Death looked at Severus. "You see what I have had to put up with?"

"Ok, so how about maybe Meg or Ruby?" Harry wiggled his eyebrows. "They won't hurt humans and we can have fun."

"I know I'm going to regret asking this but what is your idea?" Death wondered what Harry planned now.

"You liked my Scrooged idea, why not continue it in another way? Ruby or Meg answer the summons. Dumbledore makes another deal, we just use the loopholes."

"More details." Severus was thankful Harry was on their side.

"Either of them speaks to Dumbledore. We know he is going to want to find me. We have the other one play me. However, instead of being the good little Gryffindor he is hoping for, Meg or Ruby play dumber than dirt and magical unable to do even get a wand. They also make sure to inform everyone rather loudly about how they were treated at the Dursleys."

"Ruby would be better with Meg as the backup. We get a few minor demons to help the image." Lucifer looked at Crowley. "Get some of the minions to make sure no wand would work, spread the rumors, work the papers."

"I have a few that can do that." Crowley began to run down his list.

"I can also have Lucius work the Ministry."

"I can get a few reapers to have Harry sightings. Also, they can keep the magic and darkness down so that Dumbledore won't be able to detect it." Death liked this idea.

"How about the stone?" Severus wondered if Dumbledore was trying to keep the stone for himself. "He might want to keep the stone. He would tell the Flamels it was destroyed."

"I can get the stone or Nagini. She is watching the tunnel right now." Lucifer glanced at the Dark Lord. "She did have an idea on how to end the year."

"She mentioned it. She thought if we did nothing it would drive Dumbledore nuts."

"It would. He has been planning on this big end of year event so nothing happening would bother him. It would also get him wondering where you are. He had believed Quirrell was possessed but since he left he has been trying to figure out how you would return." Severus listened to the idiot enough to know when to make his sounds of agreement.

"We could do both. A fake Harry and a fake Dark Lord. He wants them to fight so we should plan on that happening." Crowley knew Dumbledore wanted power and he didn't care how he got it.

"He does. I will get the stone and replace it with a fake. Harry, you will need to remove that tunnel after the exams. Severus, Harry will drop the spell when you perform the miracle of removing it with a bogus potion you're going to invent. Death, Crowley, talk to your people. We have all summer for Harry sightings." Lucifer smiled at them.

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