
Chapter 18 Date Night

Rudy [POV]

"Well, shall we Lilia?"

"Yes, we shall."

We faced each other, looked into each other's eyes, and then got closer, and closer and…

Clash! We collide blades.

We've gone back to training, with my sword ability being around intermediate, I'm given a lot of leeway, when it comes to training. In essence, you want to train with your father, fine, you don't want to train with your father, that's also fine. Seeing as everyone knows I get plenty of self-training on my own time, and when not training, I teach(playing) Sylphy. I'm trusted to train on my own time. I can train whenever I want.

So right now I chose to train with Lilia. Because… well Lilia,

"Go Rudy!" Sylphy yells from the side.

Ah, theirs my cheerleader.

Besides, standard self-defense, I couldn't really teach her much in the way of the sword, seeing as I'm barely above beginner myself, but I can still teach her what to expect. So rather than teaching her swordsmanship, I'm showing Sylphy what to expect, so she can avoid it in the future.

Clash. Clash.

It's rather intense.

Our sticks clash once more. I maneuver to the side, swinging at her torso, before Lilia twists spinning with my form and dodges me completely, swinging her own swing at my torso, but I bend down and spin, sliding a heel towards her own, and preparing for a trip, and then…

I… lost her, but I felt her… during the spin, I felt her weight on top of my back, and I know she followed her momentum, and spined on my back.

That means she would be… there-

Not turning to where she would be, I spear my stick to where she would be.

Clang. It slides off her stick, her at the ready, and we continue…

Clang. Then another dance.


A thrust here, a slide there, we're moving and moving.

This is insane…

So this is what a battle between two water-god school practitioner's is like. Unlike with Paul where we clash blades, and try to adjust for control over the other. Here? We are constantly moving, and counter attacking, rather than clashing we are dancing around each other.

Dash left, swing.

She sways, dodges, and comes to my right. Swing.

I tilt my head to avoid it.

Thrust, thrust, thrust.

Back foot, back foot, back foot… her own thrust

Parry, and-

One more thrust, and we tangle our swords(sticks), our sword arm in the air…

Her footing is off, I got her!

I dashed forward, let the stick fall of my dominant hand into my other,-

but so did she, and…

Bop. Our heads collide.

It only lasts for a moment, before a trip is sent toward my heels, and the world turns upside down.

When I come to, there is a stick pointed at my face.

"Ha… ha… It… it's my victory master Rudeus," she says between breaths.

"Ha… ha… yeah, I yield,"

And with that our spar is over.

Clap. Clap. clap.

I turn my head, and notice our little cheerleader clapping enthusiastically.

Well, having a cheerleader does help to ease one's loss.

Huff, "Round 2?"

A demure smile hits her lips, "As you wish master Rudeus," she enters the standard stance of the water god school, and we continue again.



"Ha… haaa…"

"Huff… ha… huff…"

Shortly later two out of breath people, one adult, and one child lay on a prairie field struggling to stand.

"Um… do you two need any help?" Sylphy questions.

"...We'll be fine… just some rest, and maybe… some water…" I say.

"Hmm…" replied Lilia as well.

"Got it!" Sylphy exclaims. Immediately after I see her get up, and start walking away, before halting and standing still for a moment. A short second later she makes a 180 back to us, and kneels next to me, looking down at me.

What is she…

She places her hand on my forehead, and says, "Heal,"

Mmmh. That feels nice. Although… I didn't teach her that, wonder when she learned it?

"Nice, thank you Sylphy," I get ready to stand up, before I notice she's not quite done.

She places her hands in a bowl shape, places them beneath my lips, closes her eyes, and enchants, "water,"

My tired senses, maybe dull from battle, but I can still feel the mana being circulated, and a moment later, water is appearing in her hands.

Jesus Christ?!

Just kidding, this is a magic universe, something like this is of course possible. It's a shame there's no one in this world that would get that reference though.

My thirst being strong-

Wait, what?

I start drinking the water from her hands, and slurp it all up. Though, because her hands are too small, she has to make 3 more castings upon her hands to nourish my thirst.


"Thank you," I get back up when finished.

"Y-y-you're welcome," she says with a crimson face.

I didn't think about it too hard at the moment, but looking back… there was something strangely intimate about what we just did. I turn to look at her, and see her cheeks a rosy pink.

…you know, I've been wondering this for a while now, but… is the kind innocent Sylphiette not as innocent as I thought she was.

