
chapter 2

Y/n; I yell Saitama's name

Saitama; I get up and open the door "what's the matte-" I see Fubuki injured badly

Y/n; "stay with her if she wakes up keep her here I'm gonna finish Garou off once and for all"

Saitama; "you have lost to him tho"

Y/n; "yeah I did but I'm gonna get revenge on him even if I die getting it"

Saitama; "ok"

Y/n; I run out the house I get to the place where Fubuki was "GAROU SHOW YOURSELF YOU COWARD" I get no response I jump in the air I then see a small female laying on a building I jump over to her I see it's Tatsumaki I sigh "I should've known you would come" I stand up I clench my fist "GAROU YOU FUCKING BITCH COME OUT AND FIGHT ME"

Garou; I hear his voice I jump over on the building he's on "You want to fight me again haven't you learned your lesson already"




Y/n; I get thrown back I feel blood coming out my nose I jump forward again and use the same attack


Tatsumaki; I open my eyes I get up I then see 2 people fighting

Y/n; he hits me down I hit a building

Tatsumaki; he hits the ground infront of me

Garou; "looks like your still weak after all" I jump forward about to hit him

Tatsumaki; I throw a car hitting him

Garou; I smash into another building "you really think you can beat me"

Y/n; "I DON'T FUCKING CARE" I jump forward and hit him repeatedly

Tatsumaki; "I guess we're doing this" "PSYCHIC BINDING" it stops him from moving

Y/n; I then use my strongest attack repeatedly "CONSECUTIVE SERIOUS PUNCH"

Garou; blood starts coming out of my mouth

Y/n; I use all my strength to make my attack stronger "SERIOUS SERIES SERIOUS PUNCH"

The building gets destroyed

Tatsumaki; my eyes widen "holy shit that was a punch"

Garou; "he passed me AGAIN!" My muscles start growing I feel my body start to change

Y/n; I land infront of him my eyes widen I jump forward "SERIOUS SERIES SERIOUS PUNCH"

Garou; I dodge his attack "GOD SLAYER INSTANT ATTACK"

Y/n; my eyes widen he hits me I fall to the ground "shit he got stronger" I get back on my feet

Tatsumaki; I start lifting metor size boulders out of the ocean I send them at him at fast speeds

Garou; "your pathetic" I jump forward "GOD SLAYER INSTANT ATTACK"

Y/n; I bring my arms up ready to block but it doesn't come I look and he's not there

Tatsumaki; I fly down to y/n

Garou; I get back up on my feet "that bitch" I launch myself forward

Tatsumaki; I throw more of them at him

Garou; I dodge everyone of them

Tatsumaki; I throw them all at once trapping him between them

Garou; I break through them "GOD SLAYER ASCENDING ATTACK"

Y/n; I push her out the way he hits me


Tatsumaki; my mouth drops open "he's way beyond my power level"

Garou; "let's see if you survived that" I see him knocked out

Meanwhile over at Saitama's

Fubuki; I wake up I start panicking

Saitama; "hey calm down its okay"

Fubuki; I turn my head and see Saitama "how did I get here"

Saitama; "Y/n brought you here"

Fubuki; "where is he"

Saitama; "he went to go fight Garou because he hurt you"

Fubuki; "he can't" I force myself to get up "he's gonna get hurt take me there"

Saitama; "I'm sorry I can't I got to make you stay"

Back at the scene

Tatsumaki; I see y/n on the ground I see Garou infront of him I start getting scarred

Garou; I turn around I look at Tatsumaki "what's wrong you scarred"

Tatsumaki; I start trying to twist him

Garou; I don't feel anything I jump forward

Tatsumaki; my eyes widen I form my barrier

Garou; "GOD SLAYER INSTANT ATTACK" It breaks her barrier

Y/n; I wake up I see Garou fixing to hit Tatsumaki I jump up "LEAVE HER OUTTA THIS" I punch him away

Tatsumaki; I drop to my knees in shock

Garou; "I'm really tired of this guy why wont he just quit trying he's getting annoying" I jump forward again "GOD SLAYER ASCENDING ATTACK" I kick him again but this time I hit him to a mountain

Y/n; that hurt

Garou; "GREAT POWER ATTACK" I keep hit him with it

Y/n; I get hit by the same attack but multiple times I feels some of my bones break I see my vision starting to get blurry I feel my self slipping in and out of consciousness I can't move anymore I feel like my back and chest are bleeding


Y/n; I couldn't dodge or block it I feel myself blooding alot I start feeling tears roll down my face

Tatsumaki; I force myself to stand I start throwing meteors at him

Garou; I slice right through them with my hand I jump towards Tatsumaki "GOD SLAYER INSTANT ATTACK"

Tatsumaki; I put up my strongest barrier

Garou; it breaks her barrier and hits her she gets thrown and she hits a building she isn't moving anymore I jump back to y/n

Y/n; "I'm gonna die I'm gonna die"

Garou; "you truly have impressed me you are a really strong opponent you fought well its sad I got to end it for you"

Y/n; I close my eyes

Someone arrives

Fubuki; I send a car crashing into him "LEAVE HIM ALONE"

