
Race with a jaguar...

Abby woke up with a gasp escaping her lips, she looked around to find the rest of them either sleeping on a broken tree trunk or leaning back on the tree trunk. It's a tough day for them and they all fall numb during discussion due to weariness.

She stood up, tiptoeing so as not to wake anyone, and she sneakily ran off in the direction where they caught a glimpse of the cave across, reaching there she just stare at the cave across. she could see everything, the deep channels of torrents flow on the rocks down below about {1500 ft down} the space between the cliff from the Cave on the other cliff is damn wide that it could dizzy the eyes of anyone looking at it.

Sitting on a trunk she thought 'Only the key has access to this world, then how come we came here without notice, could it be that we do not just link to The Kariba but our worlds are linked too? Nah that's impossible, Yet possible. or is it like Chris has suggested that one of us had the key? That's the only absolute Explanation to the link, Or perhaps the first team had it in their possessions, But why are paying for their crime? I Mean they stole something...' Her wide in shock as she gulps in realization.

"I guess the world hasn't changed, This happened many years ago.. all records were left leaving a few behind as the world modernize but then again not everyone died. according to Grandma and her diary, There were different races in the world until they all evacuate leaving all Humans thinking they'd gone extinct or never existed."

"What if not all evacuated, Some are still lingering around looking for the key, what's their motive?? is it good or bad? ARGHHHH. should I be thinking about this now?"

'What will happen to us, we can't exit this place without the key. Maybe one of our members died with it or moreover flee with it, but who could it be? What does the future hold for us, How did Felix get in here, could it be Felix had one of the keys..?'

'Grandma you once told me reading your Diary Could be off one day but how do we survive, These Kariba's seems to despise Humans a lot. A once seal bearer is now an Actual real Devils. How do we fight back when they see us as descendants of traitors and Pain to their Ass. I don't even think even the seal can Mend their broken trust. Where do we go from here?'

'Everyone is going to be asking a lot of questions when Tomorrow comes, And am totally clueless on what to say, I guess mum was right After all... "I deserve more than these books" Abby sighed heavily.

Her eyes were getting Heavier and in no time she doses off, lying on the Trunk of a broken tree.

The Next day.


A blonde-haired Man woke up as he SPAT water out of his mouth causing him to cough hard. He sat up trying to get a better awareness of his Environment, He was in a daze for a while before his eyes and body adjusted to the Environment. Feeling thirsty he rushed over to the edge of the water and took an amount of water in his mouth to quench his thirst.

'Water' he thought and spring up, his hand reaching out to his head. he remembers clearly what happened the previous Night.

'Am pretty sure I smashed my head against the rock, How come am still alive??' he thought as he questioned no one in particular. What Stupefies him most was how energetic he was after what happened last Night.

'Or wait, is this heaven??'

Smith stood up to get a better view of his environment, realizing he was on a beach and before he was a spooky Forest, he swallowed hard. 'This sure isn't heaven'

He gets to take Note of how tattered and un-kept he was before Turning back, he looks around but found no one 'Where's everybody? where did they go to or are they all dead? No impossible. I can't believe this, Emilia.. just where the hell is she? I promise her sister I will protect her, No, No this can't happen. I won't be able to face her sister After i die. Where's the rest of the team or did they leave without finding me first?'

"Anyone" He shouted with his strength and might. But no reply, After a few more times calling them out, he gave up and sat on the beach trying to catch his breath. "GROWL" He heard his stomach rumbling, and just then he felt empty. Standing up, he decided to go into the spooky forest in search of food.

He walked through an umber-brown, ancient forest. It reeked of age. Its woody incense was from centuries of snapping branches crashing to the forest's floor and rotting silently. The composting, organic smell rose up in waves like a miasma. Every sprawling tree he passed under reminded him of a watchful guardian, a silent sentinel of the groves. he decided to venture deeper into the tangled heart of this primeval forest. hoping to peek at something to Eat.

The forest was still steeped in plushness and opulence, With a light heart, Smith plunged into the over-arching vault of leaf and limb. It was not what he had expected. The exquisiteness of the dawn's light had not yet lanced to the lush, green sward. Because of this, hoods of black shadow hung in the groves.. in other words the Forest was not a magical one not even the least.

Smith was tired of going deeper into the woods, he decided to settle down to rest for a bit, he lean against a tree trunk thinking about what he got himself entangled with.

A few minutes passed and the young blonde-haired man still sat there thinking looking lifeless, 'How do I find them? what if something has happened to them, or they split up just like me, or are they dead? What about Abby?'

His flinch a bit when he thought of her, he doesn't understand this new feeling he had towards her, but whatever it is, it was affecting him badly. Yesterday when he saw her hands slipping off the rocks, he felt tensed that he had to do something to save her.

'Maybe it's because I am guilty that I felt tense, taking up a responsibility I can't see the End to, About that, Where are the people am supposed to take responsibility for, I can't find them, and 'ABBY' jeez that name again...'

His thought was interrupted by a deep growl, Smith scowled and look at his tummy 'Not now, am discussing something...'

He heard the growl again, focusing on the sound he notice it wasn't his stomach but something behind. turning his head, he gulps at the sight snaring at him.

"A Jaguar" Words broke out his lips.

He wanted to stay still but the looks in the Jaguar threatens to pounce on him any moment, giving him another option to Run. He first averted his gaze from the Jaguar and back down slowly, but the more he move back, the more the Jaguar take a step forward.

'How intelligent' Smith thought out loud. Without Basis, Smith ran and the jaguar seeing this as a challenge chase him. Smith scurry down the lane of the forest taking any immediate path he came across. The Jaguar was close but the strength and energy Smith put in, made him a bit far from the predator.

This is a matter between life and death and clearly Smith doesn't have any intention of dying yet, at least not like this.

'I won't fucking die as a food to a flesh thirsty Animal'

Sweat trickles down his forehead to the trunk of his body, Running is a basic act in his life but this is another level of running. This is a race between life and death. Smith ran for minutes so he could feel his muscles getting weaker and he was trying to maintain his proper form as he run. his pace was getting slower but when he heard the growl of the angry jaguar behind, he felt the urge to increase his pace.

Not aware of the danger before him, He was surprised and his heart flinch in fear when he felt himself floating in sudden Mid-air, going down.. he looked up to see the Jaguar fall down as well as let out a deep cry more like a roar.

They've both fallen off the cliff...

"ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!" Smith screams at the top of his lungs.

Hi guys, it seems our male lead still thinks the Water scenerio happened last Night not knowing a whole day has passed him by. so Technically he's been unconscious for a day, isn't that strange? Well there's a reason for that and you're gonna find out in the next few chapters. It feels Nice to have the Ml back.

Thanks for reading and Have a nice day.

FA3zycreators' thoughts
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