Gathering my bearings, I go to Lilia's side, and get ready to help her up, before an idea occurs to me as well, "Lilia… are you thirsty…"

Her breathing has calmed, but her features are still flushed, she turns to me with a slight frown, on her features, before her eyes turn to the girl behind me, "...I'll manage master Rudeus,"

Damn, can't blame a man for trying.

Reaching my hand towards her, I help her get back up, and get ready to go home.

"Well," I turn to Sylphy. "How did you like our demonstration?" I hope you liked it, because I'm not doing it again. That was more exhausting than I thought it would be.

"That was amazing, you and Lilia were so fast," her eyes beam. "You were like; whoosh and wham," she mimics a poze. "And Lilia was like; No, and wham and Block," she mimics another poze.

Great~ Another Shonen protagonist that speaks in onomatopoeia.

…but she did a pretty good imitation, for just watching.

Honestly… are you secretly the protagonist. Rather than jobless reincarnation, did I get reincarnated into a spin-off? I bet the name of this series is; I got reincarnated into another world, but my childhood friend is secretly the final boss?!

"Yosh, yosh," I hug her, patting her head. My cute final boss deserves some headpats.

"Rudy?!" she exclaims.

"Sorry, sorry, it was instinct. My big brother urges, were screaming 'pet this adorable creature.'"

She flinches, "...brother…"

"Alright, let's go home… we still have to learn writing, and Asuran," not my favorite lessons, but still necessary for your everyday life. It wouldn't be funny if you learned all the sword techniques in the world, only to be unable to buy a sword, because you can't read the prices.

Well… maybe a little funny.

Anyways, time to leave. "But honestly… how are you even able to move like that, healing aside, you should be tripping over yourself," I told Lilia.

"I am wearing my sparring attire," she declared in her maid outfit.

Da-Fuck are you talking about?

You're still wearing a maid outfit. Hell, I'm convinced you don't have any other outfits, besides maid outfits, is it your fetish? Are you Grayfia? But no seriously it's clearly the same.

"Clearly, forgive this foolish one for not recognizing your combat attire," I sarcastically replied.

"...It's simply easier to move," she gets up. Then she pulls her skirt at the sides revealing its length. I can see her ankles.

Ah, I see.

"This dress form is slightly shorter, it doesn't go to the heels, and stops slightly past the calf. It makes it easier to make larger movements, and I don't have to worry about stepping on it, or it being stepped on."

"I see…" I don't see how I could have missed it. It's not quite a maid skirt, but it's definitely not as long as her previous attire. The black stocking makes it harder to tell that it's not as long.

How did I not notice? She's wearing her combat attire! Silly me…

Like hell! The difference is about two inches, of course I wouldn't notice.

That and, well… I'm not exactly looking at her legs, when I'm looking at her.

"I will move ahead, young master, and Lady Sylphy," she curtsies. "Young master must not forget to bathe while I prepare your meals," she whispers to me.

"Right, right, I got it," I tell her, before she goes away I grab her wrist, and whisper back, "Tonight?"

"Tonight," she whispers, before going on ahead.

In the two months since, we've gone through 16 healing sessions, and it has done wonders for her. Since her job isn't particularly active you can't see the results, but in spars like this, you can really see it. She can jump off that leg better, there is a flexibility available that she didn't have, and if that time limit is anything to go by, she can move at highspeeds for longer periods of time. Unlike before where her leg would start feeling the pressure, which would result in awkward movements, and gaping openings, the current her can go and keep going for several minutes.

Doesn't sound like much? Have you ever been in a fight? Fighting for just two minutes non-stop, is more tiring than one thinks.

Still, though, if there's any down side, is that after all those healings, the amount of stuff I can't see within her leg is running out. In essence, the healing sessions are almost done. I estimate another 4 or six, before I have to call it quits.

Shame… but…

I did get a reward.


Ah, thinking too much about this night, I'm forgetting about the present.

"Sorry, let's go home, wait for me downstairs, I'm gonna take a quick bath,"

"Hmm!" she yells.


Good friends, good company, good magic-No! Great magic! I'm on cloud nine right now. I go home with Sylphy at my side, getting ready to finish today's lessons, after all…

I have a date to get ready for.


Lilia [POV]

As I poured the water over myself, a pleasant feeling washes over me. A good bath does the body well. Rubbing the sponge over my body, I scrub thoroughly over a white scars I developed. An unintended side-effect of repeated healing and cutting, as Rudy explained.

It turns out that repeated healing, over the same area, tends to lead to some discoloration. Similar to stretch marks there's a white line going down my calf.

