

King Askild and the rest of his crew found comfort in Vingulmark, they rested and by doing so they extended their journey to Vestfold.

Vingulmark was a strange place, there were not many citizens but there were multiple high-quality structures as this was what one would call a Viking city. A city comprised strictly of warriors and the ones that were not in battle were those that sustained injuries one way or another.

Ragnar was suspicious of the people around them, he did not trust this man that called himself Jan. Ragnar was going to allow them to help but he was not going to let down his guard, not even for a second.

"This place is different," Skarde said. He was amazed by the structure erected, he had never seen some of these yet there were so many things here that he never even thought existed.

"Ulf…" Birger called out to the older brother of Ragnar, Ulf was sticking beside him and Ragnar was too distracted with Jan so his attention was shifted away from Birger.

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