

Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

"You can contact us in a few days after you've made arrangements. We should be here for the next few days."

Ye Xuan nodded and looked at his sisters. Then, he turned around and looked at Zu Baiman.

Zu Baiman was also very happy to hear this.

Actually, when she saw Ye Meng, Zu Baiman knew what the corporation was thinking.

Ye Meng was a famous actress and Ye Fei was a top singer. If they could participate in the production of the promotional video, it would be a good thing for their entire company.

After resting for a while, everyone played on the shore for a while. Ye Chan did not seem to have had enough fun. She dived to the bottom of the sea again and grabbed a bunch of things.

She said that this was the dinner she was preparing for everyone. When Ye Xuan saw this scene, he immediately laughed out loud.

In short, the person who had the most fun in the entire sea was Ye Chan.

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