"How ludicrous,"

Ironic, that the initial stabbing that caused my injury left no mark, as it was healed right away, but the cut that would heal me would. Where the insides once laid rotten, now there lay a scar marking my healing.

Cure by cuts, sounds like an idiom, for death.

It couldn't be more different.

I scrub said area, gently, and finish up. Pouring one last bucket of water over my head, I get ready to prepare a nice meal for the young master, and his friend, but first a fresh change of clothes.

When I ran away from the castle, I ran away with nothing on my person, but the clothes on my back, or rather my uniform. Except, for a jacket, and some sleepwear, I have no other set of clothes.

Well… except for these ones.

Before me, lay a set of clothes I bought with my own money recently. It is a simple white dress, except for around the cleavage, and arms where it has some cute frills that gives it a showy appearance. A red corset, with brown lining to the side, to go down the dress. It isn't the most beautiful piece, but it does have a charm to it, that I could see why women around this area would buy something of similar style.

That… and… it's reminiscent of something I used to wear. It reminds me of the happier times of my youth.

I think all the talk of the past lately has made me nostalgic.

"Later…" putting the clothes away, I put on an expensive set of underwear, and a fresh maid outfit, before making my way downstairs.

Making my way into the kitchen I prepared the meal, and focused on my duties. Time flies, before one notices, as such I didn't notice Rudy coming in, nor that Sylphiette has started her studies in the kitchen.

Hmm, I wonder if Rudy is taking a bath right now?

Ignoring them, I go back to cooking once more. If he were here, and knew that I was looking at him, he might get the strange idea that I was looking forward to it. It being the date. I look out the window, and watch the sun's position. There's still several hours 'till sundown, and another 2 hours after, where I'll wait on Paul and Zenith, before night comes.

…not that it matters… I'm just… I'm not nervous.

Then why am I wearing such a lavish pair of underwear?

I turn immobile, and stop my stirring, at that thought.

Why am I wearing such a pair of underwear? It's not like he's going to see it. Obviously not!

"...a… u..tion,"

Wait! Does Rudy know that? What kind of thoughts does he have on dating, and what does he think it is? There's no way he thinks dating is like… that, right? No no, of course not Rudy isn't like that… then again… Paul is his father…

"M… Lilia?"

Thoughts of his father, and how he behaves come to memory.

No… it's fine, it's-

"Miss Lilia?"

Tug. Something pulls on my dress.

"Eeep!" a panicky scream escaped my lips. I turn behind me and a young girl is pulling my skirt.

Her eyes bulge open at my reaction, "I-I'm s-sorry, miss Lilia. I wasn't trying to scare you," she bows repeatedly at me.

"Ah, no… that was me, I was… distracted," I fixed my skirt. "W-what is it that you needed lady Sylphy?"

She blushes a little, "u-um, right, Rudy said that you could review my work if I finished before he came out of the bath," she holds a piece of parchment in front of her.

"Of Course Miss Sylphy."

"U-um, y-you don't have to call me lady or miss Sylphy Lilia, it's… embarrassing," she says as she touches the tips of her index fingers against each other.

"My apologies, lad- Sylphiette,"

Her ears twitch and a smile blooms on her features. What a lovely child.

I take her homework assignment from her hands. "Hmm, may I borrow your quill."

"Here," she hands it over.

I sit by the table and look at the item. I corrected a couple of typos, but it's mostly fine. There are not that many mistakes, I marked 3 misspelling typos, and corrected them. "Here, it's quite well, mi- Sylphy, ahem. You've done quite well, I only found three mistakes."

"Thank you Lilia."

I get up and go back to the kitchen, everything is mostly done, I just need to give it a few stirs. I turn back, and look at lady Sylphiette, and she is staring at me intently. "Is there something else Sylphy?"

"Ah, yeah, I wanted to ask you a question, if that is all right?"

"Of course, ask away," the broth is finished. I hold the lid over it, and blow at the steam. Tasting a little to test the temperature.

"Um… how do you get Rudy to like you?"

"Pfft," I dropped the spoon.


"W-w-why would I know that?!"


"Ahem, sorry, w-what do you mean about getting Rudy to like you?" I queried.

"I mean," her ears droop. "I want to get Rudy's attention, you know, like that, but," her head drooped. "I think Rudy sees me more like a little sister than a girl. So, I was hoping Miss Lilia had some tips to get Rudy's attention," she says meekly.

Oh… that…

"Even if you say that…" Rudy's taste tends to lean a little… towards the mature side. Obviously, I wasn't going to tell her that.

