

Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

However, his sisters here were not interested in poultry. They were only a little interested in the rabbits, but they only looked at them and left. They had no intention of buying them.

They had also learned about it and naturally knew that rabbits might look cute, but creatures like rabbits simply pooped every step they took and peed along the way. Furthermore, they smelled bad.

If they wanted the rabbit to go to the toilet in a designated place, just this alone would be annoying to his sisters. Moreover, if there was anything wrong with the grass they fed, it would be easy for the rabbits to develop diarrhea. They might even poop themselves to death. It was easy for young rabbits to die.

Therefore, in conclusion, his sisters would not raise rabbits for the time being. It was more suitable to raise a bird. It was clean, cute, and fun.

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