
Moment Of Peace

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Gemma asked Miguel as he leaned against her bedroom door watching her intently.

He had recently returned from work and was dressed in a black dress shirt tucked into black slacks. His hair appeared a little tangled as if he had been pulling his fingers through it. He looked good in a bad way.


The top buttons of his shirt were undone and Gemma could see a glimpse of the tattoo on his chest.


"Just considering if it's a good idea for me to come close to you or not," Miguel said, a small smile playing on his lips.



"And why would you have to think about it first?" Gemma asked.


"I just got this shirt, I don't want puke on it," Miguel said pointing at his black dress shirt.


"Yeah right, I see you've got jokes," Gemma scoffed.


Miguel chuckled as he leaned off the door and walked up to her bed. "You can't blame me for trying to be careful."


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