Looking at the young girl before me I wonder how I should address such a situation. I don't want to ruin such a young girl's prospects. After all, it's not like her chances are zero. From what I can tell, Rudy is quite fond of this girl and has spoken quite kindly of her, but, it's going to be a few years before Rudy starts noticing her.

Wait a couple years, and I'm sure Rudy's taste will start expanding.

Hmm, what to do?

Actually, now that I think about it, there is one other girl that got Rudy's interest, one whose physical appearance is closer to that of a girl than a woman; Lady Roxy.

"I do have an idea or two…"

Sylphy smiles cheerily. She really is an adorable child.

"Does Sylphy own a skirt?"

She tilts her head. "No?"

"Perhaps you should…" I remember how from time to time master Rudy would get an upskirt shot of his teacher.

Deciding to help the girl out, I then went on an explanation on how to get Rudy's attention. Thanks to always being by Rudy's side, I've been able to piece quite a few things. Such things as looks, blushes, nervous actions. Etc. I have become quite accustomed to Rudy's quirks.

I have also been the target of his stares as well.

Deciding to help Sylphy in her pursuits, I start advising her on how to woo Rudy.

"Rudy likes butts?" she questioned.

"Indeed," I declared. "He also likes adventurous girls."


"Yes. Try and take the lead from time to time, when you are playing."

"...yes. Yes, teacher!" She grabs a blank sheet of paper and starts writing it down. Adorable.

As we continued listing ideas, and quirks that gets Rudy's attention, we didn't notice how much time we spent talking, or that Rudy was already next to us. "Sooo, how's she doing?"

"Eeep?!" caught off guard, young Sylphy squeals in surprise.

H-he's probably talking about the writing assignment he left her. "She's doing fine, there were minimal typos to fix, but she's learning well."


"That's good, are you ready for your next lesson?"

"N-next lesson?!" Sylphiette questioned.

"Yeah, math, we're doing arithmetic next, remember?"

"Yes, Yes! We are!" She gets up and starts running off, before halting, and running back to me just to give a bow, before running off again, back towards Rudy in the living room.

What a courteous child.

Such actions earned a puzzled brow by the boy in question, only for him to shrug it off. He joins Sylphy in the living room, a smile appearing on the young girl's features, and the boy sports one of his own. They look quite content.

All according to plan.


As they continued their seccion they would soon separate, as the sun was starting to set, and would be dusk soon, so they made their way down the corridor.

Walking them to the door, as is my duty, I prepare my farewells, when a light strikes my eyes.

Turning my head to its source, I noticed it was the reflection of the setting sun, bouncing off something.

How peculiar.

I get closer to investigate. Walking down the hallway, only for the glare to lessen, as I near it at a different angle, that the sun is not present.

It is Rudy's blade, the metal one with the melted pommel.

On it I see the reflection of young Sylphiette and Rudy conversing. I see a boy with a mop of dirty blonde hair on his head talking to a girl with short messy green hair on her own. A sight of two young children enjoying a laugh. The reflection of two children frolicking.

Both of them were born in the same year, but whether it be from training, or magic, Rudy is slightly taller. Rather than a boy of six, he looks like a boy 2 years older than he appears, and that would make him…

Still, quite young…

As I get closer to the children, and consequently the blade. The angle of the reflection changes to where Sylphy is now out of frame, and Rudy is not. Now I am reflected on the blade as well. I see the reflection; there on the blade, stands on one side of the fuller, a red haired maid several feet taller than the boy in front of her… and several years older, and on the other side there reflects a young boy, barely starting adolescence, standing straight, barely reaching her waist.

The boy is mature beyond his years, but a boy nonetheless.

After a moment's pause, I walk away from the blade, and towards the house door to send them off. "So long master Rudeus, please take care of Sylphy."

The young girl blushes at her mention..

"Yes, don't mention it, and… see you tonight," Rudy whispered.

"Yes… see you soon,"

As I close the door, I see Rudy quicken his step to make his way next to Sylphiette's side, and walk her home.

I close the door.

"What am I doing?"

Moving back to the kitchen, I clean the dishes, and make sure everything is ready for Paul and Lady Zenith later on.

For even later on I have a… play date to get ready for. Yeah… play. This is just playing around. This is…

"...I should get back to work,"

Perhaps later tonight I can finish that sentence.


I now find myself walking down a dirt path in the middle of night. I don't know what to expect. I haven't gone on a date… well, I've never gone on a date. I didn't bring my dress, and just came in my standard work attire.

Changing clothes would have been silly. There's no reason to change after all. It's just a regular outing. Rudy and I are simply walking, and talking.

