
Astra-kurtelus demonus

Gustav was perhaps the most burdened person within the new base, and it was all because of the pregnancy. This wasn't a normal pregnancy either, so in a way, his pain outshone anything a random rhino-woman would go through, regardless of how they pushed out kids with horns!

His problems went beyond the constant bloating and abdominal pain. In quite a literal sense, his body was going through slow but drastic changes!

Recently he rubbed his head to swish some sweat away, but was stunned to touch a couple of huge items which poked out of his head. These bumps couldn't be considered bumps any longer, because they were fatter and bigger than his ears by now!

"Been itching like there are fleas under my skin… this isn't normal, man." Gustav spoke to himself.

He made it through another night, but hadn't slept comfortably to the slightest. The itchiness wasn't random whatsoever, and it didn't nearly include any fleas!

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