

Grjötgard was not the only one who had noticed the dire situation unfolding; Rolf had also caught on to the perilous scene. With a surge of anxiety, Rolf swiftly rose to his feet and cast an urgent gaze over the water, desperately hoping to catch a glimpse of Bjorn. In his mind, Tyr held little significance, so saving him was not even a consideration.

"Bjorn!" Rolf's voice rang out in a desperate scream, and Hagen mirrored the intensity of his expression as he sprang to his feet.

"What happened!?" Hagen inquired, and surprisingly, Rolf's typically haughty demeanor seemed to vanish in that moment.

"I cannot see him! He fell over!" Rolf's response was laced with concern. As much as he wished to plunge into the water and assist Bjorn, he knew that would only seal his own fate.

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