Honestly, I didn't know what to expect. Considering it's Rudy, I almost expected him to come in a carriage, and whisk me away saying we were going to a ball, but rather than anything grand, we are simply conversing.

What's the difference between this and dating?

"Well it's not like I could have snuck a ride on Caravaggio, now could I?" Rudy propositioned.

"You mean again, master Rudeus," I reminded.

"Haha, yeah,"

"I remember… both miss Zenith and Paul were particularly exasperated with you back then,"

"Ha ha… yeah…" he laughed nervously.

"Worrying your parents is no good Rudy,"

That day was particularly troublesome, as everyone was running around like headless chickens. Paul was sprinting hard after them. "I remember Paul being particularly vexed. You almost hurt yourself," he did indeed fall off the horse that day, but using his magic he was able to land safely.

"That's not my fault! I was caught of-guard. Paul surprised me, how should I have reacted, when I see a grown man keeping pace with a horse, that's scary you know!" he declared. "Imagine you're running along minding your own business, and then someone's face just popped next to you, screaming, when you think you're alone."

Indeed, advanced level warriors are something else.

"…that does sound unpleasant," but it's also probably the only reason he wasn't punished that day. As Zenith was aware that it was Paul's own fault that made him fall, he got off with a scolding that day.

"Speaking of terrifying vagabonds," Rudy asks, "how'd you like the book I gave you?"

"It was an interesting tale, I'm not sure what possessed Rudy to give such a gift to me? Or rather, how did you even obtain such a gift in the first place." As far as I know, he doesn't have an allowance, if he needs something his parents would buy it.

"I got it from a traveling merchant, when I was buying writing parchments for Sylphy," he shrugged. "It seemed like a good read. Call it a hunch, just figured you would like it,"

"Oh, and do tell, what would make you reach such a conclusion…"

"...how long did it take you to finish it?"

"...I haven't finished it…"

"Oh… maybe I was wrong," he contemplates for a moment. "Out of curiosity, what chapter are you on?"

"...I'm on the final two chapters," I say with a frown.

"I wonder…" he puts his hands behind his head, as he walks. "What would possess me to think you would like such a thing…" A smirk appears on his features. He resembles master paul vaguely in times like this. Annoying.

"I'm going home," I made an about face.

"I'm sooorry~" he hugs my waist from behind. "I'll tease less, tease less,"

I turn my head to give him a smirk from the corner of my eye.

"Sigh, the devil has surely possessed you too," he grabs my hand. "Anyways, we're here,"

In our merriment, I didn't notice how long we have been walking for, and combined with the fact that it's night time, we have walked all the way back to the pond. There's a small bonfire, in the center, and a blanket layed to the side, as well as some cushions on top.

It seems like a lifetime ago, but this is where everything began.

"Shall we," he says. Per usual, I'm led away.

It's easy. It's all so easy.

"Here," he hands me a drink. "I couldn't find any Asuran's tears, but the merchant said this one is quite popular as well."

"Scarlet twine…" I heard about it, it's quite popular among commoners, for being sweet, yet still an alcoholic drink. Relatively cheap as well, in comparison to Asuran's tears.

Asuran's tears also happen to be my favorite. Still though, I'm touched that he would try to buy one anyway.

Wait a moment.

"Aren't you a little too young to be drinking alcohol?"

"Really?" He looked at me incredulously

Really. I stared back.

"Fine," he poured a drink. "To you," he hands it over.


"That's good," he breathed out a sigh of relief. "It will go well with this," he pulled out a rice dish.

"Paella?" It's a dish from my home. "I… ah," he rubbed the back of his head. "Would like to say I made this for you, but it was a combined effort from me and Ze-Mom."

He really is making an effort. "Thank you Rudy, well then shall we begin?"

"Of course!"

"No wine for you though," I reiterated.

"Ofcourse, I wasn't going to touch it anyway. I just got the best tasting wine I heard around the area. For obvious reasons, I have no idea what alcohol is good or not. I'm glad you like it."

"So Rudy has no intention of drinking any wine?"

He nods.

"Pray do tell why?" I queeried.

"I wanted to remain sober for tonight. I want to remember today thoroughly. It is my first date…"

I take a sip of my wine. "Honestly, master Rudeus is incorrigible," it's because you say things like this, that my nerves are on edge.

"Like you don't love it," he teased.

"I do not,"

"Do so,"

"Do not,"

"Do so,"







I feel silly now that I was being worried about this. Rudy is a child, a child beyond his years, and with a slight interest in older women, but a child nonetheless. I tasted the dish. Delicious.

