
Planning a Coup

Helvard and Nenya nodded, the two gesturing for me to enter the war room of Falkreath, where they kept track of all the Empire's and Stormcloak's movements.

Once inside, Helvard locked the door before placing the head of Vighar on the table, staring at it with a sigh.

As for Nenya, she approached me, her eyes rapidly roaming over my figure as she searched for injuries.

Chuckling at her care, I reached forwards and grabbed her hand, making her jump slightly, before she relaxed as I gently pulled her into a hug.

Stroking her hair, I whispered "I'm alright, love. I did tell you it'd be easy, no~?"

She nodded stiffly against my chest, before flinching again as Helvard coughed, a smug grin on his face as he withstood Nenya's glare.

Keeping her in my arms, I allowed her to turn around so that we could speak with Helvard, who gestured to the head.

"First, was it just him, or was there a Clan?"

"Him and two others; whoever gave you that report over exaggerated it to create a larger problem..."

Nodding, Helvard leaned against the table and sighed, before he said "Well, I can guess why. Falkreath isn't an important Hold, only slightly more useful than Morthal. However, we would be a useful beachhead for the Empire to stage their Legions, so..."

Nenya nodded as well, while I pursed my lips, glancing at the map.

"Whiterun and Falkreath are the last two unaffiliated Holds, aren't they? Winterhold doesn't count, as the College is the true rulers of Winterhold..."

The other two nodded, also glancing at the map.

"Whiterun can afford neutrality because Balgruuf is so beloved and powerful; not only that, but he has ties to Kodlak, and no one, not the Stormcloak's, not the Empire, not even the Thalmor wish to anger the Companions. To do so is to unite Skyrim in more ways then any could imagine. Politically, they are untouchable. Materially, they are self sustainable. Physically, they are as strong as Solitude and Windhelm. Utterly untouchable. Falkreath, however..."

Helvard sighed as he gestured around, continuing on in a low, slightly defeated tone.

"We have none of that. The only way to come out of this war unscathed is to pick the right side, but that... that is no easy task."

Nenya spoke next, her tone hard as she said "Helvard, we have options available to us. Old treaties between multiple Holds, trade deals between the Empire and the Stormcloak's. The Thalmor may attempt to take over, but the Empire won't take too kindly to a blatant move by them.

The best option available to us is to start talks with Jarl Balgruuf and discuss an alliance. Whiterun isn't as untouchable as you think; the winters in Skyrim are harsh... everywhere but here. We're far enough south that the chills aren't as deadly, and our crops benefit from it."

"Yes, we could shelter beneath Balgruuf's banner, but how? Food isn't something that we can hang over his head, not in the long term. After winter, he might renege on his agreement, if it threatens his people. Besides, with our current... 'situation'..?"

Clicking her tongue, Nenya sneered as she gestured to the table, were a few papers were stacked.

"Financial reports, Guard testimonials, citizen polls, misuse of power... Siddgeir has managed to build such an easy case against himself by never taking his job seriously. Did you know the last tax collection went entirely into his coffers? Not the Holds, not into any projects, but his personal funds. He may be an idiot, but with such a peaceful Hold like ours, he grew shrewd when it come to coin..."

Lowering her head, Nenya growled softly as she muttered "I'm such an idiot for not seeing it earlier..."

Stroking her midriff, I stared at Helvard as I asked "How about the Guards? Do they swing one way or the other? Is he paying them properly, either to do their jobs or to be in his pocket?"

The Nord shook his head, scratching his beard as he said "No, not at all. Many joined the Guard because they didn't wish to farm or peddle goods. However, the pay is barely worth anything. If Falkreath wasn't so peaceful and out of the way, they wouldn't be able to afford to live off of their wages."

Smirking, I tightened my arms around Nenya, saying "Then it's easy; offer them an increase in pay, rile up the citizenry with proof of his misuse of their taxes, and tell them about his misuse of power; you can start by saying that he attempts to bed any who enter his Hall..."

Nenya flinched as I said that, while Helvard sighed, nodding.

"Aye, it really will be easy to kick the man off his throne. Sad stuff, that. He was a promising lad years ago, but..."

Nenya shook her head, sneering as she spat "No, he was not. He was always lazy, vile, and crude. He barely passed by as a law abiding citizen because of Dengeir, but without him... The Hold will be better off with him gone!"

The room fell silent after Nenya's outburst, and the Altmer woman dragged in a shaky breath as she glanced back at me, her green eyes filled with emotion as she stared at me.

Nodding to her, I said "Besides, I think the people will agree to the new Jarl; someone who's served the Hold faithfully for many decades, who knows the workings of it like the back of their hand."

Helvard smirked, his gaze falling onto Nenya as he said "Aye, they would. Steward for over five decades now, the woman responsible for allowing Helgen to prosper, and so much more... Yes, the people would indeed love for her to sit on the throne."

Nenya blushed slightly in my arms, and I chuckled as I said "As for getting something working between Whiterun and Falkreath, I may just be able to help. Jarl Balgruuf knows of me, and should I become Thane there as well..."

I smirked at the two, and they grinned back, understanding the intention.

If I was a prominent Noble in both Whiterun and Falkreath, I could be the 'bridge' that would bring the two Holds together, and there were a multitude of ways to foster that alliance between the holds.

Marriage was the most likely; as a Thane of Whiterun, I could marry Nenya and create bonds between the two Holds.

Business was another; if I had Adrianne open a branch of Warmaidens over here, I could start tying the two together...

However, the first step was going to be getting Nenya on the throne here first...

So, we fell into discussion, laying out the best course of action to stage our coup.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts
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