Y/n; my eyes widen

Garou; "awe you came back to fight for your lover how cute but you can't stop me" I jump forward "MONSTER CALAMITY GOD SLAYER FIST"

Y/n; I instantly jump up

Y/n; I create a shochwave when I jumped forward "SERIOUS SERIES SERIOUS DEATH PUNCH"

Fubuki; I get blown back and fall over something

Y/n; I jump after him

Garou; I hit the ground I weakly get up


Garou; my vision gets dark

Y/n; "I hope your dead"

Fubuki; I look at what I fell over and it's my sister my eyes get wide "SIS"

Y/n; I jump to Fubuki

Fubuki; I form a barrier i close my eyes "PLEASE DON'T HURT ME"

Y/n; my eyes get wide "its me y/n"

Fubuki; I open my eyes I look up at him I jump

Y/n; "why did you jump"

Fubuki; "your eyes are glowing"

Y/n; "wait they are"

Fubuki; I drop my barrier "yeah"

Y/n; "right sorry" I get out my serious mode I start hurting

Fubuki; I stand up "you okay"

Y/n; "n-no he broke my ribs"

Fubuki; my eyes widen "let's go to the hospital" I pick my sister up

Time skip they arrive at the hospital

Fubuki; I give my sister to them

Y/n; I can barely move I start to cry

Fubuki; "hey he needs medical attention too"

Nurse; "follow me"

Y/n; I stutter out "T-Thanks"

Fubuki; "dont worry I'm not going anywhere"

Y/n; I look at her and smile as best as I could with the pain I'm in I follow the nurse to a room I lay in the bed

Nurse; I help him take his shirt off I gasp I see his ribs sticking out his chest "oh my god"

Fubuki; I cover my mouth

Y/n; I start feeling dizzy


Fubuki; I walk out the room 3 nurses and 1 doctor come rushing in they close the door I put my back against the wall I start crying

Fubuki's phone rings

Fubuki; I answer it "H-Hello" I say still  crying

Saitama; "where are you"

Fubuki; "at the hospital"

Saitama; I hang up the phone I run there really fast I walk inside the hospital I walk down the hallway I then see her I run over to her I see she's crying I crouch down "why are you crying"

Fubuki; "y/n is badly hurt his ribs are sticking out his c-chest"

Saitama; "where's Garou"

Fubuki; "y/n finished him off"

Saitama; "ok good"

Nurse; I walk up to them "your sister is awake follow me"

Fubuki; I get up I follow her she brings me into her room "big sis"

Tatsumaki; "where's that monster"

Fubuki; "y/n finished it off"

Tatsumaki; "I never knew anyone to be stronger then me other then blast but that monster and y/n both are stronger then me I'm shocked"

Fubuki; "Yeah I know btw y/n is hurt really bad"

Tatsumaki; "yeah I figured he would I seen Garou hit him with some strong attacks"

Fubuki; "well atleast it's over"

Saitama; I sigh "well I guess you don't need me"

Tatsumaki; "wait Saitama I um wanna ask you something in private" I look at Fubuki

Fubuki; I nod my head I leave the room

Tatsumaki; "can I take you on a date"

Saitama; my eyes widen "wait does that mean you like me"

Tatsumaki; "I wouldn't ask you if I didn't" my face heats up

Saitama; "Yeah we can as soon as you get out of the hospital"

Tatsumaki; "okay" I smile

Fubuki; I walk back to y/n's room I start thinking then an idea hit me "I have healing powers why can't I just heal him" I open the door

Doctor; "hey you cannot be in here"

Fubuki; "move I'll heal him" I put my hand on his chest my hand starts glowing

Doctor; "woah" his bones disappear his body is healing

Y/n; I open my eyes I feel a hand on my chest I lift my head up I see it's Fubuki my face heats up

Fubuki; "its okay I'm healing you"

Doctor; "I guess I'm not needed" I walk out the room

All the nurses walk out the room and shut the door

Y/n; I feel no pain anymore

Fubuki; "okay you are healed now" I take my hand off his chest

Y/n; I sit up I get off the bed I walk up to her and kiss her I push her to a wall

Fubuki; my face starts feeling hot

Y/n; my tongue enters her mouth I explore her mouth

Fubuki; I blush even more

Y/n; she then explores my mouth

They both pull away from each other

Y/n; "I've been waiting a long time for this"

Fubuki; "I haven't ever done that but I loved it baby" I smile

Y/n; I walk back to her I wrap my arms around her "I'm happy you accepted me"

Fubuki; "well I'm glad you asked me out"

Y/n; I remember Tatsumaki "where's your sister is she okay"

Fubuki; "Yeah she's okay"

Y/n; "can we go see her"

Fubuki; "of course" I open the door I walk to her room I open the door for him

Y/n; I freeze I see Saitama and Tatsumaki making out

Fubuki; "Why did you sto-" I see my sister making out with Saitama I pull y/n back I quietly shut the door "wow"

Y/n; "lets go home"

Time skip

Y/n; "its getting late"

Fubuki; "Yeah it is we've had a long day"

Y/n; "you ready to go to bed"

Fubuki; "Yeah"

They go upstairs and get in the bed with each other

Fubuki; "gn baby"

Y/n; "gn"

End of chapter 2

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