A kind child as well.

I think Paul's flirtations might have put me on the edge, and put some unnecessary thoughts inside my head.

Yeah, that's it.

We continue eating our meal, Rudy talking about his day, and how Laws gives him the stink-eye every time he drops Sylphy off.

"So, Lilia, how was your day today anyway, you know, the parts I wasn't there for," he poured me another cup of wine.

"Same as yesterday… It was the same as any other day, housework and all," If there had to be any difference it would be that Paul has been eyeing me more lately. After that… incident, he hasn't laid his hands on me, but he has been eyeing me more.

Obviously, I won't tell Rudy that.

"...although, I do think Zenith is a little lonely,"


"Rudeus might be unaware, since Rudy is always outside, but Miss Zenith doesn't work in the clinic all the time. She's home quite often, but lately… I've been busy sparring with a certain swordsman."

"Ah… sorry?"

"If you want to apologize, apologize to miss zenith. A hug would be nice," I told him.

"I'm not exactly the hugging type," he stated.

"You just hugged me a few minutes ago."

"You're the only woman that brings that out on me. I don't just hug anyone you know."

"Oh… ah… I see…" my face warms a bit, "you should still hug miss zenith."

"Yeah, I'll do it," he says in a low voice facing the ground.

He isn't wrong, he isn't really that affectionate with Miss zenith… I wonder why. I take a sip of wine in contemplation.

"Rudy, why don't you mingle with your mother more often."

A grim expression appeared on Rudy's face. "It's complicated…"

"Well what a coincidence," I gave him a smirk. "We have plenty of time."

"You're cheeky," he said.

"Like you don't love it."

…perhaps, the wine is affecting me more than I thought…

"It's just… I can't…" with a solemn tone he looks into the fire.


"What she wants… is not something I can give… I'll leave it at that," He looks into the distance. "The book we were talking about earlier, you said you read up to the second to last chapter right? Tell me your thoughts on it," he awkwardly changed the topic.

I'll have to wait another time to breach it.

"Yes, it was an interesting read. A spirit that doesn't know it's a spirit, and that brings death by existing, it was quite terrifying."

"Right~. A malicious spirit is one thing, but a spirit that hurts you without even trying that's scarier in my book," Rudy opined, with a solemn expression. "People can hurt others without even trying, can't they…"


"Are you making comparisons between evil spirits and people, Rudy?"

"The spirit in the story wasn't evil…" he has an unpleasant look around him. I don't like it. This isn't a side of Rudy I'm used to seeing..

I embraced him. Wrapping my arms around him from behind, wanting to wipe such an expression from his face. "I hope you were speaking of others and not yourself. Because that would be foolish of you if you were." I tilt his head to look him in the eye. "You are Miss Zenith's and Paul's treasure. You could not hurt her. What would possess you to think such things?"

"Perhaps the spirit of the book?" he joked.

"So master Rudeus gave me a haunted book?"

"Ha ha, maybe," he held one of my hands. "You know when we came here, I had a different plan in mind."

"Really?" I figured it out to an extent. After all, who makes picnics at night? "What exactly were you planning?"

"I thought we could finish that story, he revealed the book, and in a moment of fright I would hug your scared form," he held my arm tighter. "Talk about a role reversal. To think the day would come that you would hug me of your own free will."

"Well… we're here," I reach for the book at the side, and bring it in front of us as we continue hugging by the fire.

This is pleasant.

"Where is master Rudy at?"

"...the last two chapters?"

I curled a brow. "Really?"

"No… I finished it," he confessed. "But I promise not to spoil anything. Let's read," so we did. As I sat there, my arms holding a book, my chest leaning on his back, my legs at his side, our bodies were feeling each other's warmth, in body and soul.

Perhaps it was Paul's actions, perhaps it was the massages, or perhaps it was the secret looks I caught Rudy giving, from time to time, but somewhere along the way I forgot that this boy, is indeed that, a boy.

But that is fine… I do not need anything else. This warmth is enough.

"...saying condolences over his sister's grave, he prayed the next time they met, it would be in the afterlife instead…" It was a solemn read, but the ending was filled with hope. As far as stories of spirits goes, it could have been worse. This was a pleasant outing. "A touching story, Rudy."

"Yeah, I liked it too. It's a good baby step to getting over your fears of spirits too, so there's that."


"I-I have no idea what you're talking about,"

"Really?" he queried. "Because I'm confident you thought-think I'm a malignant spirit."

"I think no such thing!"

"Please, I heard you muttering a chant or two when you held me in your arms a few years ago."

