
Sturla Debuts

General Njal had advanced and he knew time was not their friend. He braced himself for any interference because it would only be logical to detach a part of your army to buy time yet he did not see anything. 

Nothing was blocking their paths but they could see the footprints showing that they were going the right way. 

Njal noticed his men were looking tired, but they could not rest because he knew what would happen if he did. 

"Onward! We must save the clan even if we have to lay down our lives!" Njal screamed but this did nothing to boost them because, in the end, they were only human.

It was eerily quiet and the darkness limited how they could perceive their environment.

Njal knew something was strange and they eventually reached the hill that stood in the east, this was the place the flanked army would otherwise converge but the footsteps he had been following were almost nonexistent. 

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