
Chapter 43: With Friends Like These

Etzli woke up in the med-bay.

Her head spun, a mildly pleasant sensation. But her shoulder thudded a dull, painful beat, which wasn't so pleasant.

She felt sluggish in mind and had to focus to understand where she was and how she got here.

Movement to the right of Etzli's bed.

Atee, who'd been pursuing a text of traditional art styles, burst out of her seat.

"You're alive!"

"I think so," Etzli grunted. "God, I can't believe she stabbed me. Again."

"Again?" Atee asked. "You know that woman?"

"Is she still alive?"

"Of course."

"You didn't space her or anything?"

Hand moving to the base of her throat, offended, Atee said, "What kind of people do you think we are?"

Starlight's voice echoed in Etzli's mind.

--The kind of people who shatter worlds and mine their corpses.

"I just..." Etzli scrambled to think of the best way to explain. She failed, finally saying, "I need to talk to her."

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