A few years ago…

"You were two?!"

"So you admit you did say chants."

"Ah…" it was a trap. I fell for it. "T-that was a long time ago, m-my mother taught me a few tales that put some funny ideas in my head."

"Really?" He smirked.


"So you don't think I'm an evil spirit?"

"I do not."

How absurd.

"Hmmm… Maybe you should, " he turns, both of us still in our sitting positions, "maybe this has all been my elaborate plan to take over your body," before he pushes me down. "Maybe this is all part of my master plan to get my poor defenseless maid away from everyone, and," he looms over me.


His mouth goes to my ear, and whispers, "eat-you-up," before backing a bit away and smirking.

"Gao," he says in a low voice, looking down on me.

I blink a couple times looking at him.


"Hmph," I pushed him away, as I got back to my knees.

The nerve of this boy.

I take a sip from the wine once more, to calm my nerves. Still on my knees, I make a slight turn to see a bashful Rudy scratching his cheek. "Sigh, I'll admit, I haven't abandoned the thought of Rudy being a spirit, but if you are," I reach out my hand stroking his cheek, "you are surely a kind one."

Ah… I might have drank too much wine.

He brings his hand over my own, and holds it to his face… and then he stares.

He simply stares into my eyes… and I stare back…

Ba-dump. Ba-dump. My heartbeat is erratic.

I might have drank too much wine.

As I turnt to look at the cup of wine at the side, I see the reflection of myself holding onto a young boy's cheek.

Why did I have to see that?

It's easy, it's so easy… to forget how old he is. I did it again. I always do it again, and again. And that's the problem, it's soooo easy, why did it have to be so easy around him.

We have to stop.

"...we should go," unable to face him, I turn facing my back towards him, and prepare to stand, and then-

He hugged me from behind.

"You're so defenseless Lilia. If I'm an evil spirit, this would be the perfect time to strike," he holds me, with one hand on my waist, as the other goes through my hair, only to land over my eyes, covering them.

"Huff… huff…" I drank too much wine… My breathing is erratic.

My eyes covered, I heard a voice once more, "you are at my mercy," the hand that was holding my waist lessens its grip as it slides up the side of my body, towards my face. I feel a thumb tracing my lips…

"Ha… Rudy…"

"...perhaps I should possess you…" his voice whispers over me.

…take me-No, wait! That's not what I should be thinking. No, what I should, what I should, I should… I just shouldn't.

It's easy, it's all too easy.

If I could forget. Just forget whose hands these are, forget the size of his hands, forget the sound of his young voice, forget… his age. If I could forget all these things.



A moment's pause, and I can feel his breath on my face, I… I…

"...Rudy… don't…" I whisper.

But I can't.


Rudy [POV]

My dating experience is lacking.

I'd like to say I had a game plan when I started this, but I didn't. The last time I went on a date, was before my hikikomori days, back when I was 17 and in highschool. Back then going out, translates to going around your local shop, and talking.

It was all very superficial. Never, whatever this is…

As she stood within my hands, instinctively, I leaned in and tried to steal a kiss. I wasn't thinking… I wasn't planning, I just… wanted. So I leaned in and-

"...Rudy… don't…" Lylia said before me.

Got promptly rejected.

"hah… hah…" quiet breaths escape her lips.

I could kiss her. I could kiss her right now, and… what then? She is leaning against me, if she was against this she would have pushed me away… right?

But she said no.

I want to kiss her, I really do… but if I did, then I would be like every other guy she's known. Ignorant of her desires, I would have forced myself on her. The thought of it disgusts me. If I kissed her now, I could force myself through that division, and promptly force her to view me as a man, or… I could destroy everything.

I let her go.



After a moment of quiet silence, she stands to leave. "...It was a pleasant night, Master Rudeus, we should clean up before going home, we have a big day ahead of us," without turning around she starts cleaning up.



She flinches. "...yes, Master Rudeus?"

"Your book," I give her book back. "Here,"

She turns around, "thank you Master Rudeus," she grabs her book, and continues to clean, folding up the blanket I had laid. All with a vacant expression.


With the night concluded, we walked down the road, and made it home, before we separated once more, and now I am alone with my thoughts, as I lay in my bed.

"I wonder why she stopped…"

No… I know why…


If I tell her I love her, as we are right now, she will reject me, and that will be the end of it. I know it. That is why I haven't said it. If I were to kiss her without saying I love you, that would be forcing it, that would make me the same as any other man in her life, that would also end it.

Too forceful the end, too soft the end. Romance is difficult.

If I want to move forward, I'm going to need to address that issue aren't I. I'm going to need to tell her my secret.

If I do that, then… everything changes, but that's what I want, right?

"Ahn! Dear!"

"..." and of course while I'm worrying about my love life, Paul and Zenith are having another vigorous love making session.

"AH!" Expressing themselves quite loudly at that.

Paul… Zenith… changes… My life is turning into a clusterfuck.

If I reveal 'that,' secret then everything changes, and whether now or 10 years, or 20, our parent child relationship will shatter as well. With Paul, I'm mostly indifferent. I don't hate the guy, but if I have to choose between my happiness, and his, I'll choose mine, easily.

But Zenith… If I hurt her, that would be…

It is inevitable that one day the truth will come to light. The very act of pretending to be someone I'm not, disgusts me. There's a reason I avoided Zenith over the years. I wouldn't be able to keep up such an act forever. That was always an impossibility.

This is simply my nature, but… I still don't want to hurt her.

Now, how do I do that?

"I'm just too greedy. There really is too much to consider. Forget about adult relationships being complicated, this is on another level. Pretty sure your average relationship isn't supposed to be this complicated."

"HMM! AH! Dear!"

"Must be nice, not having worries…" I tried to go to sleep.


Lilia [POV]

Why couldn't we have met when I was a girl?

As I laid in bed, my mind wanders, recalling the night's events. Unable to go to sleep I am heavily considering finishing the wine bottle, in the hopes of embracing oblivion.

"Ahn! Dear!"

Only for my contemplation to be interrupted by the moans of the masters of the house.

Why today of all days?

"...they're loud tonight…" I can't sleep. With my mind in disarray, and moans at my door I can't help but stay awake.

When they 'express their love,' is their business, but I wished, if just for today, they can take a break.

"AH!" Zenith's screams.

I wonder if they ever thought about their other people in the house when performing such acts. How Rudy, if he's still awake, could probably hear them, as well as I. Considering that night, when Rudy stormed in, I can only assume they practiced some quiet love making from time to time.

"HMM! AH! Dear!" The sounds of rigorous love making continue to echo through the halls.

I can only assume.

I take a sip of wine, before lowering my hands between my legs. Madame Zenith isn't the only one that needs gratification.

I need a distraction.

I… I… I need a release…

"Ha. Hah… Nnhh…" Hearing their enthusiastic shouts, I can't help but relieve my urges a little. For six years I have had to listen to their moans, and yells again, and again. Do they have any idea what they do to a person? I am…

I am filled with lust.

Miss Zenith's moans echo through the walls, barely audible, until, nearing the climax-

"AHH!" Zenith yells, as she climaxes… and so have I.

"Huff, huff, that was… different," I whispered.

These six years of being a maid have been pleasing. I have a good income, the village is peaceful, the work is light, and the company is pleasant, but still… I've started to yearn for more.

I was quite a romantic in my youth. I remember the stories of a brave knights whisking princesses away to their castle, and living 'till their end of days. Stories of maids falling for a passing noble that walks the halls, and how despite adversity, love triumphed all.

Somewhere along the way, I wanted something like that.

I should be happy with what I have, this is more than I could ever deserve, but… somewhere along the lines… I started wondering how nice it would be if someone came to whisk me away.

To be whisked away, and be loved in body and soul… that would be nice. Like-

Like how I was whisked away in the night, tonight?


I take one last sip. The wine bottle is now empty.

After… releasing some stress, a little bit of it returns, as insidious thoughts continue to plague my mind.

If only there was a man like Rudy.


"Just another round dear," a masculine voice is heard, barely audible but audible in this silence.

"...a man like Rudy," I whispered. I stare at the wall.

There is one…

"Dear!" They go at it again.

I place my hand between my legs, and recontinue pleasuring myself.

"Hah… hah…"

There is one man like Rudy…

"Nnn!" With a turbulent heart I release my worries, and call it a night.

I… just need a good night's sleep.

Laying down, and looking at the bedside, I see the empty bottle of wine. I turn my back towards it, and go to bed.

It's the wine talking. I just need a good night's sleep.

And with a heavy heart I embrace the darkness. Perhaps I could just forget all this by the morning.

I was once asked about pacing. I'm the type of guy that takes everything one chapter at a time, but will focus heavily on the most important parts. This chapter being twice as big as your regular ones, and it's contents being just one day.

As for the Lilia and Rudy's relationship, anything I'll say one way or another, would probably give you a hint, so all I'll say is wait 'till chapter 22.

Crownedclowncreators' thoughts
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